Helmet.fi pages not opening

Requester Posts: 1 New Member

I use F secure Total (previously Safe?) to protect my kids phones

My kid can't visit Helsinki library pages via safe browsing (Helmet.fi and related pages). How could this be fixed or how could I disable the sage browsing (tried to do it but did not seem to work).

Accepted Answer

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser
    Answer ✓


    could you tell more details about the problem? Is the website unavailable when you use it or is it blocked (the blocking page from the F-Secure app is visible)?

    did you mean by safe browsing - (iOS or Android) with its F-Secure SAFE Browser?

    or safe search, content filtering things (Editing content filtering settings | Total | Latest | F-Secure User Guides);

    I also thought that if a VPN (Privacy VPN) is used as part of Wi-Fi protection, then this may also cause inconvenience in using some websites.

    // sorry for the slightly vague advices, since it seems I can't now check on the latest version of F-Secure, where there may be differences.