Updates fail to install

I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
First of all, good to know what is your OS / platform(?).
Then, does your experience is about F-Secure Internet Security / F-Secure AV or about F-Secure SAFE. Or even about some other F-Secure solutions? Also, maybe, build of solution is useful information too (https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Common-topics/How-can-I-find-out-what-F-Secure/ta-p/87491).
What should I do?
If you did not try it yet - good to start from restart system (rebooting your computer).
And check situation after some minutes.
By the way, which updates are about troublestate?
Recently there was another topic about related trouble:
Thus, good to find solution and to understand reason of such situation. Mainly, if rebooting device is not helpful.