Password vault missing from Android F-secure Total app
My kids phone still had the old id protection installed along with the new F-secure Total Security. Today I finally had the time to help her to switch away from the id protection to use the password vault in the F-secure Total app. The problem is that no matter what I do, the password vault is not visible in Total. It is…
Telian mobiilivarmenne ei toimi
Vahva tunnistautuminen Telian mobiilivarmenteella ei onnistu, kun pankkitoimintojen suojaus on päällä. Tunnistautumisen jälkeen selaimen uudelleenohjaus alkuperäiselle sivustolle estetään. Luulen, että ongelma on tullut version 19.4 (Win 11) päivityksessä.
Uudelleen asennus ei onnistu
Jouduin asentamaan win 10 uudestaan. Nyt olen kokeillut uudelleen asennusta. Ongelman kun ettei tule mitään sähköpostia minkä voisi vahvistaa. Yhden ongelman huomasin että jossain vaiheessa näyttäisi ensimmäinen kirjain olevan jostain syystä iso P.
Protected traffic and blocked sites - same figures for at least a year
My Freedome has shown for months and months, perhaps a year or more, that "protected traffic" is 7,1 Tt, "blocked malicious sites" (translating from Finnish) 1774, and "blocked follow-up attempts" 2486. Why do the figures not change at all? In order to watch or listen to the YLE broadcast services online, I have to disable…
FS Protection for macOS 19.7 releases
FS Protection for macOS 19.7 releases will be posted under this thread.
F-Secure VPN window keeps opening every few days
Hi I'm running F-Secure (for VPN purposes) on a Mac. Every X days, the F-Secure app window opens without me having interacted with the menu bar icon or opening app. I'm only using the VPN sporadically (every 3-4 weeks), so I find it disruptive that the app opens when the VPN is off. Can you please find a way to make it not…
Laitteiden määrän rajoittaminen ja bugi - Herätys F-Secure!!
ID protectionin tuen päätyttyä olen päivittänyt uuteen versioon, jonka käyttöoikeus on rajoitettu kolmeen (3) laitteeseen. Miksi ihmeessä? Esim. on ihan tavanomaista, että yhdellä henkilöllä on käytössä esim pari puhelinta (toinen varalla), tabletti ja pc.
tietokoneen täysi tarkastus jumittaa 96% kohdalle
tietokoneen täysi tarkastus jumittaa 96% kohdalle
code box
I use this code box for new safe codes generatet from f-secure, bu tmy pc uses still the old codes for web adress. Whar do I wrong?
Tracking Protection blocking stream or working as it should?
Hi, I've been using some live video streaming services (non-georestricted) with Freedome activated for years without any problems. Now with this new Total VPN the stream won't start if the Tracking Protection in the VPN is enabled. This happens both on Mac (tested on Safari and Firefox) and Windows (Firefox). This was…
Vahingossa (?) tehty tilaus ja sen peruminen
Hei, kirjauduin vanhan (tilaus alkanut 15.9.2022) "Internet Security, VPN, ID-Protection" -tuotteni sivuille aktivoidakseni 1tilaukseni uudeksi My F-Secure Total -tuotteeseen kehotuksen mukaisesti, sillä vanhan version päivitykset ovat päättymässä. Olin juuri uusinut tilaukseni 25.10.2024 ja maksu 59,99€ oli lähtenyt…
Tilauksen uusiminen
Yritin uusia Internet Securityn tilausta. , joka päättyy 24.6. Ei onnistunut. Ilmoittaa, että olet jo uusinut tilauksen, jonka päättymispäivä 24.6.2024.
Upgrade from F-Secure Internet Security to F-Secure Total on about 10 my own private PCs/laptops.
As F-Secure Internet Security told me some weeks ago to upgrade to F-Secure Total by just creating a new account, I dit it. On my main computer it worked well. It shows the valid license with the right amount of days of validity. But when I try to do the same on my other computers, I always encounter the same problem. On…
install win 10
Good morning, the problem is that I can't install safe f-secure after uninstalling it, I did anything you asked from me but the problem remains I have been without f-secure on my computer for almost two months, I have many messages from you with instructions that I have followed and I have sent a message with the results…
HTML code is visible in polish translation on iOS
I would like to report that there is a mistake in Safari extension plugin settings. Part of HTML hyperlink is visible. Version 23.0.301700 on iOS - polish translation You can see this mistake below.
Good evening world, A fast and simple foundation. Be accountable for your actions. Responsibility and dedication will overcome the negativity that will always plague the light. SPECTRUM ALIVE
Jumissa palvelun käyttöönotossa
Tämä uusi keskustelu luotiin viesteistä jotka lähetettiin alkujaan aiheeseen Jumissa palvelun käyttöönotossa.
where has my safe browser banking app gone
Why did my banking safe browser app disappear recently
F-Secure Total ei suostu päivittämään virus databasea
Kotikoneeni on jo muutaman päivän valittanut että antivirus database on vanha, mutta päivittäminen ei ota onnistuakseen. Mistähän mahtaa kiikastaa? Käytössä F-Secure total, jossa reilusti tilausta jäljellä ja Windows 11 käyttöjärjestelmä, joten ei sen pitäisi tuosta win8.1 tuen loppumisestakaan johtua.
Disabling Virus protection in F-Secure Total
Hi, Recently I changed (or was forced to change) my ID-protection app to the F-Secure Total. I used ID-protection app mainly for the Password Vault feature on several computers and handhelds, also on my work laptop for my personal passwords. At the same time I had the Virus protection from F-Secure as well on my personal…
How to transfer old Freedome order to the correct F-secure account?
Freedome stopped working and when I tried to start using the new F-secure VPN I realized that I hadn't bought Freedome with it but instead with another email address/other F-secure account. Is there any way to transfer the license to my main F-secure account or active just the VPN part with a diffent account in the…
ID-Protection to F-Secure Total on Windows 10 will remove WithSecure Elements Agent
On my company notebook (Windows 10), I use the WithSecure Elements Agent and ID Protection from F-Secure together. Now I am asked to update the current installed F-Secure ID Protection software ( end of life). With the new instsaller software I'm getting the message that I need to uninstall the WithSecure Elements Agent…
Why does F-Secure version 19.4 scheduled scanning no longer work? It worked one time, but not again.
It worked the first time after upgrade 1o 19.4, but not again. There are no error messages and manual scanning works just fine.
f-secure total crashing with MacOS Sonoma 14.4.1
I just downloaded the latest f-secure app to my Macbook. It keeps crashing all the time shortly after start. Any idea?
I get a "something went wrong" if i try to install F-Secure Total. Installation not possible?
My system is a PC Windows 10 Pro 22H2 (19045.4412) , i7 10700, TPM 2 is activated. All service updates are installed. I used to use F-Secure and also F-Secure ID - Protect for my passwords, but I had a different Windows user account. The old user account had a defect during the shutdown (power failure), it could not be…
Hej - jeg kan overhovedet ikke finde ud af at installere ny app. Jeg har simpelthen ikke kompetencer til det, og jeg fortryder virkelig, at jeg har F-Secure - det stjæler min tid. Forstår ikke jeres vejledning. Jeg har desværre abonnement til december 2028. Hvor får jeg hjælp - jeg har både Freedome, VPN og Id-protection.…
Issue F-secure and windows defender both active
Lately I have a lot of issue that F-secure and Windows defender are both active at the same time. Current solution todo a restart some time a couple of restarts are needed to get only F-secure active. Windows seems to have issue detecting that F-secure is active. Did search on your forum for a solution, most releated…
Prompted to add VPN configurations multiple times
Had the new F-Secure app/vpn for a few weeks and have had to let it install new vpn configurations at least 3 times. every time I have to accept the t&c and accept the data processing etc. Are you guys still changing things or is it not working?
F-Secure Total VPN blocks Mac Magic Keyboard Touch ID
I have a problem with Apple Magic Keyboard Touch ID and the reason to it seems to be VPN. Touch ID rarely worked when the keyboard was in BT-mode. It works fine when I connect it to my Mac mini with a cable. So I called Apple support today and they gave me a few things to try on it. First one was to disconnect my VPN. So I…