Standardize F-Secure UI across all products and webpages
It would be good to standardize the new dark blue F-Secure colour (right image), which is already reflected on F-Secure webpages, into my.f-secure.com as well (left image), which is currently using a light blue scheme. Additionally, it would be great to standardize the favicon of my.f-secure.com to use the same favicon as…
Blurry font 4K HiDPI
I am currently using a laptop with HiDPI (4K screen resolution). The fonts look very blurry in sub-menus. Could the developers fix it? There is no blurry font issue with other areas of the product apart from sub-menus.
Plans for Safari Extension?
Do you have any plans to implement F-Secure Key browser extension for Safari?
Anti-Exploit Module
I find in a time in which zero day attacks are very widespread should be a reasonable anti-exploit protection without any frills standard. dear f-secure team, I love your software. their simplicity, the technology. just everything. please integrate such a feature. Thank You.
New banking protection feature
I would like to have a possibility to create a list of websites (online purchases, etc) that I could add under banking protection, so when I enter the website I am automatically protected (similar to Kaspersky Safe Money tool). Thanks
Banking protection trigger exception
We get questions about the option to add Banking Protection exceptions in F-Secure SAFE so that the excempt sites specifically will not trigger Banking protection. I know there is the ability to allow or block sites for after the Banking Protection has triggered but it would be usefull to have the option for whether a site…
Enhance And Tweak Guardian Software
An idea of mind is maybe to add a virus checker to fs id guardian for ease of use and maybe add safari and internet explorer support for both parties to make 50/50 of both parties (Microsoft/Apple)(Do to OS intergraded web browser software)
Enforce SafeSearch on major search engines
Hi. It would be nice if Browsing Protection hade the function to enforce SafeSearch on major search engines, like Google and Bing. This function is very usefull when we are working with schools. I think this is rather easy since Watchguard has this on the fly in there firewalls, but I think it would be more usefull if…
Could the update happen after closing the application ?| F-secure key and ID protection
Since now updating this id protection/ Key happens when you open the application and the update box appears. Then you need to download upate and the app closes to run the update installer. Could this happen after closing the app since people might want to use the aplication and the might keep deffering the update all the…
Self-defense and integrity checking
Hi. F-Secure and community! As I understand it, the current policy of developers is that it is enough not to run programs as an administrator and then DeepGuard will most likely not allow anything to terminate the F-Secure process. But I don't think that's a very good idea. I wouldn't like to be afraid to run any utilities…
Rotary Icon as an indication of ongoing(long) and scheduled scanning
Add Rotary Icon(F-Secure Brand Icon) etc. as an indication of ongoing scheduled scanning...
Introduce "File Vault" as a new feature for Windows PC
Please forward this idea to the concerned team and app developers. Please introduce 256 bit encrypted "File vault" feature which enables users to store files in an encrypted vault. This feature was popular few years back but now a days its discontinued by many AV companies. This feature might come in handy and useful for…
F Secure Safe for Windows 11
Provide the following features in F Secure Safe app for Windows 11 :- 1. Provide an option for manually adding files to the qurantine by the user. Such a feature comes in handy when dealing with a file is malicious and not detected by F Secure Safe. 2. Provide Keylogger protection for typing over Google Chrome, MS Edge,…
F Secure Safe Mobile Antivirus for android 12
Provide the following features in F Secure Safe app for Android 12:- 1. Show the app names which are scanning and show directories of files and apps when scanning. 2. Also scan all the apps including system apps as well. I am pretty sure it does not scan all the apps over my mobile device. 3. Make sure app scans all the…
Touch ID for MacOS desktop version of F-Secure Key?
Could you please implement Touch ID to unlock F-Secure Key on the MacOS desktop version?
Monitoring warnings should become removable
I received a warning about a possible data leak dating from 2016. Since then (and today again) I changed my password, but the warning, now irrelevant, keeps popping up. According to the employe I chatted to it is impossible to remove warnings - which should become possible. Irrelevant warnings are no warnings anymore.
Feature suggestion
Hi! I have used ID PROTECTION now for quite a while and therefore I have a lot of accounts in there. I think it would be great to have a feature in the product that lists accounts that have not been used for a while to help a user keep a "healthy" digital hygiene. By locating these rarely used credentials, a user can…
I write as a PARENT to bring to the URGENT ATTENTION of F-SECURE and F-SECURE TOTAL the fact that it is extremely important for we parents especially in todays Internet age, that F-Secure please ensure that it includes in F-SECURE TOTAL, the ability for we parents from our (parents) devices i.e. desktop, laptop and phones…
FSESS and Microsoft Exchange - Scanning for specific URLs in incoming emails / scan masked domains
Dear F-Secure Team, we are using FSESS in our Exchange 2016 environment to scan incoming emails for Malware, Spam, harmful links and malicous attachments. After using FSESS for some months we found out that the handling with harmful hyperlinks in emails needs a improvement. 1) It would be nice if F-Secure could provide an…
Feedback and Ideas for new features
F Secure Safe should have exploit protection features which protects from exploit attacks and anti keylogging tools which scrambles the data when entered into its supported browsers like Google Chrome, MS Edge, Mozilla Firefox. Which provides additional banking protection. As the current banking protection is not…
REQUEST: Add the option to save Identity items and Secure notes
Bitwarden has the option to save ID Cards, Passports, Driver's licences, Permit cards, etc with information such as Name, SSN, Issue date, Expiry date, License number, Notes regarding the item AND attachments for images of the identity item. Secure notes would be super useful for saving recovery codes as text or QR-code…
Feedback on ID protection, request for features
Thank you for the product, I have been using this since I left F-Secure about 10 years ago, so ex-employee here. I have been missing two specific features on the product to streamline the usage experience: When creating new key: auto-complete for username, based on other usernames stored in the Vault. When opening Vault,…
Export more "Device Details" in WithSecure EPP
As an administrator, I would like to extract more information in a list (e.g. CSV or HTML on the screen) from my devices. Up to now, EPP records details like vendor, model, BIOS version and date, etc. but this information can only be seen per machine on the details page of each machine. Up to now it's not possible to…
Backup feature for ID-Protection
Add password/pin-code eg. encrypted Backup/Restore feature for vault entries
Payment via cryptocurrency
Hello Please allow cryptocurrency payments (especially for VPN purchases). This is really a need.
Continue scan after gaming
When a scheduled scan is executed and during that scan a game is started then that scan is terminated by the gaming mode. The scan does not continue where it had been stopped, it's cancelled instead. The correct behaviour would be to pause the scan during gaming 6 and continue when gaming mode is turned off. This is an…
AutoBackup for Policy Manager
A system for Policy Manager where you can choose the day and hour (as scheduller) and choose where you will make the automatic backup. When your HD or Database of Policy Manager crashes, you lost everything and you will need reinstall and reconfigure everything. To avoid this, is recommended make backup, but the TI manager…
Software inventory
I seen another antivirus solutionsa software inventory, where you can control the number of licenses and most important, you KNOW what was installed in the user computer (if he installed an illegal software).
Client Security - Software updates
1) Please make option for "Install updates and shutdown computer" like MS updates 2) When postponing updates, max time is now 99 minutes. Please enable option to modify this time
Per Application firewall rules
Hello We would need an ability to restrict network access on a per application basis, not per protocol. We are using Citrix with HDX Flash redirection and we would like to restrict network access so that Internet Explorer is only able to access internal sites while HDX redirection executable(Pseudocontainer.exe) is able to…