safe krångel

Bengan1941 Posts: 1 Observer
edited February 2023 in Web Browsing

F Secure Safe skapar en särskild funktion säkrar anslutning mellan dig och din nätverk – bank skall visa när man ansluter till bank att den är säker men den funktionen syns inte. Sen står det Online aktivitet är skyddad, Mitt skydd =Säker surfning MEN ENDAST SAFE BROWSER. Trycker på Säker surfning och startar Safe Browser? kommer till JRL OCH IP ADRESS, vad är detta? Är bank/nätet skyddat? får olika svar när man ringer eller chattar. Har en iPhone 12

Accepted Answer

  • Amirul
    Amirul Posts: 161 F-Secure Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Bengan1941

    Welcome to our Community page. Thank you for your post.

    Currently, we only have Finnish and English support for our Community page.

    However, in regards to your issue, may I confirm with you that you are having an issue with Banking Protection for SAFE Browser on your iPhone 12?

    The F-Secure SAFE application functions as a secure browser and it has browsing protection and banking protection features. For banking protection, you will need to open the SAFE browser app for it to work. 

    To open the SAFE browser, you may do the following:

    1. Open the F-Secure SAFE app on your iOS device.
    2. Click on Safe Browsing.
    3. Tap on Start Safe Browser.

    When you enter an online banking or shopping site, a notification appears in the app that says You have entered a trusted banking site. This means that the protection is working.

    You may go to this link also to guide you Using Safe Browser for online banking and shopping | SAFE | Latest | F-Secure User Guides

    Kindly let me know if this helps.

    Thank you and stay safe.

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