F-Secure browsing extension has started blocking apparently safe sites (UK)

Djakarta Posts: 2 New Member
edited December 2022 in Web Browsing

It is quoting https://js-content.otherlevels.com/d629d56dbeddfb667e95bbf4536b4627/1278453432/interstitial/Placement%201

on Website denied page.

Also get message https://js-api.otherlevels.com/0.8/session

Why am I getting these messages is it something to do with javascript?

This is happening on Virgin money and National Lottery for two examples.

They have both been added to safe sites list - Virgin now seems to work, but not National-lottery.co.uk

Help! (Am not desparate gambler by the way☺)

Accepted Answer


  • Djakarta
    Djakarta Posts: 2 New Member

    Hi @Amirul

    Yes thks this has worked.

    However after I got Microsoft Edge up to check the situation, several other tabs that were open in Firefox suddenly became denied - including F-secure as mentioned in that discussion!?

    Anyway all sorted now so thank-you very much

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