i Want A Refund ASAP
FSECURE i'm sick to the back teeth of your activation process for F Secure Booster. I cannot enter the license key I PAID GOOD MONEY FOR as the software tells me it's already activated and i have suppassed the maximum amount of computers - I HAVE NOT!!!!! ITS MY PC!!!! THE ONLY PC I HAVE GOT!!! I require the refund asap…
update von secure - booster
Nach dem aktuellen Update funktioniert nach dem Starten des Booster meine " Kontakte- App " ( peaple ) nicht mehr . Wie kann man die Änderungen durch Booster rückgängig machen ? ich habe es nur über Systemwiederherstellung geschafft und muss daher das gekaufte Programm vorläufig deaktivieren , hoffe aber auf eine…
Why router check up tool is being updated for more than a month?
Hi, whenever i click the router check , it shows that it is being updated . Is it a bug in my system or it is actually being delayed due to update. I want to try this tool to check my router. grc.com says, no vulnerbility. Avast finds vulnerability. As a safe check, i tried this tool and everytime i am greeted with a…
F-Secure Booster did not open due to missing mfc120u.dll
I have been using F-S Booster since 21.10.2015. Yesterday (23 Feb) , perhaps in connection with a Windows 10 routine update, I could not open the Booster due to error message "missing mfc120u.dll" advising to reinstall the program. What is this missing "dll" needed for and why was it lost? After this mishap I have today…
Booster causing start up problems
I'm having problems with start up after I've had a "clean up" with Booster.. If I shut down and restart I get a message: " the user profile service failed the login" "user profile cannot be loaded" The only way I can get my 'puter to start is by starting in safe mode and using system restore to go back to an earlier date.…
start-up problem after using F-Secure Booster (cleaning and speeding up)
After cleaning and speeding up with F-Secure Booster, my laptop has big problems to start up: a blue screen during about 5 minutes or more before starting up. After restoring my system at a point before using F-Secure Booster my laptop start up again in a few seconds. Thus I can not use F-Secure Booster anymore without…
How do I get on Facebook
Re: Premium code does not work
i am having similar problems , just purchased upgrade for f secure booster , received confirmation e mail with instructions. Downloaded onto computer , did not get welcome screen to input license code . It still installed on my computer , but does not give me full program, does clean up but for speed up and update says i…
F-Secure Booster - Prevent File Recovery
Does this product actually work? Several times I have had my computer on for upto 14 hours with say 15k of deleted files to be removed. I have had to switch my computer off to go to bed. The following day the "Resolving Prevent File Recovery" shows an increase to 17k of deleted files. At the moment the progress indication…
Re: Can't Register F-Secure Booster using code
I bought F-Secure Booster today (Reference xxxxx) and the key won't work. I don't do communities, so I don't know how to contact F-Secure, but I don't want to try to fix this problem. I will delete the program and I want my money back. Ihavenone is the community name I picked. EDIT: Changed title and removed PII
F-Secure Booster 'Improve drive speed' fails to finish
I'm using F-Secure Booster Version and the "Improve drive speed" function refuses to complete its task. It seems to work initially, the little yellow boxes dutifully albeit slowly appearing; yet when all the boxes are at long last completely yellow the spinner in the upper right of the "Speed Up" window just…
F-Secure Booster "Unknown Error"
I have entered the correct activation code in F-Secure Booster, but i get a message "Unknown Error. Contact F-Secure Customer Service" I called them but was referred here. Can some one please help?
F-Secure Router Checker
Hi Everyone, Everytime I try to use F-Secure Router Checker, I get the following message: "F-Secure Router Checking is being updated. We are updating F-Secure Router Checker. During the update the tool will not be accessible. Come back soon again." Does anyone know when this update will be complete? I've been getting this…
pc crashed so reinstalled windows
My Pc crashed on Sunday after installing a windows update. I wanted to reinstall F-Secure Booster, which I have 3 licenses for, but I have lost the email with my licence details on. Please advise what I need to do. Regards, Paul
F-Secure Booster
När jag kör Clean stannar Booster och en dialogruta kommer upp som säger: "Det går inte att optimera Windowsregistret just nu. Systemomstart krävs". Om det med systemomstart menas att jag ska starta om datorn så har jag gjort det 5 ggr med samma resultat som ovan. Vad ska jag göra?
Booster feedback
I just got Booster yesterday and ran it, and it made the computer go to sleep. I dont want to have the computer go to sleep unless I tell it to go to sleep, because I run long programs during the night and don't want the program to go to sleep so that I have to wake up every hour to wake up the computer to keep working on…
F-Secure Booster & Windows 10
Hello! I updated from Windows 7 to Windows 10 lately. I have F-Secure Booster Premium and I was wondering is it a good idea to use it in Windows 10... I think not, because Booster shows that my OS is Windows 8.1 not 10. So yeah, should I use it or not?
Hi, I am a first time user of Booster. In the Update section, I am on Resolving " Prevent file recovery ". It as been on now for some 24 hours, and at the top right of the section is a wheel turning, which I presume something is going on? I am rather concerned , as it as been going on for so long. Is this usual? If anyone…
Activation key for F-Secure Booster not working
I have just bought F-Secure Booster and the activation key does not work. How do I resove this
Changing F-Secure booster licence to new computer
Could I only unistallal Booster from my old laptop and install same copy(licence numebr) to a new laptop. Or is there any other isuuses?
How can I upgrade F-Secure Booster from 1 pc to 2 pc?
Re: booster key code
[Edited the email address, key and the order number] Hello Ben, My email addres is xxxx@xxx.com Booster key is xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxx Order no. xxxxxxx Trevor
Bank failing to recognize my local machine
Presently, I am using F-Secure 15.3 and F-Secure Booster Version; and lately one of those utilities may be (and just as easily may not be) interfering with my bank's ability to recognize my local machine. While I'm all in favor of malware/spyware cookies being deleted, cookies which enable me to easily log in at…
Windows 7 Registry Problems
I am a very satisfied F-Secure Internet Security customer. Since I liked the product so much I decided to try the Booster program. The Booster program has caused my nothing but problems since I installed it!! My Dell i7 pc developed the following issues since I installed and used Booster: Booster Version-, Windows…
F-Secure Booster wont work
My F-Secure Booster wont work and is telling me that "mfcl20u.dll is missing......I have tried to uninstall and start again without success.Hope some-one can help.
Microsoft Office
Installed F-Secure Booster this morning. Tried to go into two different MS Office applications and was told that my legitimate sofware was Not Registered. Tried the Product Key to no avail. What have you done to me with this F-Secure Booster cr*p?
Päivityksen jälkeen tuli ilmoitus: "Ohjelma ei voi käynnityä, koska mfc120u.dll puuttuu tietokoneesta. Yritä korjata ongelma asentamalla ohjelma uudelleen." Mitä teen????
F Secure Booster - windows error message following automatic update
Have been using F Secure Booster since mid May 2015 without any issues and have found the programme very useful and efficent. However an automatic update undertaken today has rendered the programme unusable as it will not run, instaed I am presented with a Windows error message as follows - 'the programme cannot start…
Missing DLL
Hi Can anyone help, ive just updated F-Secure Booster but it wont update because its saying im missing the following mfc120u.dll Ian
Booster !
Hej ! Jag undrar om det skall vara så när man, kör Uppdeit " Förhindrar återställning filer" Har kört hela natten tills nu kl 11:16 ! Men den blir alldrig GRÖN utan den står och snurrar på GULT ! Nu stängde jag av den ! Men skulle jag ha gjort det ? Eller skulle jag låta den gå tills den blir GRÖN fast att det skulle ta ex…