F-secure subscirption expiry date not showing

That is exactly what I am looking at, Jayson, and what I see is the same globy123 complained about:Ö instead of the expiry date, I see "Tilaus voimassa" ("Subscription is valid" in Finnish). I already had this with FSIS 2012 and now I have it with FSIS 2013. How can I verify the expiration date?
Hi globy123 & Hönö,
It depends what type of licenses you have in use. Could you contact to our technical support, so we can check your keycode?
For example we have easy type license where you renew subscription once every year, but the keycode will stay same.
Yeah, that's what I thought (and therefore did not report when I noticed it the first time). I know my expiration date because I have retained the email that has all the info. However, I decided to back up globy123 in his/her complaint because the user interface is so very rude.
On that same pop-up, there is a link "Lisää uusi tilaus- tai kampanjakoodi" ("Add a new subscription or campaign code" or some such), and in my confusement, I tried it to see what happens. This happened many months ago, so I cannot remember all details, but I ended up getting a notification that said that "tilausta on jatkettu" ("subscription has been extended") and that "F-Secure Internet Security 2012, tilaus voimassa 20.12.2030 saakka" ("..subscription is valid until 20.12.2030"), which I find absolutely baffling.
The user interface is way too confusing. You have to make it more understandable and informative. The user interface must help users to verify the information, instead of adding more confusion. -
Oh, and one more utterly rude feature: back when I upgraded to FSIS 2012, the installer asked for my subscription code, and accepted it as it should. However, after the installaiton when I checked my sbscription, this same rude pop-up showed a whole different code! The installer never notified me during the installation that the code would change. I had to be alert and go and check the info myself. I really would like to know why on earth the subscription code was changed like that, with no warning at all? A bit late, I know, but anyway.
I was expecting someone from F-Secure to answer, but they keep missing opportunities to brag.
As I said in the previous reply, the fix is inclued in the latest release. It's just that they're rolling it out gradually, so not everyone has it installed yet. I happened to need a fresh installation on a new computer, so I already have seen the new release. If you are in a hurry to see it, you can do a manual upgrade.
@Chrissy_T wrote:Hi Hönö, thanks for sharing your knowledge, and I'm happy to hear that the latest release solved your issue. Biggles, do you now have the latest release, or are you still having this problem?
F-Secure Community Manager
Hi Chrissy
I was having email correspondence with Izan but, after I sent him the CCF logs and Diagnostic report he asked for on 5 March, I've heard nothing. My anti-virus is still 12.56 build 100.
Hi Biggles,
According to the SRID: 1-552293982, this case has been closed as you have mentioned that you have found a resolution. Kindly open a new case for the problem, where you are unable to view the subscription information. Please follow the link below to open a new case:-http://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_global/support/contact
Best Regards,
Jagadesan -
Hi Biggles,
Kindly open a new case for the problem, where you are unable to view the subscription information. Please follow the link below to open a new case:-
Once you have open a SRID kindly update me so that I can help to solve your issue.
Best Regards,
Jagadesan -
You misunderstand. I don't know whether I should expect to be able to see the expiry date or, if so, how to do so.
I'm assuming, for the moment, that there is nothing wrong with my Anti-Virus to raise a ticket about and that the problem is me lacking the information.
To clarify, I followed the instructions given in post #2, but the 'My F-Secure' page is blank below 'My Status'.
Hi Biggles,
With regards to your problem, kindly watch the video link below to understand more about F-Secure Subcription:-
Best Regards,