how to add a new Subscription.
as title. I already have 3 license.
Scanning too often
Hello, I use Internet Security on an Android smartphone with Android 10. Recently, an automatic scan has been started up to six times a day. Is this normal?
F-Securen asettamisesta uusille Microsoft Surface Pro koneille?
Hyvä F-secure Sain teiltä yllä olevat tiedot tietokoneen tuetuista alustoistanne. Siellä mukana on Windows 11. Olen juuri ostanut Microsoft Surface Pro -koneen, ja yritin saada sinne asennettua ohjelmaanne, mutta joka kerta kun yritin sitä, sain vastauksen vastatessani saako ohjelma tehdä muutoksia laitteeseenne "kyllä",…
What can make my AV to stop getting updates out of sudden?
Subscription is still valid. Windows Security Centre is always complaining that my F-Secure protection is out of date. Settings page crashes upon launching, hence I cannot modify any settings to troubleshoot. Last database update was on 18th July 2024. 2024-07-18 01:43:43.323 [13e0.1870] I:…
Which F-Secure solution do you consider to be your all-time favorite?
In the days of total decisions, it is always useful to grab a cup of something you love and talk about an interesting topic. I think F-Secure has created, implemented or used some very interesting ideas, products, solutions and tools over the years. And I became interested - which of them do you remember, which ones do you…
Automaattinen tarkastus
Terve, puhelimeni f-secure ohjelma on ruvennut tekemään automaattisia tarkastuksia noin 10min välein, voiko tätä väliä muuttaa jostain?
Avbryta prenumerationen
Mitt abonnemang gäller till 24 augusti men jag har redan betalat för två år till men den betalningen vill jag avbryta nu fungerar inte F-Secure Total på min dator. Jag var tvungen att avinstallera den efter att jag gjort betalningen F-Secure blockerade min åtkomst på nätet när jag plockade bort programmet kunde jag surfa…
problem with pc startup and F-secure hoster
I have got F-secure via my Dutch internet provider. I have got Windows 10. My computer is very slow at startup and I have checked with a startup manager. I see that there is an application service at startuo which take 45.1 seconds: F-secure hoster Is that normal ? Is this F-secure hoster necessaryu at startup of my PC ? I…
fsbanking.exe funtioniert nicht mehr. Kann ich diese Fehlermeldung ignorieren?
Im Windowswarungsbereich, wird folgender Fehler angezeit. fsbanking.exe funktioniert nicht mehr. Was muss ich jetzt tun? Fehlermeldung siehe screenshot.
F-Secure clashes with game (What remains of edith finch)
Hi, hopefully someone relevant can see this here. It's the only option I found on how to report issues aside from a phone call. F-Secure prevents the start of the game "What remains of edith finch", and apparently has done so for years. After starting the game, all it does is produce an error message. The issue is fixed by…
VPN region assignment
So, I chose NW USA as my VPN region, but for about a week I have been getting Canadian news article prompts. I checked and my VPN was now Toronto, Canada. Then a few days later I was assigned to Mexico City, Mexico; both without choice of myself. I don't mind so much being subject to Canadian rules, regulations and laws,…
How could McAffee sneak in and pop up saying it checked a site?
Obviously McAffee had contaminated my computer from a site I have visited. My question is how this can happen. Yesterday it proudly announced that it hade checked a site I had opened and I thought I had erased anything McAffeean. So I searched all programs and I found them hidden under a name that contained McAffee but…
Uuden turvapaketin asennus
Hei My f-secure ilmoitti tilauksesi päättyneen. Ostin uuden paketin tilaustunnuksella 475786584, mutta en saanut mitään koodia tilauksen aktivointiin. En pääse tilanteessa eteenpäin!
VPN activation immediately canceled...
…because my mails were no longer send from Windows Live Mail. Suus
-Secure Privacy VPN do not activate om MacOS rerturns message "Turn of Freedome VPN..."
I have MacOS Monterey 12.7.5. And had Freedome installed and it worked fine. I then uppgraded to the new Freedome VPN. And got an error saying the I needed to turn of Freedome VPN to get the newVPN to work. After deactiviating Freedome FSecire VPN started to work. Afterwords I uninstalled Freedome. Since then the F-Secure…
Changing profile from child to normal family member
I shared one F-secure license with my child years ago and selected child profile for him, but since he's not a child anymore, I'd like to change his profile to normal profile. I can't find any place where to change his "status". When I try to share a new unused licence with him, app just says that he is already a member of…
How to stop "Banking Protection" kicking in all the time I click on a link ???
How to stop "Banking Protection" kicking in all the time I click on a link ???
VPN bypass doesn't work for some applications
Hope to add operational functions :mobile phone can be guided to enter the renewal code
Some people reported that the mobile phone is convenient to operate, but they cannot obtain the renewal function through APP redirection.
VPN subscription not showing
I've just subscribed to the F Secure VPN on the F Secure website but it's not showing under subscriptions and I can't find it on the F Secure app on my phone. I've previously used the Freedome app and still have it installed but I understand that no longer works
F-Secure updates for branded partner version
Hi! I have purchased your product from you partner DNA in Finland. I'm using Mac and noticed that there is newer version 19.7 made publicly available, but seems that using you application through partner I'm not receiving that upgrade? Am I stuck with 19.5 version?
How much does it cost to add licenses to existing account
Hello F-Secure. I am testing F-Secure Total for Smartson since 2024-06-21. Right now I am a customer to Bitdefender and soon need to renew my family account. I will get 50% of the renewal cost, because I'm an old customer. Before Bitdefender I was using F-Secure and my question is: If you can give me a good offer to add…
Too many notifications from F-Secure Total
Dear F-Secure Team, I recently upgraded from Anti-Virus to F-Secure Total 19.1. I deactivated some features like Webscan, VPN, Safe Browsing etc. because I don't want to use them. After the first time I start F-Secure or a new Browser I get a notification that some important features are deactivated. I checked the box…
Minulla on voimassa oleva tilaus 2027 loppuun, mutta Freedome on lakannut toimimasta, ei mene päälle, mutta tällainen siellä on FSVpnSDKVPNConnection,, mutta Yle Areena ei toimi , ei toiminut Freedemellakaan, mutta otin aina pois päältä. No nyt tätä FSVpn…. en saa mitenkään pois päältä !!!!
ARM Support
Currently Freedome cannot be run on Snapdragon based laptops as ARM processors are not supported. Having a VPN working for business users is very important. Please implement a support for Windows for ARM.
Contact Support
Hi, i try to contact support contact by phone or with chat since two days but no one is available. How to do? There is no email or other way to contact them? Thank you
Uninstalling F-secure require restart ?
Does the installation and uninstallation of F-secure require a system restart? If a restart is not required, will installing another antivirus after uninstalling F-secure cause any issues?
Toisen lisenssin ostaminen
Moi! Minulla on nyt F-secure Total yhdelle laitteelle, mutta haluaisin päivittää tilaukseni ja lisätä toisen laitteen. Kuinka sen teen? Kun klikkaan My F-Securen etusivulla "lisää laite" -painiketta tulee teksti: "Jos haluat asentaa tuotteen F-Secure toiseen laitteeseen, vapauta lisenssi toisesta laitteesta tai osta lisää…
Salasanaholvia ei saa avattua Macilla Totalista
Vanha ja jo kertaalleen alkuvuodesta korjattu ongelma tuli taas vastaan iMacilla. Tätä ratkottiin alkuvuodesta tiivisti aspan kanssa. Kun Totalin avaa, ei salasanahallintaa saa auki (painike kadonnut). Ei auta tällä kertaa odottelut tai koneen uudelleenkäynnistys. Mikä tässä voi taas mättää? Tämä olisi saatava nyt jo…
Voisiko F-Secure nyt jo vastata näihin tärkeisiin TIETOTURVAKYSYMYKSIIN?
Nämä ovat TÄRKEITÄ!