Camera/Microphone Protection Module?
Hello everyone! I've noticed that many competing security products already include a camera and microphone protection module. This stands out because we all know F-Secure's strong commitment to privacy protection. I would like to see the following features: See which applications are attempting to access the…
Browsing Protection to display only negative notifications
The Browsing Protection pop-up notification at the bottom right-hand corner of a browser tab is distracting, especially when it only tells me that the "shopping" website (such as logging into a news website) is highly trusted. Users do not need to be told that stuff is safe. Users need to be told when stuff is not safe.…
Selainsuoja estää Nordean sivustot
Selain Chrome version 132.0.6834.84 (Official Build) (64-bit) Browsing protection version 6.3.9 Selainsuojaus estää seuraavat sivut, jotka ovat takuulla turvalliset ja ovat minulla kirjanmerkkeinä: https://www.nordea.fi/private-banking/ https://www.nordea.fi/
VPN usability
Hi, I assume that you are aware of the VPN service's problems regarding the trouble-free operation of the internet connection. Today, in the Chat conversation with your support, I gained a new understanding in this regard. If the problems with the VPN service (or some of them) are related to the protocol used, then I…
Browsing Protection affects LinkedIn
The Browsing Protection Firefox addon is making my LinkedIn profile excruciatingly slow. (Screen shot has a blank screen because I've scrolled down to the bottom of the page and it's trying to load more posts.) The prompt is asking me to disable the browser extension. Is there anything F-Secure can do about this or should…
Lapsen puhelimella ei pääse avaamaan linkkejä
Hei, Ohessa tämä keskustelu joka jämähti paikalleen: Olen noudattanut kaikkia keskustelun ohjeita ja poistanut sisällön suodatuksen, mutta linkit eivät avaudu edelleenkään. Ei se ole tarkoitus että sisällönsuodatus otetaan pois jotta saadaan linkit avautumaan. Olen myös ottanut Chromen pois käytöstä, mutta sekään ei auta.…
Firefox with F-Secure Browsing Protection AddOn: AddOn crashes with certain site(s)
Hello I Use the Firefox latest release with the F-Secure Browsing Protection AddOn in v.5.5.11 on Windows 10 Pro (64-bit) (with latest updates). The site "corsair . com" crashes the AddOn in Firefox and it's then no more functional with Google Search. Please fix it. Thanks in advance and greetings Alpengreis PS: Sorry for…
Website denied: Danske Bank
I've got my Banking protection turned on, but all of a sudden it has started to block my entries to the log-on page of Danske Bank — one of the major banks here in the Nordic countries. This happens after the following steps: 1. I first enter the website of Danske Bank by typing in the URL directly to the browser's…
F-Secure Internet Security prevents my kid from doing school homework
So, my kid needs to access ebban.fi to do homework. Essentially, read a book. He wants to use his phone to do it, and it has F-Secure Internet Security installed, along with the Safe Browser. What happens is, that when he selects the book he needs to read, the Safe Browser blocks this because of parentage settings, as it…
Make opting out of web traffic scanning in the settings actually work
F-Secure Internet Security and F-Secure Total (I tried both) still monitor Internet traffic even with web traffic scanning, browsing protection, and banking protection turned off and I never installed F-Secure's browser extension. Even with all of that turned off the "websites checked" counter on the "Secure Browsing &…
Firefox extension blocks all traffic
Hi, when I use Firefox all traffic is blocked when the extension "Browsing Protection by F-Secure" is enabled. When I disable this extension I am able to navigate to a website. macOS version: 12.7.4 Firefox version: 124.0.2 Extension version: 5.3.11 I now keep the extension disabled. Is this a known issue?
FS Protection loses rights
This happens several times a week - FS Protection loses the necessary rights, which I always need to regrant.
Sain tuntemattomalta lähettäjältä sähköpostin, jossa kerrottiin että laitteisiini on asennettu Pegasus-vakoiluohjelma. Jos en maksa 1300 USD annetulle kryptovaluuttatilille, julkaisevat videoita minusta yhteyshenkilöilleni. Kuitenkin minulla on koko ajan ollut FSecure ja Safe browser päällä. Virustarkistus ei löydä mitään…
Browsing Protection for Firefox
Hello. Are there plans to bring Browsing Protection extension functionality to macOS? Currently, F-Secure only allows this functionality on the Mac for Safari. While I like Safari, this is pretty limiting. I often have a need to use other browsers on Macs, and it would be great to have the extension, just like Windows…
Browsing Protection for Opera Browser
Hello! Please add support BP Extension for Opera Browser. Now Opera can receive extensions from Chrome WebStore, but extension not working corrctly with Opera. Please, fix it! Best regards and thank You:)
Browsing Protection is not working on Google Search Result on Edge / Chrome
Hello there, I observed that Browsing Protection is not working on Google Search Results, it happens since yesterday night (27/10/2023) on both of my PC and Laptop while F-Secure Total installed. All browsers and FS Total are up-to-current, resinstalling the plug-ins nor browser fresh insllation cannnot solve the problem.…
F-Secure Chrome Browser Extension is Blocking Google Maps Ads
I look on Google Maps, check out hotels or whatever. I get a detail panel with info on a specific hotel and ads for others. I try to click and ad and it is blocked by my F-Secure browsing protection extension. Error page says: ad.doubleclick.net is blocked This page has been blocked by an extension Try disabling your…
Mac - Secure browsing - Privacy
When the privacy setting "Allow deeper analysis" is turned off, the secure browsing functionality stops working. The checkmarks are grey and show "This site has not been analyzed yet". This is with any browser on the Mac, F-Secure version 19.1. Also tested on Windows, there the secure browsing keeps working with the "Allow…
F-Secure monitors Internet traffic even with web traffic scanning, browsing & banking protection off
F-Secure Internet Security and F-Secure Total (I tried both) still monitor Internet traffic even with web traffic scanning, browsing protection, and banking protection turned off and I never installed F-Secure's browser extension. Even with all of that turned off the "websites checked" counter on the "Secure Browsing &…
Ziggo Safe Online in browser werkt opeens niet meer zoals voorheen
Vraag over Safe Online via Ziggo : Tot voor kort had ik bij zoekopdrachten (Edge, Windows10 omgeving) groene vinkjes staan (betrouwbare website) en aparte bescherming bij bankieren. Dit lijkt niet meer te werken. Ook zie ik boven in mijn browser (Edge) een ikoontje met een soort van uitroepteken erin. Hierin staat:…
F-Secure Browsing Protection by F-Secure is missing.
F-Secureのブラウザ保護をchromeにインストールして拡張機能を有効にしたがしばらくすると消えてF-Secureから警告が出る。chromeが同期しているほかのデバイスもそれに同期して消える タイトルどおりです。 何者かに消されている感じです。
Browsing Protection cannot be installed, reported as causing serious problems
All of a sudden F-Secure SAFE prompted me to take action. The problem stated by SAFE was that I need to configure the Mozilla Firefox extension to protect my browsing. I had already configured the extension a long time ago, and when I decided to reconfigure by clicking Configure, Firefox displays the message "Browsing…
Browser passwords
Sorry for inappropriate username, too many problems with IT this morning. How to install password protection for the browser, I have Edge
Safe ei löydä virusta tietokoneesta (fi . begin - it . com)
Etsin käyntikorttipohjia kouluprojektia varten. Tuolloin koneessani ei ollut muuta virustorjuntaohjelmaa kuin Windows 10 oma. Koneeseeni tuli käyntikorttipohjan avaamisesta ilmeisesti virus. Kone lähettelee nyt jatkuvasti ilmoituksia, kuinka laitteessa on havaittu virus/trojan jne. Latasin Safen ja skannasin koneen. Ei…
F-Secure and Firefox
Hy, Months ago I switched from Firefox to Google Chrome because there was a problem with an update by Firefox. According to your site, that problem has been solved. F-Secure is activated and Firefox installed, but I still miss the familiar green check marks in front of trusted website names when I use Firefox. Am I…
SAFE esto tietylle nettisivulle androidissa
Voinko estää F-secure SAFElla tietylle sivulle pääsyn lapseni androidissa ? Jos laitan kaikki suodattimet päälle, niin puhelimella pääsee silti osoitteeseen ylilauta.org, jonka haluaisin estää.
Apparently some ~terms~of~service were violated. I have been using this superior security suite for over 20 years and with Firefox for 3 years. I will have to switch back to an inferior browser that invades my privacy until this get fixed. PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP.
New bug issue with FF add on again.
After the fixes last week regarding the banking protection not turning on with Paypal... it's now fixed in that it does turn on (but doesn't STAY turned on still)... (Ref: F-Secure: 046xxxxx BUG REPORT ref:_00Db0JXpV._500672Yx5rJ:ref) BUT there's a new issue: I just went to purchase something – it was actually not even a…
Website blocked in Firefox, working fine in Microsoft Edge
Hi, F-Secure blocks the site https://www.schwaebisch-hall.de/mein-konto.html in Firefox, whereas it works pretty fine in Microsoft Edge. It's a banking website. Moreover, once the site was blocked, many other sites in Firefox are blocked, including F-Secure. Anyone any idea? KR, Andreas