F-Secure Needs to Make an Official Announcement Regarding All the Changes in v19.9 = Avira

Karibu Posts: 40 Contributor

The leadership at F-Secure needs to provide a detailed answer regarding all the changes in Windows v19.9.

From beta tester screenshots it is clear that F-Secure is no longer going to be F-Secure; it is going to be Avira.

DeepGuard has also "silently" been replaced with Avira's behavioral analysis.

So what is happening at F-Secure and with its products? Is it in the process of being purchased and integrated by GenDigital?

Why is F-Secure dropping or abandoning all of its own in-house technologies and replacing them all with Avira components and EPP?

What options do current F-Secure subscribers have if they purchased F-Secure, and were fine with the product up until F-Secure decided to switch to Avira components? (If I wanted Avira on my system then I would have purchased Avira; so now that F-Secure is using all Avira technologies, I want at least a pro-rated refund as I do not want Avira on my system.)

So how about it F-Secure? Is there a leader at F-Secure that will provide a detailed explanation?

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