Reititin vanhenee - ounou! Router outdates - omg!

machine translation below - I was lazy.
tietoturvariskien kasvamisen ymmärrän, mutta liittymämyyjien mielestä useamman vuoden vanha reititin myös hidastelee! Huolimatta, että uudessa näyttää olevan ihan samat nopeusspeksit maallikon mielestä. Samalla tämä uusi reititin kuulemma palvelee vaikka kuinka pitkään eteenpäin. Annetaan kuva, että uusi palvelee pidempään kuin edellinen, josta myyjä sanoi aikanaan samaa. Kirsikka kakussa oli, että toimiva reitittimeni lakkasi toimimasta kokonaan, ei pelkästään uudella kortilla, mutta myös sillä vanhalla, joka toimi ennen uuden kortin asentamista. Operaattori vain sanoo, että reitittimeen sattui vain tulemaan yllättävä vika. Herää kysymys operaattorin tarkoitusperistä. Ei minkäänlaista vastuunottoa asiassa, asiakaspalvelija vetoaa heidän ohjeisiinsa. Vaadin heitä palauttamaan lähtötilanteen, eli entisen liittymän ja reitittimen toimivaksi. Eivät varmasti reagoi mitenkään jo koetun perusteella. 3 liittymää lähti vaihtoon samantien. Jos reititin ei pelaa eri operaattorinkaan kortilla enää, niin ovat saaneet ihan pysyvää vahinkoa aikaiseksi. Testasin muuten vanhaa reititintä ja korttia vs uusi reititin ja kortti samanaikaisesti. Vanha yhdistelmä oli piirun nopeampi. Toivottavasti teillä muilla ei ole kokemuksia vastaavasta pelleilystä.
Tuohon tietoturvariskiin liittyen, jos hankkisi esim. F-securen, niin onkohan silloin ihan sama tietoturvan kannalta, että mikä Kiinan purkki sitä data välittää. Ei kyllä taida sekään tunnistaa, kulkeeko joku data laillisesti vai laittomasti, luvalla tai ilman.
I understand the increase in information security risks, but according to the subscription sellers, a router that is several years old is also slowing down! Despite the fact that the new one seems to have exactly the same speed specs in the layman's opinion. At the same time, this new router is said to serve for a long time to come. Let's give the impression that the new one will serve longer than the previous one, about which the seller said the same thing at the time. The icing on the cake was that my working router stopped working completely, not only with the new card, but also with the old one that worked before the new card was installed. The operator only says that the router just happened to have a surprising fault. The question arises about the operator's intentions. No responsibility whatsoever in the matter, the customer service representative refers to their instructions. I demanded that they restore the initial situation, i.e. the old subscription and router to be functional. They certainly won't react in any way based on what they have already experienced. 3 subscriptions went for replacement at the same time. If the router doesn't work with a different operator's card anymore, then they've done some permanent damage. By the way, I tested the old router and card vs the new router and card at the same time. The old combination was slightly faster. I hope the rest of you don't have any experience with similar nonsense.
Regarding that information security risk, if you were to buy, for example, F-secure, then it wouldn't matter from an information security perspective which Chinese jar transmits the data. I don't think it can identify whether data is being transmitted legally or illegally, with or without permission.
Less commonly, the router starts to slow down if it is intact. It is possible that as the device ages, some individual component begins to break down, and it affects the operation of the device. Operators update network equipment purchased from them and can block operations if the manufacturer no longer updates its firmware.
This is justified for security reasons, because unupdated firmware is a big problem and risk, as has been seen. Personally, I use Asus routers, but the sheer number of security-fixing updates is sometimes confusing. One single update had 33 fixes. So the importance of updating devices is not emphasized unnecessarily.
As far as Chinese network devices are concerned, I am not surprised that they are not trusted. Their firmware is not open code (not either other manufacturers, of course), but spying can also be carried out at the hardware level with component drivers and/or microcode. A router is an excellent way to spy because, as its name suggests, it routes all network traffic. It should be remembered that the Chinese state can order a (Chinese company) to hand over information to the government against its will.