synchronizing ID-protection between desk top and android phone
Helo I have recently reinstalled ID-protection on my desk top. In my account the license is activated for the desk top and my android. When I try to connect them the synchronisation code is not accepted. I get the message: 'synchronisation error: synchronisation failed' can anyone help me with this. Roland
Is there anyway to get a VPN status on/off indicator in the Taskbar for the new Privacy VPN App.
I've just upgraded from the F-Secure VPN to the new Privacy VPN on my PC. When I used to use F-Secure VPN, there was an indicator on the Windows Taskbar, so you could easily see when the VPN was conneted or disconnected. Unfortunately I 'm disappiointed to find that there is no VPN on/off indicator on the Taskbar with the…
F-Secure Total, pelkän VPN:n käyttö
Hei, Nyt kun Freedome poistuu, miten voin käyttää pelkkää F-Secure -VPN:ää F-Secure Total -lisenssillä? En tarvitse mitään ylimääräistä (kuten viirustorjunta) vaan vain VPN:än satunnaiseen käyttöön, samaan tapaan kuten Freedome on toiminut. Lisäksi, uusi aplikaatio käynnistyy väkisin automaattisesti kaikkine taskeineen…
Tarvitsen 3 lisenssiä nykyisen 7 tilalle.
Miksi se ei onnistu, vaikka olen muuttanut tilauksen uusimisen manuaaliseksi.
Windows 10 uninstall Fsecure
I got this message when trying to uninstall Freedome VPN. In swedish……. Sorry "File not associated to any app……."
Pankkitoimintojen suojaus
Mistähän johtuu kun en enää pääse kirjautumaan esim. suomi.fi ja traficom.fi sivuille? Antaa virheilmoituksen kun suojaus aktivoituu. Kone on Mac book. Kun otan ruksin pois, että suojaus ei ole aktiivinen niin kirjaus onnistuu. Olen kokeillut sekä cromella että safarilla.
Banking Protection not working for Barclays.co.uk
Since the weekend banking protection has not been working for the Barclays.co.uk website. I used the 'submit a sample' to report the problem, and I am now finding that Banking Protection does enable when navigating to www.barclays.co.uk, but clicking the login for online banking takes you to bank.barclays.co.uk and…
New version of F Secure no longer supported for my device
Hi, my device is no longer supported for the new F Secure app. Sony XZ1 Compact with Android 9. So that means, a paid subscriber is locked out from using the paid service for no reason? If thats the case, this will be my last subscription. Especially that I can no longer use the password manager is extremely annoying.
Oman ID Protectionin käyttö työpaikan koneessa, mihin on aennettu F-Secure
Miten voin jatkossa käyttää omaa ID Protectionia työpaikan koneessa, mihin on asennettu F-Secure, kun nyt se on sotkettu tähän F-Secureen? Tuskin voi asentaa kahta F-Securea.
Miksi korjata ehjää?
Mitä järkeä tässä on? Freedomen VPN:n tilan pystyi tsekkaamaan sekunnissa piilotetuista kuvakkeista, vaan eipä pysty enää. Nyt pitää käynnistää Total ensin, ja sitten pääsee katsomaan onko yhteys suojattu. Miksi korjata ehjää? No ei miksikään. Tämä oli oikea aivopierujen aivopieru! Tilausta jäljellä reilu kuukausi, nyt…
Password manager or Password Vault
F-secure for password manager (password Vault) is well installed and worked fine the first time. However, the application locks and cannot be unlocked again, as the code no longer works. How do I unlock it? Is there a bug
Android phone security
Hi, I think it would be interesting to see a blog post regarding Android security and manufacturers in overall. This could even go more in-depth about custom roms and their security and the compromises that for example open bootloader might cause. For example, is user data safe on Xiaomi phones? The phones (as with other…
FS Protection PC 19.4 releases
Release 19.4 beta 1 (5.5.752): New features: Native 64-bit version is now available. In this beta any new installation on 64-bit Windows will install the natively 64-bit version of the product. In next beta existing 32-bit installations on 64-bit system will be migrated to 64-bit version of the product. Main user interface…
VPN-sovellus pyytää aktivoimaan uuden version/aktivointilinkki ei toimi
Sivu siis vaihtuu ja sekunnin murto-osan ajan näkyy: " jos ei linkki toimi, niin paina tästä", mutta itse en ainakaan kerkeä tuota linkkiä painaa ennekuin sivu siirtyy jo pois. Pitäisikö uuden VPN:n aktivoinnin tapahtua automaattisesti aktivointi-nappulaa painaen? Tai mitä pitäisi tehdä?
High CPU usage in new F-Secure VPN
New VPN has very high CPU usage, up to 12%. Can you do something about it?
Autofill not working: F-Secure App Version 22.0.8325633 / Android 14
F-Secure Version: 22.0.8325633 Android API level 34 OS Version: 14 (2024-04-05) Device Google Pixel 6a and Samsung SM-A146P4 Autofill does not work. It used to work perfectly prior to being forced to switch from ID-protection app to F-Secure app. Autofill was enabled in F-Secure app and also in system settings (linked to…
F-Secure ID Protection after subscription ends
Hi, as an F-Secure Total subscriber, I was wondering what happens to my access to ID Protection, and more importantly access to my password vault, once the Total subscription ends and is not renewed. Will I still be able to access the vault as before? Which functionalities will I lose? And is there anything I should do…
How to change my e-mail adress?
I have a newe e-mail adress, how can change my old in the new?
New VPN app shutting down on its own on Samsung phone
Hi, I've had the new VPN app, which replaced Freedome, on my Samsung phone with Android 12 for a couple of days now. Three times it has happened now that when I pick my my phone and open the screen lock, the VPN is not active anymore (no key icon visible either in the upper right hand cormer). When I open the app, it…
VPN not working after update to windows 11 from 10
If i put VPN on my internet freezes and i cant go to any internet page. It used to work fine but after updating my windows to 11 it dont. i uninstalled freedome and try reinstall but it dont reinstall, says something like "install does not support this computer" ( in Finnish language ). For start how can i reinstall it??
VPN alkanut estämään pääsyjä nettisivuilla ja myös hidastamaan
Laite PC, Win 11, selain Chrome tai Edge. Kokeiltu kahdella eri laitteella. Aiemmin piti välillä katkaista VPN-yhteyden ja laittaa uudelleen päälle jolloin alkoi toimimaan. Nyt sekään ei enää auta vaan estetään kokonaan pääsemään verkkosivuille. Kyseessä ei ole tietyt sivut vaan satunnaisesti eri paikkoja, tähänkään…
Constantly losing connectivity on Freedome
Hello, I've used Freedome for 3 years, this past 12 months the service, I must say it, has been absolutely awful. I don't see why I should renew my F-secure subscription for another year. There is nothing that can be done, on F-Secure's end, as no one is going to check the networks just because, I, am having a problem,…
How do I get F-secure total to sync with my notepad - unable to use it due to this issue
Earlier today, I reset my notepad as it wasn't connecting with the internet and windows troubleshooter couldn't find a problem. Unfortunately, having done all this, created a big bald patch at the back of my head and boiled my coffee machine dry, I am still at a loss as to how to get f-secure working again. The problem is…
I think that the app design is crap to say the least - I now want my subscription refunded
The design of your app defies logic. I have just installed f-secure and been taken to a pop up winf=dow to set up security, vpn etc. There is no option other than to logout for closing this window.If I logout there is a message displays that it will stop all security apps until I login again! It means that my computer has…
Uninstall F-Secure Client security
I want to uninstall F-Secure Client Security - Premium from my Windows 11 desktop. but the uninstaller can not locate 90f860.msi file. I had the license from the time I was studying at university. What can I do, please?
不便でしょうがない。 まともな銀行もブロックされる。 まともな製品ではない。
まともな銀行でもブロックされて仕事にならない。 なんでこんなものが提供されているのか? 止めるとメッセージが出てうっとおしい。 仕事を邪魔するためにある感じ。 このPostも誰が見るのか? 一度メールがつながったが、インスト―ルしなおせの一点張り。 しかもブロクは気まぐれに生じる。
F-Secure Total not available for Galaxy S8
My Freedome app keeps telling me to switch to F-Secure Total but how can I, as the app isn't available for my Samsung Galaxy S8 (Android v. 9) in the Play store? Says it's not compatible with my unit 😐 So what am I supposed to do? One of the reasons I've chosen F-Secure - and have paid for it - is the possibility to have…
New F-Secure app is not working
After installing the new F-Secure app I could connect the VPN 1 time. But after uninstalling Freedome VPN and restarting (Windows 10) the F-Secure app (v.19.4) doesn't work anymore. The app doesn't auto connect, it doesn't show any locations and can't click the connect button.
Why is F-secure VPN very problematic on my computer? Infact it's not working at all!
I very recently purchased this app becuase I wanted a VPN app that also has a tracker blocker. I found out a few days ago that Freedome is being discontinued. It is that that has the tracking blocker.I've wasted my money on a useless product. It will soon know longer do what I want it to do. I am now having problems with…
vpn ok , mais pas pour chrome
Bonjour, je vous rejoints en ce jour, et depuis ce matin, j'ai les mains dans le cambouis. Je METS VOTRE vpn? MAIS MON SURF AVEC GOOGLE EST AN2ANTI? IL FAUT QUE SURF? SANS LE vpn; Pouvez vous m'aider s'il vous plaît ?