
Guten Tag @Wolfram
We welcome you to our forum and thank you for your post. As JOnes mentioned in our forum we conduct communication in English and Finnish.
We are very glad that you are serious about online security. Especially nowadays it is of great importance due to the increase of attacks on our privacy and our personal data.
Regarding Stiftung Warentest and its results, it would be best to ask the test authors for their interpretation. The authors would be the most qualified people to explain what circumstances and conditions they took into account when conducting the tests and comparing different programs with each other. As for Stiftung Warentest specifically, you can read the detailed test results on their website after paying an additional fee. I'm sure you'll find more information on the subject there.
We, on the other hand, would like to proudly boast the results of the test at AV Test where we received a TOP PRODUCT rating. You can view the results of this test for free on their official website also in German at this link:I hope this information will be helpful.
Best regards