Any progress for BP compatibility with Firefox 10?

This was posted today:
There's a new browsing protection release candidate available The update contains stability fixes and provides support for Firefox 10 The visible version string is "F-Secure Browsing Protection SW Update 2012-02-07_01" The update is distributed through the policy manager which has been configured as specified in the instruction page: Manual installation packages for all current release candidates are available as follows: on windows: for 9-series in The executables are self-installing on a system with the appropriate F-secure client. These manual installation packages also contain other engines we currently have in a release candidate state, which are due to production later. For any feedback regarding the update or the beta program, please send them through Thanks and Best Regards: F-Secure Labs
1 important point to mention is that if you do use the package in, you need to run it in command prompt with extra parameters for BP to get installed:
fsdbupdate9 -f
We're aware of this limitation, and a bug case has been raised for future improvement. Sorry for the inconveniences.
About having support 2 weeks after Firefox RTM, we still need to test the final RTM package to ensure that the final release does not have any changes that might break BP. We are already exploring alternatives to match up to Mozilla's rapid release, but for the time being this is what we can offer.
Question to F-Secure tech support (I hope they read this thread)
Aurora was available as of Feb 03. Should we assume that F-Secure will make BP supporting component within 2 weeks = tomorrow? or within 2 weeks since the official lunch of FF11.
BTW I have not seen official release of BP supporting FF10.x yet
Hi, matches any 10.x, No Information on Beta and/or Aurora yet
Subject: [Corp-update-beta] A new Browsing Protection will be released to production on Tuesday morning early morning Helsinki time
The update contains stability fixes and provides support for Firefox 10 The update in question is currently available through the policy manager which has been configured as specified in the instruction page: Manual installation packages for all current release candidates are available as follows: on Windows: for 9-series in The executables are self-installing on a system with the appropriate F-secure client. These packages also contain other engines we currently have in a release candidate state, which are due to production later. For any feedback regarding the update or the beta program, please send them through Thanks and Best Regards: F-Secure Labs -
Sorry, but this is still Beta.
I am not going to push it to 1400 stations and report to my supervisor in case something got busted.
I heard already enough how F-Secure sucks by not supporting advertised products on time
On the other had Mozilla approach with so frequent relases does not make it easy for anyone
Still waiting for official release through normal (non Beta) channels
@andrzej: "2 weeks" deadline is for all FF RTM releases only. For example:
FF11 RTM = 13th March
BP support deadline = 27th March (we start working on BP support when the next release is in the Beta branch, then must make sure BP support for the Release branch is ready by this date).
For those interested, Mozilla's plan up to FF15:
Mine is FF 10.0.2, and F-secure is Internet Security 2012 purchased 3 weeks ago.
Add-On BP doesn't get updated automatically during hourly update of F-Secure for the updated FF. Doesn't it work so in F-Secure Internet Security 2012?
At least in "N" company's product, add-on is updated automatically during regular update, and the update to support newly released browsers usually takes a couple of days, if not really soon.
I think 2-weeks of waiting time to support the new browser needs to be improved... I see one comment that 2-weeks is the company policy to follow at latest and it is released on the last day for the target. Then it would be nice to revisit the policy... Simply It is too long when people use the internet in their daily life nowadays, and also it doesn't seem so working effectively after the release.
Or in case I am not aware of how the BP add-on to get updated and if not updated automatically, can anyone give a bit detailed instruction?
Also, not the topic for this discussion threads but,
another wish is that it would be really nice to support Chrome officially soon...
Is or is not Firefox 10 compatible with Browsing protection? Tried yesterday upgrading to Firefox 10 and BP is disabled. Contacted support via chat and told it is not compatible. An hour later receive a Twitter reply from @FSecure saying it is compatible and that I need to enable it again using Firefox addons - yet this doesn't seem to work.
And in the downloaded updates you see "F-Secure Browsing Protection SW Update 2012-02-16_01" and the status says "installed"?
please open the file fsaua.log and search for the above update. should look like this:
[51724]Fri Feb 17 03:42:17 2012(3): Downloaded 'F-Secure Browsing Protection SW Update 2012-02-16_01' - 'litmus-bin' version '1329383462' from, 4449444 bytes (download size 827148 bytes)
[ 2840]Fri Feb 17 03:42:19 2012(2): Update check completed successfully.
[ 2840]Fri Feb 17 03:42:23 2012(3): Installation of 'F-Secure Browsing Protection SW Update 2012-02-16_01' : Success