Undetected USB malware
Most Antivirus unable to detect this USB malware .... F-Secure please take note of this USB malware. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/07/31/black_hat_hackers_drive_truck_through_hole_in_usb_security/ Plug and PREY: Hackers reprogram USB drives to silently infect PCs BadUSB instructs gadget chips to inject key-presses,…
Botnets for iPhone & iPad
Now they are thinking of having botnets to your iPhones & iPads! http://www.tomsguide.com/us/ios-botnet-hacking,news-19253.html http://www.tomsguide.com/us/scariest-security-threats,review-2144.html http://www.tomsguide.com/us/best-anti-virus-software,review-2222.html Mass Hacking of iOS Devices Possible, Researchers Say…
14 antivirus apps found to have security problems.
F-secure, please take note of this issues. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/07/29/antivirus_blood_splattered_as_biz_warned_audit_or_die/ 14 antivirus apps found to have security problems Vendors just don't care, says researcher, after finding basic boo-boos in security software By Darren Pauli, 29 Jul 2014 Organisations…
Apple iPhone Backdoor???
Much have been reported here... but some how you need to get the facts straight! http://www.cnet.com/news/apple-we-dont-build-backdoors-into-our-products-or-services/ Apple: We don't build back doors into our products Amid new alleged security flaws, the company denies building back doors in its devices or services that…
Illegal you say? But who EXACTLY prosecutes when it DOES happen?? Need Help.
I found this site by reading an article on of F-Secure's researchers did back in 2012, on infected Mac's vs. Pc's, and while I agree the Macs are MUCH less likely. I am one of the unfortunate's to be in the group. Not malware, not a Trojan...I didnt click on some link, this is a personal attack. Exactly what your all…
Using Fsecure Internet Security 2014 and get a pop up every hour with a message that updatetask.exe has been blocked but I cannot find anything on the computer that relates to this blocked item, I have scanned the computer time and time again but F secure does not find anything. If anyone can help with what it is, how to…
تحميل اغانى البوم اليسا الجديد حالة حب تحميل واستماع 2014
* تحميل،اغانى،البوم،اليسا،الجديد،حالة،حب،تحميل،واستماع،اغنية،“حلوة،يا بلدى” البوم اليسا 2014 “حالة حب البوم اليسا الجديد بعنوان "حالة حب" 2014 تحميل البوم اليسا حالة حب 2014 نسخه اصليه عالية الجوده mp3 تحميل نغمات البوم اليسا * للأستماع والتحميل من الرابط التالى * http://goo.gl/y3mpXp
everytime i do a full scan this virus is found but never removed. went into my virus and spyware scan logs...under action taken... always says NONE.... i disabled my back up and restore and scanned again...virus still wasnt removed. how can i get my F-Secure to remove it and anything else it might find?
Android Mobile Malware Vulnerability from Hong Kong
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/07/29/bump_in_the_night_nope_its_your_android_blabbering_to_hackers/ Malware gets your Android blabbering to HACKERS Boffins get your mobe to spill the beans using Google text-to-speech kit By Darren Pauli, 29 Jul 2014 Researchers from the Chinese University of Hong Kong have developed…
problems with licenses
i have bought a 3 years license for 3 computers. i have used 2 licenses of the 3, Now yesterday i needed to re-install my complete laptop, so i also re-installed f secure internet security, and now i see that all three licenses are used but in fact i just used 2, how can i solve this problem thank you already for your…
PDHanumanSvr running constantly at over 40% CPU
WIN8 - FSecure Internet Security> I have this .exe running constantly and it is slowing my computer right down. How do I get rid of this blockage? Have to say, not too impressed with the live chat, it would be great if it actually worked but for that to happen, it might be a good idea to actually display a CAPTCHA so I…
Does Fsecure Antivirus auto renew
I'm considering purchasing F-Secure for a small business I work for but would like the subscription the auto renew as I'm only work for them on a temporary basis and they aren't technology minded people so I don't think they would get around to staying up to date with protection. Does the AV auto renew I know SAFE does as…
Banking Protection Bug - BLOCKING Paypal.
For the past week (or two at most), there have been times where I'm getting wierd issues with Paypal, very specifically with Firefox (which I have NOT done updates to). So I go to paypal.com ... and the banking protection starts up... but paypal.com comes up "not found". It does NOT come up with the blocked site/allow, it…
Why are Banks Pushing Protection Software?
I've seen more than one bank pushing for users to adopt a specific software to protect use of its on-line facilities. This is Trusteer Rapport and it is free, so first question is what's the pay-off for them? Is it to help them avoid the effort of providing a secure application? F-secure provides a similar facility and I…
forgot passcode nokia c7, phone stolen
Hi I sent a msg earlier today explaining that my c7 that had fsecure was stolen on sunday and i received the "anti theft has detected a sim change" message on my other number. the reference Number: 1-562403038 the problem is that i'm not sure what my passcode was for that phone since i have it for a few years now, and I'd…
password reset
Hi, how can i forgot my password on my trusted number. Mobile security not send security code on my trusted number.
i fogot my nokia n8 password and i cant insert any other simcard in my 4ne
how to download fsecure
Hi, I ordered F/secure via cleverbridger order XXXXXXXX. How can I download it on another pc. I´m not sure what my account-password is. EDIT: Removed personal info
Website may have bit me; now scans are too fast
I have multiple PCs running W-7 with F-Secure, Malwarebytes Pro and Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit free. Everything was running fine on PC1, but then I looked for statistical information and looked at one website. At the bottom was a link which read "stats.bls.gov" which appeared to be safe. I could have sworn I cut-and-pasted…
We have just joined f secure and want to run a scan to see if we have picked up any viruses before we joined.How do we do this ?
how do you get rid of "ibryte Desktop"?
i tried using the wizard scan to get rid of "ibryte Desktop" and i can still see "ibryte Desktop" next to my date and time(bottom right of my screen) so that didn't work. Also i tried deleteing it from "program and features" but i couldn't see it. Please help?
Kuvien lähetys e-mail'illa Windows postilla tai WEB-maililla EI ONNISTU???
F-secure estää kuvien lähetrysksen e-mailina. F-secure kirjoittaa, että kuvien sisältöä pidetään vaarallisena, vaikka kuvat ovat tavallisia perhe ja maisema kuvia. En ymmärrä? Kysyy Mattijuho9
F-Secure Online Scanner: All You Wanted To Know
Here you will find all relevant information about F-Secure Online Scanner available for free download from our site: http://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_gb/online-scanner If something is missing, feel free to ask.
Banking Protection annoying bug!
I've recently noticed a new behavior: If a normal(non-banking) website has a HTTPS reference to a PayPal image for donation, then Banking Protection starts. It even started while I was writing this post, after I added an image by URL from PayPal I have this problem in IE and Opera, but not in Firefox, which is also…
How to ignore a virus alert?
F-secure claims that some steam game executables has viruses. Now I want a simple solution how I get to execute these files without going through hoops. After virus detection I have the option to: clean file, delete file, isolate file and prevent from running the file. Why is there no option for "ignore and execute when…
My F-Secure Internet scanner no longer works either manually or on schedule, although the free on-line scanner works. Updating works. My sub is paid to 2015. And I can't email support because one of their "select" boxes does not work. Where do I go from here? Internet Security 1.99 build 192 on Windows 8.1
Virginmedia customers SAFE licenses.. 1 or 5?
According to both Virginmedia, and my SAFE account, I have 5 installations allowed. I installed it on two PCs. And now my main PC, this morning has told me the following issues: 1. My subscription has expired. Despite the program showing my subscription expires in 2015, and my SAFE account showing the exact same thing. So…
Removing other Antivirus programs before installing F-Secure.
When changing from another AV to F-Secure, AV remnants can often be a source of problems when installing F-Secure. These problems can be relatively minor such as a slowing down performance to major problems such as severe slowdowns/BSOD/cannot boot machine. But the good news is that many vendors have specific removal-tools…
F-Secure Safe via Virgin Media for Windows 8.1
I currently have Windows XP laptop and am looking to upgrade to Windows 8.1. Is F-Secure Safe via Virgin Media link compatible with Windows 8.1 and if not are there any plans to make it compatible.
Browser has started launching www.ctsrda.com
Each time I open a window in a browser (either IE10 or Firefox), it launches a request to open www.ctsrds. com. I then get a message that the website cannot be found and then must close the window. I looked for info on that website and it was started in June 2014. It seems to be malware that got through f-secure. Anyone…