Too many notifications from F-Secure Total

Dear F-Secure Team,
I recently upgraded from Anti-Virus to F-Secure Total 19.1.
I deactivated some features like Webscan, VPN, Safe Browsing etc. because I don't want to use them. After the first time I start F-Secure or a new Browser I get a notification that some important features are deactivated. I checked the box "dont remind me again" and "ignore".
But still, after some days I get the notification again that some important features are disabled. Is it possible to completely deactivated this notifications? I want the program runs silently in the background - that worked very well with AntiVirus before. I disabled every possible setting I could find, that the messages don't appear again and again, but it didn't helped.
It would be nice if you consider this feature for further updates. Thank you!
Accepted Answer
This is exactly the same code that was running with AntiVirus product so it's hard to say what is causing this bug now. Which browser is it notifying about? If you have multiple instances of the browser, make sure all instances have the extension installed or not installed. If you have multiple profiles in a browser, make sure all profiles have the extension installed or not installed. Having mixed states can sometimes confuse the logic. Additionally, we have implemented even more improvements to this in next release coming soon.
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
I'm using Firefox. Not all notifications are related to the browser. One notifications which i clicked away many times is about the web data filtering which i deactivated (not sure about the correct wording which is used in the settings).
I can understand that there is a warning notification if I deactivate something, but after I use the ignore button for it, it should not remind me again about the same stuff.
The notification about disabled feature should stay away if you selected "Do not ask again" and dismissed it. However, if you later turn this feature on and then off again, this is considered a new instance of the issue and the previous "Do not ask again" does not apply. If the feature has been turned off all the time, then this is a bug.
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
I got the bug report through customer care and identified and fixed a rare bug that causes this to happen. Unfortunately it was just a couple of days too late to make it into next release (19.3), so you will have to wait for a while until the release after that comes out (19.4). I can't promise any definite date for that but our goal is to have that out by summer.
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products