Support for Linux
Overall I'm happy with ID Protection, I've been using it for years so far, and I think the price is worth the product... BUT. I can't understand how is it that there is no Linux Client for ID Protection yet. I do use Linux quite heavily and It's quite frustrating not being able to use it. I've tried Wine, but it fails to…
fs protection - Add import export function to browsing protection exception
Dear FS team, Thanks for the great job in developing fs. In earlier days I use Privoxy to block ads system-wide but this didn't work well in Windows 8 so I dropped it and found some other solutions. Fast foward to now I've upgraded to Windows 10 and Edge lacks ad blocking functionality. Being extremely annoyed by the Flash…
Exception in "found malware"
Greetings! I, and many others, have been struggling with not having ability to do neither of those malware removing way - to have ability to just allow that application to function. Well, that happens often when it's false alarm, and to make its way to SAS you have to go through many settings to "make exception" or you has…
Pause button in manual scan
In the "Virus scan Wizard" there is no option to pause a ongoing scan. There is only stop button. It would be of great convenience if there is pause functionality during virus scanning. Suppose there are thousands of files to scan. If the manual scan is ongoing and we need to do something else then in that case we would…
Subscription Code
Renewed in Feb 2023, Reference Number xxxxxxxxx. Now it is asking for Subscription Code but it was not sent to me. How do I get it? Edit: PII removed
Hei, ostin 24kk 5 laitteelle edullisesti suojan ja sain lisenssiavaimen. En vaan osaa tai en löydä paikkaa mihin tämän koodin laittaisin!
🌟 Join the F-Secure Quiz Challenge on June 15th, 2023. Win Exciting Prizes🏆
📣 Attention F-Secure Users. Join our exciting online quiz session starting from June 15th, 2023, at 11:00 AM EEST and stand a chance to win prizes. We're excited to announce a fun quiz event about the new F-Secure Total that will give you a chance to win fantastic prizes. Get ready for a daily dose of quiz excitement.…
Sain ilmoituksen että viruksen torjunta on vanhentunut
En pääse F-secure kuvakkeen kautta katsomaan tilaustani ja siitä on hävinnyt f-secure logo. Windous asetukset kohdassa f-secure ei anna muokata tietoja on vain mahdollisuus poistaa sovellus. Ilmoitus pyysi päivittämään tiedot
Legit updates or all good?
Hi, last night I saw that my f-secure updated with Oneclient SAFE 5.2.2668 but didn't want to install until I restarted the computer and F-secure wanted me to turned off my VP and it was installed and after that bunch of other updates starting with the names WhitSecure which different from previous updates that started…
How many virus outbreaks have occurred in the past 7 days?
How many virus outbreaks have occurred in the past 7 days?
Safe browsing extension for Firefox 57++
The old addon isn't working any more and me and a lot of other people are waiting for a respective safe browsing extension for Firefox (57) Quantum... AFAIK a browser extension as required by Mozilla now can be used for all browsers in the future, so F-Secure basically only needs to develop one extension with minor…
Customisable Settings
SAFE, the product which I am currently using, is phenomenol but it does not offer much customsiation in the settings (for example, you can not set anti-virus or DeepGuards's behaviour to aggreesive). I understand that F-Secure's products are targeted towards novice users but there ought to be some customisable seetings for…
Scan removable drives automatically
Removable drives, such as USB sticks, are becoming more prominent in the quick spreading of malware and F-Secure ought to implement a feature, that scans removable drives automatically when the drive is plugged in to the computer. I currently have SAFE installed on my laptop and I would like to have such feature as…
How to keep your device safe
Everyone uses the internet, and they want to save their data from hacking and getting a virus on your device to do so we keep lots of things in our mind, we secure our password check internet security, means overall security, as cybercrime is getting higher, no one wants to be a victim of it, for this you try to keep your…
Update computer status/software installation progress more regularly in PSB-Portal
Hi, We have F-Secure PSB and I would like to see that the computer status and software installation is updated more regularly or realtime. When I start the installation of windows updates on a machine I don't get any feedback of the progress like: Which update is it currently installing? Is it still installing? Or is the…
ad blocker for desktop
its bit weird to have muh better ad blocker on phone :)
When "upgrade" or "repair" can select not to display the progress indicator.
It will bother users when Client Security is upgraded, so we recommend when using the "upgrade" or "repair" function on the PM, the client does not display progress indicator to end-users . Just like the first installation, you can select not to display the progress indicator to end-users. Edison
F-Secure SAFE content filtering should not set YouTube restricted mode on Google Chrome
If you set any content filtering on F-secure SAFE then go to YouTube on Google Chrome you find that restricted mode is set to ON and many (most?) videos are censored and all comments are disabled for all videos. Examples of dangerous censored videos are: 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ccaHpy5Ewo-Relaxing Jazz & Bossa…
F-Secure Internet Security/Safe
All of the F-Secure IS protection options should be with Safe on your website considering it's part of it. https://www.f-secure.com/en_GB/web/home_gb/buy
Place to set the file size or the number of logged log days in the action.log file for Firewall.
Place to set the file size or the number of logged log days in the action.log file for Firewall. Now, the file has 7MB (or less) and depending on who does what, it contains only a few days. I want it to contain 30 days or more
F-Secure SAFE compatibility with Windows 10 Device Guard
Is it possible that F-Secure SAFE could be updated to become compatible with Windows 10 Device Guard? It currently is not compatible with HVCI enabled (Hypervisor Enforced Code Integrity), as any Windows 10 UWP apps open and then close immediately. The error from event log is: App…
F-secure tilille kirjautuminen ei onnistu
Kuinka monta viikkoa siellä tehdään huoltopäivityksiä? Olen kokeillut kirjautua omille sivuille, että saisin kokeiltua kuukauden ilmaiseksi f.securea ja sitten tilata sen pojan koneelle, mutta ei pääse edes kirjautuun omille sivuille? Missä vika?
Realtime File Scanning Optimization
Why are there no extra settings for real-time file scanning. I think it's ridiculous to constantly rescan a clean computer in real time. This slows down the user. I think files should not be scanned again after scanning them once. With Intelligent Optimization, the fastest scanning speeds are maintained. New setting should…
lame_enc-dll not found error
Hello everyone, Since a few days i am getting a error message stating lame_enc-dll not found error while opening an application, I did the download of example online but can someone help me how to register it, Thanks in advance, sxxxxx xxxxxx Edit: PII removed
"Schedule scan" UI that should be reported proactively.
As many people have suggested here, the scheduled scan UI is expected to provide additional convenience. In my opinion, for users who have migrated to F-Secure from other security software, a scheduled scan that only declares it to start seems unfriendly. At least, I found it confusing. Also, if you turn off your PC during…
Browsing through detections in MS365 Protection
As a user of the MS365 Protection backend, I would like to be able to easily manage the detections: browsing through new detections should be easier by clicking a "Next" or "Previous" button instead of going back to the list and choosing the next entry to be worked on changing the status should instantly save the change I…
Automatic scan upon USB drive connect
Just offering to scan seems to be not enough in today's world...can't the scan automatically start once a USB drive gets connected?
Action button
The scan was successful with non of the virus detected now. When we scan the system and the viruses are detected, instead of locating each file (virus) manually in finder and deleting them one by one, it would have been much better if there was a drop down menu with the option to select "delete all" near the action menu.…
Request to offer more configuration options to users
Hi, I have been using F-Secure for more than 8 years. Over the years I have noticed that F-Secure decided to dumb down the software and made the security suite for everyone. While it is great to make the software low maintenance I would like to see more options for users. These options could be hidden under advanced…
Browsing Protection by F-Secure addon kills CTRL+I save as button on multi link download
Hi, recently I tried downloading pictures from this site with CTRL+I: If I download 1 url it is okay, but if I select 2 or more urls at once, "Browsing Protection by F-Secure" addon kills the "Save as" button. Please fix this. After disabling f-secure firefox addon, the "save as" button reappears, so this must be the…