Charter Securtiy Suite, New Version (Upgrade) fails install

Charter cable is our ISP, and provides "Charter Security Suite".  About 3 weeks ago began getting continuing prompts to install the latest upgrade.  Have tried several times, installer keeps failing at 75% complete when doing the 2nd or 3rd (I forget which) "searching for conflicting software".  This search provides a prompt "conflicting software found", no clue of the name of this conflict (that would be a huge PLUS!!), and a tab to remove the conflict manually.  Hitting the tab simply opens up the installed software screen from control panel, and there you are, a whole bunch of installed programs and no clues.  What am I supposed to do, remove every program from the computer??!!

Seems to me to be a pretty juvenile installer, I'd like to have a close chat with the "programmer"!

Charter support is clueless, and for the 2nd time has "escalated" the issue to f-secure, who is supposed to call me,,,, hahahahahahaah,,,, can't wait for that conversation to happen, I'm not holding my breath.  "They" say this is a widespread problem and has been going on since the upgrade released.  Seems to me perhaps someone should have actually done some test installs prior to rolling it out?  You know, maybe on a real life home computer instead of a lab rig?

So, wondering if anyone here knows which software is conflicting?  The installer does the same thing at 25% complete btw, but it seems that the conflict at that point is the original version of the suite, which can be found and removed.  After a reboot, the installer takes over again and proceeds fine until it hits 75% complete.

Win 7 Home Premium, all updates.  AMD Phenom quad cpu.

Thanks for any help, and I hope I'm posting in the correct area, this is my first visit.



  • Hi cjack99,

    With regards to your problem, is there an SRID given to you by the Charter Security agent? If yes kindly provide us your SRID so that I can help you to speed up the process. SRID is normally stated in the subject of the email.


    Best Regards,

  • cjack99
    cjack99 Posts: 7



    SRID?  Guess you are not familiar with how cable companies do business in the US.  Here's how it works, they take your money every month and in return provide you just enough service so you will not drop them for a competitor.  If you have a problem, you call them, they try and brush you off, and life goes on.  In this case, I have made 2 calls to them in regards of the failure of the ugrade installer to complete.  In both cases the only thing I get from them is the "this is being escalated to product support", which should be f-secure, as they have said I will get a call back.  hahahahah,,, I still get the giggles that they can actually say that and not break up in a laughing fit.


    Charter Security Suite is a product bundled by f-secure for Charter Cable.  I would assume you have a product support team at f-secure that handles the Charter account.  I would also assume the it is the f-secure team that bundles up the upgrade installer.  But you know how assumptions are.  In this case, I'm just tired of having an installer that notifies me at least 4 times a day that there is an upgrade available, and would I like to "install it now?"  Yes, I would like to install it now, and it would be lovely if it would actually INSTALL something.


    I simply had a hope that I could find someone in the community that new the secret to getting the thing to install on a win7 home premium edition machine, because it's obvious the installer can't handle it.  So, that's where I am at present.

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 744 F-Secure Product Expert

    Hi cjack99,


    Without seeing any logs all of what is below is speculation:


    The upgrade is supposed to remove the previous generation of our software silently. Apparently this logic is somehow broken as it shows you the "conflicting product" without any actual product. I think the safest option for you would be to uninstall the current version and install (the latest version) again.


    If the uninstallation doesn't work properly, you can wipe all F-Secure stuff from the computer with uninstallation tool at





    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • cjack99
    cjack99 Posts: 7

    Thanks for the reply.  This is my third go round with it, so I'm pretty good at dropping back the previous restore point.  Currently running the previous version as I wait for Charter to get with f-secure and possibly fix something.  I have tried - a -just letting the installer go for it, -b- fully removing f-secure and then letting the installer go for it, and -c- doing a full removal with also disabling every single windows security component I can find to disable and then letting the installer have at it.  In all cases it fails install at the same 75% point with portions of the 1.340.... version installed, but nothing else.  So........  I'm going to try one more shot using msconfig to boot with a minimum set of stuff running, and if that fails, then I'll wait another "10 business days" for my call from "escalation", which isn't gonna happen, but I'll wait.  Then, f-secure is going in the crapper and I'll use Microsofts anti-virus suite.  It's kind of sad that "they" would let an install package run free without it being thoroughly tested and bullet proofed.  Charter tells me the problem is "widespread", what ever that means, but they won't shut off that dratted upgrade notice that hits my pc about evey 30 minutes until I want to pull my hair out.  Anyway, if all us in the "widespread" group give up on f-secure, f-secure will loose some sort of revenue from Charter I would think.  But I guess it doesn't bother them, it's been 4 weeks now with this bs, and no help yet.

  • cjack99
    cjack99 Posts: 7

    Hi jagadesan; Got your PM and replied, but I'm not sure if it got through?  Seems I can only access PM from the email I received, I can follow the link and get your PM, and I can reply, but if I hit the tab for messages it takes me back to the main community menu...?  Anyway, I replied with the answers to your questions last Tuesday.  Thanks

  • Hi cjack99!


    I just wanted to check in and see if you are still waiting for a reply, or if you have received answers already to your issue.  Please let me know, so I can make sure your problem gets resolved!



    F-Secure Community Manager

  • cjack99
    cjack99 Posts: 7

    Hi Crissy;


    No change, no workee, still have the message sitting here on my screen "Free upgrade from Charter Security Suite.......We recommend that you install this free upgrade now......"  yada yada yada.  Doesn't work, never goes away, drives me crazy.  I love the bit at the bottom of the dialog...   "Protecting the irreplaceable",,,

  • cjack99
    cjack99 Posts: 7

    Finally fixed!  Been a long unneeded slog.  Here's the deal for anyone with install problems with the Charter Security Suite:


    If the install fails when the installer is perfoming a "detecting conflicting software" at around the 75% complete bar on the initial install, then the conflicting software is most likely the previous version of the suite.  The installer de-install utility does not get all the pieces.  Neither does the windows de-install utility.  So --- according to the tech that performed my install remotely, you can get the f-secure in house uninstaller from the downloads site.  This I have not tried to do, but it's what he said.  He was nice enough to download it to my pc during the fix.  The fix routine went like this: he connected to my pc remotely, I navigated to the Charter site and downloaded the new version, he then took over and ran the uninstall routine, pc rebooted, he then ran the install routine from the initial download.  Since suite was fully uninstalled using the f-secure tool, then the install went with no issues.  The only difference between what I tried, and what the tech did, was to use a different uninstaller.


    So,,, don't know if that will help somebody else or not, but I thought I'd post it.




  • Hi cjack99,

    We are glad that the problem is resolved now and thanks for sharing the steps so that it will benefit others.

    Best Regards,

  • cjack99
    cjack99 Posts: 7

    And,,, I guess a final update.  I could NOT find the f-secure uninstall on this website.  Searching pulls up no hits at all.  Seems kind of silly to have an inhouse unintall tool but not let anyone have access to it, but I guess thats how it is.


    fwiw, here are the "properties" of the uninstall tool that the f-secure tech downloaded to my PC, and which I used when installing the suite to my spouses PC yesterday, which went without incident btw:



    Tuesday, March 19, 2013

    F-Secure Corporation

    File version

    F-Secure Uninstallation Toll 3.0

    Product version 3.1.2570

    Original filename "stub32i.exe"


    I dunno, seems like some one could post that here in the downloads section, then anyone having uninstall issues could grab it and save a 23 day issue by having to go through Charters escalation drill.






  • Hi cjack99,

    With regards to your question, you may need to be careful with the uninstallation tool as it might remove all product related to F-Secure in a single run. The link to download the tool is stated below:-


    Best Regards,

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