problems with licenses

i have bought a 3 years license for 3 computers.

i have used 2 licenses of the 3, Now yesterday i needed to re-install my complete laptop, so i also re-installed f secure internet security, and now i see that all three licenses are used but in fact i just used 2, how can i solve this problem


thank you already for your help.




  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Potentially during situation, when you decide to install F-Secure IS for else one computer (your third license) - you will be prompted.. that all licenses in use.. and you able "re-use" licenses, which you already not use in fact. After that here will be new license in use.. and other two re-activated on your other devices.


    If it not happened - here just maybe need to try else some times..... Or from first - create ticket for F-Secure Support.


    But maybe you able to create ticket for F-Secure Support right now. And maybe they can to edit your license-key and remove one-stuck-license.


    Maybe something like that.



    Before uninstallation need to check that it goes with active network connection and by default steps as "Windows Control Panel" with common actions (also here can be additional points - that F-Secure installation not broken already; and it not just 'format C'). Optionally.. after that.. to use F-Secure Uninstallation Tool for current device.

    For prevent "next" stuck-licenses.


    It was words for potentially situation, when "re-activate" prompt not happened and situation just goes with new stuck-situations.


  • smurfie
    smurfie Posts: 3

    Thanks ukko it was very helpfull

  • smurfie
    smurfie Posts: 3

    thanks simon it was also very helpfull if it doesnt work i will shoot the problem to f seure

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