Can’t see my devices on ap
hello.. I have a 5 user vpn package for devices.. but on new app I can’t see my account/devices.. it just keeps saying add device.. yet all devices are protected & in date.. thankyou
F secure uusiminen
Tilasin uuden 1 vuoden suojauksen, mutta tilaus ei näy mysecuressa?
Browser Extension not working. How do I solve this?
Hello my browser plugin is not working on Edge and Firefox. I get the info when I click on the browser extention. Operating system is Windows 11. My F-Secure application is running. It says: Security application not found
F-Secure asks the browser extension to be reinstalled all the time
I have the Chrome browser extension installed on all Chrome profiles and on Safari also. Still F-Secure pops up and asks me to set it up. If I click setup, it takes me to the webstore where obviously the extension shows as installed with only "remove" as an option. Removing and reinstalling does not change anything, next…
Salasana-arkistossa puuttuu merkintöjä
Tämä uusi keskustelu luotiin viesteistä jotka lähetettiin alkujaan aiheeseen Tietojen synkronointi ei toimi (ID Protection ja Vault).
Firefox extension blocks all traffic
Hi, when I use Firefox all traffic is blocked when the extension "Browsing Protection by F-Secure" is enabled. When I disable this extension I am able to navigate to a website. macOS version: 12.7.4 Firefox version: 124.0.2 Extension version: 5.3.11 I now keep the extension disabled. Is this a known issue?
Why can’t I renew with my code?
Hi, I have been using F-secure products for quite a long time. I have always been renewing my subscription with code in advance. But when I tried it today, I can’t insert the code and it tells that it will be available from 7/10/2025. Have the conditions been changed or is the mistake somewhere at my end?? Thanks in…
F Secure Not DeletingMalware
F Secure scan has identified Trojan.TR/AD.ShellcodeCrypter.argaa on my computer but could not trash it. How do i resolve this matter?
Password Vault harmaana "Open" -ikoni ei ole näkyvissä (MAC)
F-Secure Total paketin Password Vault on muuttunut harmaaksi ja "Open" nappi poistunut? Olen poistanut laitteen tililtä ja asentanut uudelleen, ei auttanut. Samalla tilillä on toinen MAC ja iPhone, joissa Password Vault näkyy ja toimii normaalisti.
Password Vault greyed out on MacBook Pro M3, Sonoma 14.4.1
Hello! I'm a long time F-secure user, but on my first Mac now. I have installed and uninstalled Total several times now, but just can't get the Password Vault to work. On initial installation when configuring Vault's Master Password it said "This password is too easy to guess…" no matter how complex password I entered. Did…
F-secure Total VPN "Loading" without end
Hi everybody. I Just noticed an intermittent but very dangerous bug of the MacOs F-Secure Total 19.4 concerning its VPN. After my Mac gets awaken the VPN gets stuck on loading and killswitch is not working. I can access the internet without problem even though VPN is activated on startup and killswitch is on!!! The same…
Why Does MAC Client Still Call App 'Freedome'?
F-Secure changed name from Freedome to just VPN. However, I just updated to latest Mac release and the app still identifies itself as Freedome. When will this change?
Analysis stopped .... Impossible to achieve analysis... Reboot and try again
Hi all, My system is Window 11, and I can't achieve the full analysis : after a while, I get the error message in post title. I can't attach the error screen in my post... Reboots don't solve the issue. I uninstall and install F-Secure again : same behaviour as mentioned in the title, but no specific error code is…
Saako iPhone puhelimeen, jossa on ohjelmistopäivitys 15.8.2 asennettua enää F-Securea?
Tilasin F-Secure Totalin, mutta huomasin vasta sitten, että sitä ei saanutkaan asennettua puhelimeeni, jossa oli aiemmin F-Secure Safe. Saanko puhelinta suojattua enää? Uudempaa ohjelmistopäivitystä kuin 15.8.2 puhelin ei enää päivitä.
Bring back the manual 'Game Mode' feature. Why do you keep REMOVING valuable features from F-Secure?
As of F-Secure Safe Version 18.1 (October 2021), you have REMOVED the very valuable ability for your customers to manually turn 'Game Mode' On or Off. Now the process is entirely "automated', with NO way for customer to start or stop Game Mode. This is undesirable, non-sensical, and quite troublesome. I've yet to see an…
Uusin Freedome versio ei toimi Sonoma 14.4.1
3. huhtikuuta tuli ilmoitus Freedomen päivityksestä mäkille, jonka asensin ja tämän jälkeen Freedome ei ole toiminut. Olen tehnyt normaalin "poistaminen, uudellenkäynnistys, uudelleenasennus ja vielä kerran uudelleenkäynnistys" -rutiinin muutaman kerran ja ei toimi. Asennuksen jälkeen kun Freedome käynnistyy, niin tulee…
Mikä mättää kun kaikki haut ovet tällä hetkellä 'vaarallisia'.
Browsin mä sitten mitä tahansa pankkitoimintojen suojaus puuttuu peliin. Itse en ole mielestäni sellaista asetusta thenyt. En myöskään pysty suojausta muuttamaan.
Mac App not working properly
Hey, I have a few issues with the F-Secure total installation on my M1 Pro and Windows. Only on Mac: When trying to initialize the password manager, it asks me to create a master password, but it won't accept any password. It will literally say "This password is too easy to guess…", no matter what I type in. On Windows…
Onko F-secure kuin VitaePro?
Eli piti poistaa tänään päättyvä Safe (yhdistyksen nimellä) ja ostaa uusi omalla nimellä mutta kovinpa tuntuu monimutkaiselta operaatiolta? Miten pitää toimia?
F-Secure VPN use in Qnap QVPN
Hi. As Microsoft crippled WebDav by closing office files usage thru it there is need for replacement. QVPN needs VPN that offers OpenVPN configuration files. Does F-secure offer these files and does anyone have experience in connecting QVPN with it?
backup disc scan
How do I stop F-secure from trying to scan my (big) backup disc every 30 seconds?
Adding another license on an existing F-Secure account (and on a different device)
Greetings from Canada (I live just outside of Toronto)! I've been using the F-Secure Internet Security product for my Android device (I have the Pixel 6 Pro mobile (cell) phone - though I'm going to upgrade to a Samsung Galaxy device (potentially) in the next few months in the later part of 2024) for almost two years and I…
Hej! f-secure har hittat ett virus som ej programmet kan ta bort. Viruset heter Android/AVE.Evo.cldbt. F-secure kan ej ta bort detta hur skall jag göra? Mvh Peter Söderman
Hallo Das VPN von F-Secure blockiert mir den Zugang zum Modem von meinem internen Anbieter. Ich muss das VPN immer deaktivieren, dann habe ich den Zugang zum Modem. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit das, nur die Webseite für den Zugang zum Modem das VPN umgeht ?
Hello, Are F-Secure developers planning to introduce passkeys into the password manager?
Security application not found
Surf protection add-on says: Säkerhetsapplikationen hittades inte (Security application not found) and cannot connect to this application. Reinstalling the add-on did not help. Wat can I do to have this functioning? Also the bankbanner does not function. It does not function on Edge and Firefox.
Hope check antivirus updates records on Android tablets
Dear F-Secure Team, Experience in using various operating system devices Some official uses may ask for update status We look forward to providing the latest update records related to records or log output on each device. Convey the above suggestions on your behalf Looking forward to opportunities for development and…
I wonder where to login and logout from F-Secure Forum????
I wondering where is to login and logout from the F-Secure Forum… Been searching around and keep looking all over the place. Can anyone in the forum help me out. It seems like there is no logout functionality to the forum. (LoL!) Thanks! Rusli
Windows 11 vanhaan koneeseen?
IL-DIGIUUTISET; "Eikö tietokoneesi tue uutta Windowsia? Rajoituksen voi kiertää superhelposti" Onko tuo tietoturvallinen, vai peseekö F-Secure kätensä jos asentaa tuon? Käytössä on F-Secure Total Windows 10 Pro 22H2 on nykyinen Ei suosituksia vaan kyllä vai ei?
Tilauksen uusiminen/Cleverbridge
Hei! Minulle tuli tilausvahvistus Cleverbridgeltä. huhtikuussa päättyvästä F Secure-tietoturvasta. Laitoin sen maksuun, ja Cleverbridge ilmoitti lähettävänsä eräpäivänä sähköpostin, jossa on tietoa tilauksesta ja toimituksesta. Pitääkö minun siis tehdä jotain toimenpiteitä itse, jotta tietoturvani jatkuisi entisellään?…