VPN usability

I assume that you are aware of the VPN service's problems regarding the trouble-free operation of the internet connection. Today, in the Chat conversation with your support, I gained a new understanding in this regard.
If the problems with the VPN service (or some of them) are related to the protocol used, then I suggest that you think about/investigate the possibility of automating the use and change of the protocol (IKEv1, IKEv2, etc.) in the background while the network connection is on. Changing the protocol if necessary might cause some delay but would still allow the access to the site/page where the user is aiming to go. A notification of the activity could been shown to the user if necessary (long delay etc. reasons that might irritate the user if not informed).
I am also only an F-Secure user.
Just some thoughts about:
- do you mean to make such a feature as an exclusive 'auto'-thing, working/enabled by default? or just an option, where user can switch it from OFF to ON (such as, if he want to use protocol-autoswitching as a fallback or do not want).
I think for some people (it may be) unwanted thing to use a certain protocol. Or impossible. So, it will be not a sure solution. And, then, basically it is better if user decided to use chosen protocol with his consent (even if do not know the difference).
- another thing is I am not sure that it is so easy to detect / understand that the trouble with connection is pinned to a certain protocol or whatever. Thus, what kind of logic should be implemented for the software to make such a decision: 'something wrong with connection' > 'let's switch the protocol' (does not matter if the reason is unrelated to chosen protocol before)? Is it suitable for all potential troubles with network connection or VPN connection? If jumping from one protocol to another is a solution - the it is better to use either reliable protocol; or location which working good with chosen protocol.
I think changing the protocol is almost the same as changing the server (another location). So, VPN Connection is re-established. It is not really that smooth while connecting to a website.
Anyway, maybe since your feature request is based on some chatting with their Support. Maybe they will find some solution or improvements exactly for your scenarios.
Today Mon 13.1.2024 we received good news that the problem (TLS 1.3) the F-Secure VPN has been experiencing for a long time has been fixed and at least for me the VPN (Win 11 with open-vpn protocol) worked flawlessly today, although after it went into what I call "idle state " it took somewhat longer to recover from it. In some VPN implementations the best protocol can be selected in the so-called "auto" mode which is probably what is being sought here too....?