sir/Madam, pls kindly help me out,i lost my phone which i installed f-secure anti-theft in it.phone model:nokia C5.how do i track it down?? Thanks and Godbless!
Type of security code
Hi, I cannot remember my security code - how many attempts do I get before I am locked out - is it just one? Also what is the format for security codes - it a certain number of digits or a combination of words/digits of a certain length - this may help job my memory about what I used for my code. Thanks
i forgot my security code
i locked my phone with f-secure and i dnt knw the security code, please tell me how to reset it
Enabling Bank Protection for additional sites
Hello, How can I add ADDITIONAL sites to Bank Protection, eg www.capitaloneonline.co.uk (uk credit card site) Thanks, Alan.
Viruses not being quaranteed by F-secure Internet security
Hi Team I have a customer who is trying F-secure Internet Security 2013 and he faces an issue with a virus called brontok in-spite, customer claiming that norton was able to delete it while f-secure fails , can u plz give us an answer for this
Empty Windows
Always when a theat is found, blank windows pop up and it is impossible to go any further. I often use unusual.exe files, and there is no option to allow the file to open. Any answers? Thanks
security code
i forgot my security code and my trusted number and device number are same..so hw i change my security code?
F-Secure cannot fix Gen:Variant.Symmi.17140
Hi, Scanning Report 08 April 2013 16:02:29 - 17:07:02 Computer name: Scanning type: Full scan Target: C:\ D: \ + system + rootkits Result: 1 malware found Gen:Variant.Symmi.17140(virus) * C:\Program Files\Windows Mail\WindowsMailGadget.exe Action: FAILED Could anyone propose what can be with this malware (or should it be…
F-secure subscirption expiry date not showing
Hello. The expiry date for FSIS 2013 subscription is showing "Subscription is valid" but it does not show an expiry date. How can I fix this?
How to avoid referrers..
..through firewall i.e. what is the correct instruction to put into firewall rules? All checks of system security are positive including exploit test but both Firefox 19 and I.E.10 accept referrers as per image below WIN 7 PRO/64bit F-Secure Internet Security 2013 Thank You in advance !
F-Secure IS 2013 antispam
Hello, I've problem with antispam filter in Thunderbird or other app exclude (Outlook Express), it doesn't add any specific header or [SPAM] into subject like in Outlook. This problem is only for me? can anybody help?
Problems with auto update to IS2013
When my IS updated itself to the 2013 version, I got several issues: - Twice the fire wall was inactivated. (Could possibly be coincidence; has never happened before though.) - In the Status window the first item "Virus scanning" (original messages in Swedish, my translation) displays an exclamation point, the slider is…
Do not know what the problem is
I have a subscription key on a card for a one year licence which I'm trying to get working, So I tried downloading the 'F-Secure Internet Security 2013 (Release 3)' from this website. When I download it from the browser, it comes up with the usual 'Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to your…
f-secure child safe for ipad not accessible
What happened to the f-secure child safe browser? It is no longer accessible and neither f-secure nor itunes knows how to help me. F-secure's technical support does not know anything about apps and itunes told me to contact the developer. Anyone else have this dilemma?
Charter Securtiy Suite, New Version (Upgrade) fails install
Charter cable is our ISP, and provides "Charter Security Suite". About 3 weeks ago began getting continuing prompts to install the latest upgrade. Have tried several times, installer keeps failing at 75% complete when doing the 2nd or 3rd (I forget which) "searching for conflicting software". This search provides a prompt…
Problem with never-ending auto-update
Hello, This is my first time posting here although I have used F-Secure for years. My problem is that two days ago my F-Secure startind continuously downloading updates. Sometimes it finishes the download and just starts again but sometimes it is getting to about 90% and then repeatedly going back to 70 or 80%. When I look…
Firewall settings for home network
I use F-Secure Client Security 9.31. My problem is that the computers I use at home in my wireless network do not see each other. Enabling all network activity solves the problem, but I do not like turning of the firewall. So, obviously I should form some sort of exception rules for F-secure - but how do I do this? Both my…
Default Tab by Search Results, LLC
IE 10 on Win 8 on a desktop began acting strangely last month. Eventually IE 10 hard locked everytime it opened. I found and removed "Default Tab" by Search Results, LLC using the normal Uninstall Program. After rebooting IE 10 worked again. As far as anyone remembers the add-on was not intentionally downloaded and…
What's the problem?
I have a subscription key on a card for a one year licence which I'm trying to get working, So I tried downloading the 'F-Secure Internet Security 2013 (Release 3)' from this website. When I download it from the browser, it comes up with the usual 'Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to your…
Firefox Flash plugincontainer CPU hog with F-Secure DeepGuard
With F-Secure DeepGuard enabled, it is impossible to play Flash (and other stuff) in Firefox on Windows 7 32 bits. CPU on one of the cores goes to maximum, caused by the plugincontainer process and Firefox becomes unresponsive. With DeepGuard disabled, everything works as it should and plugincontainer is behaving nicely:…
False positive by DeepGuard (v4.10.50, IS 2012)
Dear Madam/Sir, Yesterday DeepGuard was updated. From the logfile: 2013-03-11 12:21:58.589 [0220.2a38] I: Downloaded 'F-Secure DeepGuard Update 2013-03-11_01' - 'hipsn' version '1362999601' from guts.sp.f-secure.com, 549377 bytes (download size 21770 bytes) 2013-03-11 12:21:58.870 [0220.0320] I: Update check completed…
Internet Security Updates
My F_Secure IS 2011 has reported my definitions are over 25 days old. Both auto and manual updates appear to go through ok my subscription is good until Sept 2014. Any ideas ? I have run fsaua-reset.exe. but no effect. Where can I get a IS2011 download from incase I need to reinstall.
F-Secure does not run after F-Secure Aquarius Update?
Problem description: F-Secure 2013 bought 2.03.2013. Product installed and worked properly. After Microsoft automatic update when closing the computer yesterday 23.03.2013 and new-opening today 24.03.2013 F-Secure 2013 program does not run at all (checked from Windows Task Management), there is no icon on the task bar…
Trojan Adware Yontoo.1 Mac OS X removal
Since there is no write ups in the F-Secure Weblog. I am suggesting if you can check this link out for Trojan Adware Yontoo.1 Mac OS X virus removal. Via this link. Hope this help! http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Mac-Protection/Trojan-Adware-for-Mac-OS-X-quot/m-p/23938/highlight/false#M168 Thanks to Cnet and Maclife tips!
DHS - Theme Ransomeware
Please take note of this Ransomeware. Article taken from US-Cert. http://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/current-activity/2013/03/21/Recent-Reports-DHS-themed-Ransomware Recent Reports of DHS-Themed Ransomware (UPDATE) Original release date: March 21, 2013 | Last revised: March 22, 2013 US-CERT has received reports of apparently…
FinFisher Trojan - Government Virus
Please take note of the following trojans. Affected to Symbian OS phones, iOS iphone, Androids, Windows, Macs etc. Related news http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/03/19/finfisher_spyware_apac_countries/ From F-Secure Weblog http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002523.html F-Secure tips.…
"Rootkit scan" option or not
I have a 3-user license for AV. Two of the PCs are connected via a KVM so I can easily switch between them. Both have the same F-Secure build numbers: 12.77 100 10.00 19010 4.10 126 8.30 43112 9.90 188 However, one has the option to perform a rootkit scan in the GUI (it has four scan options) while the other does not (it…
I just installed F-Secure and turned on the windows firewall -- F-Secure does not recognize the fact that the windows firewall is on and keeps telling me to turn the firewall on.
Is there option to really disable 'realtime protection network'?
So, as everyone knows F-Secure collects all kinds of data, program usage patterns, web site visit counts etc. from your computer which it then sells to its partners and goverment entities. All of this is of course stated on EULA/Helpfiles along with mention that you cannot disable such information gathering even as there…
Offline Image for F-secure Internet security
Customers with low speed Internet is asking for offline file for Internet security and they are claiming that kasper is providing this . Q:is the offline file available and if yes it is avilable can we have it