Problem with Zone-Alarm

Hi everybody,


I'm trying to install f-secure with SAFE but I did not have succes due to a prior installation of zone-alarm.

I deinstallet zone-alarm and searched for relicts of the installation as stated in severel threads. Finally zonealarm does not exist anymore concerning installed programms and toolbar options.


Nevertheless F-Secure SAFE still claims that zone-alarm exist. So automatic and manual deinstallation still fails. 


What can I do?


Windows 10 386

F-Secure SAFE 16.1

Common Component Framework 2.50 build 208

CCF CUIF 10.05 build 275
CCF DAAS2 1.10 build 565
CCF Guts2 2.01 build 821
CCF Upstream 2.02 build 402
CCF Diagnostics 9.02 build 172


Thanks for the answers


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