ID-Protection to F-Secure Total
Hello, I can't transfer ID-Protection to F-Secure Total on my windows computer (no problem on my android phone). The menu "My data" is disabled. Can you help me ? Regards Philippe
Where can I get the best protection per dollar spent??
Where can I GET the very best protection for mac for the dollar???
Tilapäisesti poissa käytöstä huoltotoimien vuoksi
Miksi on poissa käytöstä kun pitäisi asentaa uusi softa?
Wrong status "Your computer is protected" when VPN is off...what does this mean? Can I trust Secure?
Even if VPN is not connected the new app status says "Your computer is protected". Wrong, as my VPN has not yet connected and I am only using the VPN product and no other Freedome products. What is the intent here, to claim protection is on?
Two layout suggestions: "F-Secure" marked device download and flat [Manage your subscriptions]
Many people don’t know where to manage device and enter subscription code on the My F-Secure website. 1. It is recommended to change or mark F-Secure in the upper left corner for device management. Facilitate customers to learn about downloading and managing devices 2. It is recommended to expand [Manage your…
F-Secure Total complete manual
Question: Can anyone tell me how I can create a complete user manual for "F-Secure Total" as a PDF file?
Problem with the "reputation rating" on "google search"
Hello, my problem is, the "reputation rating" icon( the green circle with a white check mark in it) does not appear next to some of the search results. I tried reloading the page, restarting the browser but no difference it made. I am on chrome. Have not tried any other browsers yet. I think it happens when I search with a…
Lisää laite?
Miten voin päivittää ID Protection sovelluksen kun minulla on kaikki lisenssit käytössä? Ohjeissa käsketään kirjautua sisään ja lisätä laite ja asentaa sille uusi sovellus. Mutta en voi lisätä laitetta kun kaikki lisenssit on käytössä. Ei kai minun ole päivityksen vuoksi pakko ostaa lisää lisenssejä? Toiseksi -…
Fsecure Internet Security uuteen laitteeseen
Hei, Ongelmana on että miten saan asennettua Internet Securityn uuteen laitteeseen. Lisenssi on ostettuna ja voimassa vielä 2026 asti, mutta kun ei ole yhdistetty nykyiseen tunnukseen, valittaa koodista "ei löytynyt kuponkia" ja en saa asennettua. Eli miten saan lisenssin yhdistettyä tunnukseen ja näin asennettua softan?…
F-Secure Total app isn't allowing me to select "I'm an existing user"
So I was trying to switch from ID Protection to the Password Vault in F-Secure Total this worked well on my PC but on my iPhone the F-Secure Total App isn't allowing me to select "I'm an existing user" which means that I can't switch from ID Protection on my iPhone
VPN protection won't update on Mac Air Sonoma 14.4.1
Hi, I just replaced Freedome on my Mac with the Privacy VPN. The installation went fine and I uninstalled Freedome after that. Now I can start the VPN connection but the security definitions update is just stuck. It says "this can take up to a few minutes" but it's been like this for two days. I've used the computer for…
DeepGuard keeps mouse pointer spinning
Since last week my mouse pointer shows a blue spinning wheel next to it after startup. Only if I pause Deepguard (even for just few moments) it will disappear. Anyone familiar with this - and.. how to make it disappear permanently? Or is there a way I can see which process is causing this behaviour? Richard (Netherlands)
Installation failed
Hello, I've tried installing F-secure VPN and after the recent update MacOs Sonoma it just says installation failed.
F-secure applikaatiota ei saa suljettua MacOs:lla / F-secure app cannot be closed on MacOs
Vaihdoin Freedomesta F-secure-appiin MacOS:llä. Ongelma on että applikaatiota ei saa suljettua. Freedomessa yläpalkin (menu bar) oikealla olevassa kuvakkeessa olevassa dropmenussa oli sulje-valikko jolla Freedomen sai suljettua. F-secure-apissa tätä ei ole. F-securen vasemmalla olevassa valikosta voi valita Lopeta F-secure…
Freedome replacement does not succeed
Hello, I have F-Secure Total (0 licences left) and Freedome. I've tried to follow the instructions given how to activate new app, but I'm not succeeding in this. Every time I get into My F-Secure nothing happens and I can't perform the activity of replacing the Freedome. I've tried this several times and it basically ends…
Why do I now see F-Secure Plugin Hosting Service running?
I've subscribed to F-Secure VPN. I use another highly trusted vendor for all other protection. Since the recent change where F-Secure thought it necessary(?!) to drop the stand alone version of VPN, I'm now seeing the plugin hosting services (count them - 20 services running!!) in addition to the vpn service. This brings…
windows 11 KB5036893 update breaks vpn
Microsoft recently confirmed that the April 2024 Windows 11 update is breaking VPN connections. The KB5036893 and KB5036892 security update, which was rolled out on April 9 for all Windows 11 and Windows 10 users is causing VPN connections backed by TPM certificates to no longer work. So i guess i cant use anymore VPN
Onko QR-palautuskoodi laitekohtainen?
Loin salasanaholvia varten QR-palautuskoodin kannettavalla tietokoneellani. Onko minun luotava tuo koodi myös muilla samaa salaholvia käyttävillä laitteilla? iPhoneni ja iPadini ainakin muistuttelevat edelleen jatkuvasti koodin luomisen tarpeesta.
Tilauksen uusiminen alennuskoodilla
Hei! Olen uusimassa F-Secure tilaustani, mutta alennuskoodi, jota olen oikeutettu käyttämään, ei vaikuta tuotteen hintaan. Koodi on oikea, mutta se ei muuta tilaukseni hintaa.
Salasanaholvin käyttö etusivulta on kömpelöä
Uusi mobiilisovellus täyttää aloitusnäkymän pelkällä kuvituskuvalla. Päivittäiskäytössä sovellus tarvitsee avata vain salasanahallintaa varten, mutta keskeinen salasanaholvi on upotettu näytöllä yhä alemmas eikä siihen ole mitään oikotietä! Tämä on järkyttävä käytettävyyspuute, varsinkin kun vanha ID-sovellus poistuu…
F-Secure extension and sandbox
Hello, If I run my browser in a sandbox (Sandboxie), the extension doesn't work properly. It says "Unable to connect to the application". How can I solve this problem?
fsecure free online scanner, "pending restart request", but still same after restarts
cannot start scan.. tried restart or run as admin.
Netti ei toimi
Nyt kun asensin kannettavaan tietokoneeseen teidän uuden turvaohjelman, niin meidän taloyhtiön valokuitunetti (Lounea) lopetti toiminnan ko.koneella. Mitä voin tehdä?
Community developments-informative annoucement
It would be appropriate to have clear announcements (read only) on the Community's homepage about studies that affect the functioning of the products possible workarounds and which are unfinished, instead of customers asking the same thing many times in different tickets
Microsoft Edge ERR_TIMED_OUT with VPN active
Since updating Microsoft Edge to Version 124.0.2478.51 (Official build) (64-bit), I am getting ERR_TIMED_OUT errors whilst VPN is active. Firefox is unaffected. Turning off the VPN then loads every site without issue. I am running F-Secure App Version 19.4 (5.5.1190.0) and have the same problem on both my Windows 10 and my…
i have tried to install f-secure browser protection on my MAC running monterey 12.7.4 all i get is t
i have tried to instal f-secure browser protection on my mac running MONTEREY 12.7.4and and all i get is the spinning beach ball any help would be appreciated
where is HongKong or China proxies?
every other vpn solution has those.. so when are they coming here
Ei näin
Toki tuotteilla on elinkaari, sen ymmärtää. Mutta jos uusii tuotteen, niin odottaa että palvelu edes toimii. Kiitos aiemmasta palvelusta. Tämä on kuraa. Testatkoot tämän palvelun joku muu. Pistäkää viestiä kun tämä on valmis tuote, yritetään sitten uudelleen
Windows 10 Home shutdown and cannot power up
I am having issues that one of my computer running Windows 10 Home shutdown by itself and I cannot seems to powering up by press keys on the keyboard and i have to do a hard reset on the power of the computer. Is there a possible malware, RAT, etc that goes undetected. Does anyone have had the same problems with me. Please…