A better way to stay updated
I'm wondering if F-secure will be using RSS/ATOM in the near future on their websites so you can follow any related news much easier? I'd want to keep-up-to-date on your Threat center (among others..) Thanks for any answers!
unable to reuse the key purchased yesterday on the same machine after reinstall of windows 8.1
Unable to reuse the valid subscription key for F-Secure antivirus after reinstall of windows 8.1 os. the validity of the key will expire on 16 feb 2023. Edit: PII Removed
About check the second is different?
why when i check the second is different? 1. 2.
How many virus outbreaks have occurred in the past 7 days?
How many virus outbreaks have occurred in the past 7 days?
has the router check in f secure been devised in such a way, that it does not scan ISP dns server
I have tried so much times to scan with router checker tool to check my security of my router and network. When I put opendns, googledns like public dns, the scan runs and show the correct result , it has vulnerability or not. But when I check with other dns, for eg. my ISPs auto configured dns, then the scan never runs…
F-Secure Router Checks. Amber or Yellow in colour instead of Green colour.
I do DNS Check with F-Secure Router that I got an Amber or Yellow Colour instead of Green. How do I know if the DNS is working or okay? But it says that the check is incomplete.
Why does f secure Booster stop and it is not possible to delete unnecessary files
Jag startar F secure booster. Men radera onödiga filer hakar upp sig .den börjar men går bara ca 10% sen hakar den och går ej vidare.
F-secure software not compatible with MacOS
The F-secure software is, still, not compatible with MacOS: it uses every computer resource. Why is F-secure so reluctant to develop software for MacOS?
syntax to use fsscan.exe
to scan a hdd in my lan i nedd the syntax to use fsscan.exe
trying to install spectrum security suite and the install fails without any detailed error msg
I'm trying to install spectrum security suite and the install fails without any detailed error msg
Microsoft security products. What is the difference?
Looking through descriptions they seem to overlap. I am curious if there is one sku vs the 3 we use. Or if we should drop one as the other license does the same. anyone have any idea?
Rescue Tool booted on/off-line
Is there still available some F-Secure Rescue Tool, which could be used from a bootable .iso on an USB-stick, both with network on/off-line possibilities?
So I just used F secure's router checker
and first it said "no issues were found" and everything was normal it showed my internet provider company. Then I clicked check my router one more time and this time it says "Everything appears to be fine, but the check was incomplete" and instead of At&t that shows up, it says SoftLayer Technologies. What does this mean?
Another story of war between me and very bad hacker, very interesting!
Hi my dear, thanks but things not so simple and easy when you are under attack off pro hacker who doesn't stop to hurt you and every new attack he or she use new method, I have very very interesting story about one of my experience with hacker so listen carefully: my brother he is software Eng. Told me behind the phone and…
F-SecureOnlineScanner detected as BScope.Trojan.Conteban
Hello F-SecureOnlineScanner.exe from https://www.f-secure.com/es/home/products#free has a trojan by VirusTotal and YOMI as BScope.Trojan.Conteban MD5 9fe20be80fe84afe3410f468d0a4446d SHA-1 7a21d6fa1f913be39ddeaa16997c4caf6b721a2b SHA-256 678cefce5fece0ffc76e692a403ec2060c5a27771a89f9fca9848938df732015 Vhash…
list of virus outbreaks
Hello. Where can I find a list of virus outbreaks that occurred in the last 30 days, 90 days and last year? Thanks ;)
请问软件支持简体中文吗 急 急 急
😥Software support simplified Chinese, please? Urgent urgent urgent😥
Problems Uninstalling (Mac OS Catalina 10.15.4)
Hi, I am using F-secure anti virus software through Yousee (Youseesikkerhedspakke). I have tried to contact them about my issues but they haven't been helpful. My problems started after I updated to Mac OS Catalina, and the software stopped working properly. Now, it is not working at all so I am looking for a way to…
How to avoid hyperjacking?
How to avoid NSO/Pegasus style hyperjacking In Windows and especially in Linux operating systems? Does F-secure solutions help with that? How about if your systems is already infected, Does F-secure solutions find anything? If not, what are your recomments what should be done then? I guess atkeast overwrite hdd and fresh…
F Secure router checker
My google searches have been including alot of pages that redirect to some Ukraine IP address at both on Android and Windows. Happens on Chrome and Firefox, but only with Google, not Duck Duck Go. So I thought I'd check if my router has been hacked. All the seetings looked fine so I used the F Secure Router…
Funny test
https://digital-life-test.f-secure.com/ -If you answered "no" (to suspicious updates)to the question nbr 6,the test claims i'm answered "yes" and starts advising me accordingly(windows)
Script error - cannot solve; cannot uninstall
Hi there. I attempt to install F-SecureOnlineScanner, but a script error reappears whenever i attempt to install or to switch on my computer. This is a bit annoying. I have tried the official uninstaller, but it did not work. I no longer want to user this scanner anymore, but just want to get rid of the error message…
Updates fail to install
Updates fail to install and have so since yesterday? F-secure gives me a desktop warning that it's not fully secured. When I try to manually install the updates, the status on the updates read "Failed" and "Will try again". What should I do?
Error 0c640f9ede referenced memory at 0x00000000 the memory could not be read
Hi F Secure I have had this error pop up when strating the application F secure booster. see screenshot below. Can someone please help before I do a system restore. I have already done a virus/malware check. Cheers
Script Error on running F-Secure Online Scanner.
Hi there! Please refer to the following pictorial description & kindly help alleviate this a hassle on using F-Secure Online Scanner tool download. Neither 'Yes' nor 'No' is invoking any a response ??! Mine is a Win 7 Ultimate, Version 6.1, Build 7601 : Service Pack 1. Inputs will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Script…
I failed to set up F-Secure Online Scanner due to error message indicated
I could download the software, but when I tried to set it up, suddenly an error message was shown as: I don't know why this happened. Please help me check this out. Thanks a lot.
How to unsubscribe from FS Protected websites
I had somehow signed up for a site & am receiving emails from it. When I click a link from the email to access the site, FS Protection blocks the site saying its not a good site. That's fine. But when I click the link in the email to unsubscribe, that's also blocked. So how do I unsubscribe without allowing the site? I…
What if the DNS-IP, as shown on your free router-checker, is not the Google, that I set it,
What if the DNS-IP, as shown on your free router-checker, is not the Google, that I set it, to ? -- try again !
Getting warning of harmful web site
I need to visit this web site often and have been to it a million times with no problem. I am wondering if somebody attached a bug to it? Anyhow, FSecure blocks me from going there now and I need to get there. I can provide a screen shot. The site is stpete4peace.org/obama-fact-sheet I would like to help them remove the…
Does F-Secure Rescue CD is still alive?
Hello, I found that the latest version of F-Secure Rescue CD 3.16 is dated to 2017. Does F-Secure still supports this tool for infected Windows devices? Thanks Piotr