forgot passcode nokia c7, phone stolen

I sent a msg earlier today explaining that my c7 that had fsecure was stolen on sunday and i received the "anti theft has detected a sim change" message on my other number. the reference Number: 1-562403038
the problem is that i'm not sure what my passcode was for that phone since i have it for a few years now, and I'd like to locate and retrieve my phone. Police say it will take weeks for my file to be processed, since both my phones were stolen. Unfortunately I didnt have fsecure on my android
Please help! I dont like the idea of someone else taking advantage of my loss
Nope I deactivated it because it used to bug me when I was traveling and had to constantly swop cards, boy do I regret that move!!
Everytime the thief changes his card I still receive an SMS, now I'm even more annoyed...
Is there any way of me confirming the code? I tried the one I thought it was #locate# code but it obviously was not that one because I received no reply... What should I do now? -
Hi Safs,
With regards to your problem, we will not be able to see your passcode value as it is reset itself at the client side. We only initiate the command to reset. If I initiate the reset command it will reset the passcode and request the thief to enter the new passcode which could give advantage for him to access your personal details.
Best Regards,
Jagadesan -
I don't mean to be rude, but this is getting rather exasperating. You only needed to read the post above your own to see that you need to create a support ticket for lost phone passwords. This cannot be dealt with in the forum, and this has already been stipulated in the thread.