Using FSecure Total VPN solves my issue with Apple Devices app (Win 11).
Bought new iPhone 16. Opens it, it demands update, connects to Win 11 PC with Apple Devices app and tries to update iPhone 16 with it. Update gets stuck and fails. After 12 hours of intense work solving the issue the Apple Devices app is NOT working I bump into a post the suggests to try put VPN on. Opens FSecure, puts VPN…
Jl abdii
Sir my Facebook account has go account restricted. Because of this my Facebook account is facing many problem. I can't live, post and advertisement . So sir please remove account restricted from my Facebook account. So i shall very thankful to you. Thanks Facebook team.
F-Secure Needs to Make an Official Announcement Regarding All the Changes in v19.9 = Avira
The leadership at F-Secure needs to provide a detailed answer regarding all the changes in Windows v19.9. From beta tester screenshots it is clear that F-Secure is no longer going to be F-Secure; it is going to be Avira. DeepGuard has also "silently" been replaced with Avira's behavioral analysis. So what is happening at…
Hackers have ruined my life
I bought a new phone and that's when it started happening. At least that's what I thought. Slowly I think it was happening before then but full on after the new phone maybe the SIM card was cloned by the guy I bought it from at the store who keep giving me discounts on the phone that I wasn't supposed to get because it was…
Reititin vanhenee - ounou! Router outdates - omg!
machine translation below - I was lazy. tietoturvariskien kasvamisen ymmärrän, mutta liittymämyyjien mielestä useamman vuoden vanha reititin myös hidastelee! Huolimatta, että uudessa näyttää olevan ihan samat nopeusspeksit maallikon mielestä. Samalla tämä uusi reititin kuulemma palvelee vaikka kuinka pitkään eteenpäin.…
How to secure website using f-secure?
Hy dear community can you please help me? Can I use any feature of f-secure that can help me to secure my website from data copying by any API.? I want to stop people or my competitors who are using my website and scrapping my data.
Olen nyt useita kertoja painanut "unsbscribe" nappia ja aina vaan täältä spämmätään postilaatikkooni turhia posteja. Voisiko jo lopettaa? Kiitos. Ei se VPN täälläkään toimi yhtään senparemmin, mutta alkaa ärsyttämään jatkuva pommitus.
Hi everyone my name is Clydes and I need a PilotTestVirus hash to analyze via virustotal, hopefully the admins will pay attention to this discussion!
ZouRAT Malware virus attacks Wifi Routers
URL:- https://www.securityweek.com/soho-routers-north-america-and-europe-targeted-zuorat-malware Hi, I need to discuss on ZouRAT Malware which can cripple Wifi Routers. Recently and Currently, My Asus Wifi Router, DLINK Wifi Router are totally down. So, I myself do not know what really happen. My Dlink Router was totally…
Update the What's New page, to include v19.6 / New 19.6 Changelog has been posted :)
Hello :) It's been about a week since 19.6 for Windows was rolled out. Could we update this page with the summery information you usually include, please. I keep another forum up to speed regarding F-Secure and would like to update that thread as well. What's new in the F-Secure app - F-Secure Community Thank you :)
Uuden VPN -sovelluksen ongelmat - pitää tuoda esille tämäkin näkökulma!
Olen seurannut nyt monta kk keskustelua uuden VPN vakavistakin, edelleen jatkuvista vioista / ongelmista. Käsittääkseni tämä foorumi on pääsääntöisesti tarkoitettu ns. peruskäyttäjien ja F-Securen väliseen vuoropuheluun - esim. kerrotaan ongelmista, kysellään käyttöohjeita. Usein keskusteluissa tämä tahtoo kuitenkin…
Seriously in need of help
I found out a little to late that my phone has been cloned unfortunately he was in my phone awhile before I found out and once I found out and started taking steps to stop him he got vengeful. He took over my cashapp and stole my entire SSDI check I'm disabled with cancer. He's taken complete control of my phone and…
Sympathy cards
I’m unable to directly access or browse the content from specific websites like the F-Secure community. However, if you provide specific text or details related to sympathy cards from the "General Discussion" section, I can help you with rephrasing, summarizing, or any other assistance you need.
Which F-Secure solution do you consider to be your all-time favorite?
In the days of total decisions, it is always useful to grab a cup of something you love and talk about an interesting topic. I think F-Secure has created, implemented or used some very interesting ideas, products, solutions and tools over the years. And I became interested - which of them do you remember, which ones do you…
MailTrackerBlocker App
Hey all, Is MailTrackerBlocker app for Apple Mail a reliable and safe app to use to prevent email trackers from tracking? Thanks
QuickBooks Payroll Tax Table Not Updating Despite Active Internet Connection : Help needed
Hi everyone, I'm facing a critical issue with QuickBooks. Despite having an active internet connection and attempting manual updates, the payroll tax table isn't updating. This problem is crucial for our payroll accuracy and compliance. I urgently need your help to troubleshoot and resolve this issue. Any suggestions on…
Potential risk of scam on our Community Portal
Dear Community Members, We regret to inform you that our F-Secure Community Portal is currently experiencing a scam attack. It has come to our attention that there are discussions promoting free F-Secure or other free software with links that may compromise your security. For your safety and the security of your devices,…
Good evening world, A fast and simple foundation. Be accountable for your actions. Responsibility and dedication will overcome the negativity that will always plague the light. SPECTRUM ALIVE
allowed senderlist
Received an email today from Zaim from F-Secure Customer Support. I was asked to pass on information from me to her. So I replied to the email, but it could not be delivered with the following message: "Your message to X.com couldn't be delivered.The group TechnicalSupport only accepts messages from people in its…
Who is the current community manager at F-Secure.
Hi Who is the current community manager at F-Secure. Please private email me. As i am not up to date with the current situation.
F-Secure extension and sandbox
Hello, If I run my browser in a sandbox (Sandboxie), the extension doesn't work properly. It says "Unable to connect to the application". How can I solve this problem?
Windows 10 Home shutdown and cannot power up
I am having issues that one of my computer running Windows 10 Home shutdown by itself and I cannot seems to powering up by press keys on the keyboard and i have to do a hard reset on the power of the computer. Is there a possible malware, RAT, etc that goes undetected. Does anyone have had the same problems with me. Please…
Android phone security
Hi, I think it would be interesting to see a blog post regarding Android security and manufacturers in overall. This could even go more in-depth about custom roms and their security and the compromises that for example open bootloader might cause. For example, is user data safe on Xiaomi phones? The phones (as with other…
https address shortcut.at/CVZ58?GSd=PERgnHQ6r6
Has anyone come across with this link? My husband got a message to his mobile with that link and he clicked it. Nothing further happened, just blank page, like it got stuck. Any experiences?
Hallo, im letzten Test der Stiftung Warentest im März 2024 ist F-Secure leider nur im Mittelfeld gelandet. Was hat sich verändert?
Security application not found
Surf protection add-on says: Säkerhetsapplikationen hittades inte (Security application not found) and cannot connect to this application. Reinstalling the add-on did not help. Wat can I do to have this functioning? Also the bankbanner does not function. It does not function on Edge and Firefox.
I wonder where to login and logout from F-Secure Forum????
I wondering where is to login and logout from the F-Secure Forum… Been searching around and keep looking all over the place. Can anyone in the forum help me out. It seems like there is no logout functionality to the forum. (LoL!) Thanks! Rusli
How Does Community.F-Secure.com Contribute to Heightening Cybersecurity Awareness and Support Among
What role does Community.F-Secure.com play in fostering cybersecurity awareness and support among its users? Through collaborative efforts and active participation, community mambers empower each other to navigate the intricate landscape of cybersecurity, offering practical solutions and staying abreast of emerging threats.
Freedome ei toimi WhattsAppin ja Signalin kanssa yhdessä.
Tämä uusi keskustelu luotiin viesteistä jotka lähetettiin alkujaan aiheeseen Freedome ei toimi WhattsAppin ja Signalin kanssa yhdessä..
Computer virus outbreak
Write down how many outbreaks there have been in the past 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, and 1 year