Website denied: Danske Bank

Ilmapuntari Posts: 4 Observer

I've got my Banking protection turned on, but all of a sudden it has started to block my entries to the log-on page of Danske Bank — one of the major banks here in the Nordic countries. This happens after the following steps:

1. I first enter the website of Danske Bank by typing in the URL directly to the browser's (Chrome) address bar. I am still let to enter this far without any complications.
2. After I opt to log-on, the website blocer kicks in, though (while the green lines frame the screen, of course). I get an F-Secure warning message: "Website denied —"

After this, however, the green frames of Banking protection disappear — and the "Website denied" page disappears as well. I am now let to continue logging on, but with my BANKING PROTECTION DEACTIVATED!

Seems rather suspicious to me. And I am quite disappointed that I cannot communicate this with the F-Secure staff directly, but I have to search help from their voluntarity-based community-forum (!)

I mean, we are talking about the safety of the banking operations of one of the biggest players in the region, and suddenly — the F-Secure's Banking protection just blows off! Sorry, no intent to sound dramatic here, but … that's how it is. There must be a reason why the site is blocked in the first place, and there must be a reason why F-Secure's Banking protection is turned off immediately afterwards, hence allowing entrance to the "malicious-suspected site".

Hope you guys could be of some help, since the F-Secure staff doesn't seem to interested. At the moment, I really don't have a better alternative, and I sure must be able to enter my eBank to run take care of my financial obligations.

Well, I look forward to hearing from you soon! :-)

Best regards,

Ilmapuntari (eng. Barometer) ;-)

Accepted Answer

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser
    Answer ✓


    Sorry for my feedback. I tried with a beta install - there may be a lot of differences in the results. But just as a general discussion about.

    Your screenshot is a bit of strange because it contains graphics that I usually will see if the "blocked URL" is on the list of denied websites (chosen by me). List of websites exceptions (allow/deny list) in Settings.

    While checking your description: when page is blocked (with my experience) - I see the type of blockpage as "there is an active banking session, so the connection is blocked".

    However, the general form of the situation described is similar to what I received. And I think the trouble is with multiple redirects from main page of Danske Bank to local ones login pages.

    For example, with Danmark - I can clearly see and ended with "" domain in the middle which is blocked and not rated as Banking.

    As such, when you visited (page is rated and recognized as "Banking Website"); when you tried to use "Log on" functionality (for example, Personal eBanking) - it depends on which option will be there. For Norway - I feel all is good. With Denmark - redirection or 'in the background' kicked off. With Finland - local domain with a bit of redirection chain (with the last destination as mentioned

    Maybe some of subdomains are not rated as Banking while redirecting from one to another. OR entire redirection will force to stop and reactivate Banking Protection.

    If so, at least in the past, there was a gap between activating Banking Protection. Say 15 seconds or 30 seconds (maybe) after end of previous one and starting another one.

    After this, however, the green frames of Banking protection disappear — and the "Website denied" page disappears as well. I am now let to continue logging on, but with my BANKING PROTECTION DEACTIVATED!

    perhaps, reasonable.

    because if in browser - there is only blocked page - it is on your localhost (now). so, no connection to banking website anymore (as such) and green frames disappear.

    if "website denied" was due active Banking protection (which is now ended) - it disappears too.

    however, perhaps, you can try to refresh your page (by button in browser's panel or by F5 on keyboard) and Banking Protection may kicked again.

    Sorry for my English.



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