Sense parental control
Hello When are you gong do add parental control to Sense? Or do I need to buy another router ti get that? I have used the device for 2 years now. When I bought it, your website clamed that it would be added in the feature. Abiliti to turn wifi off would also be nice.
Touch ID for MacOS desktop version of F-Secure Key?
Could you please implement Touch ID to unlock F-Secure Key on the MacOS desktop version?
Option To Remove Statistics Box On Main Screen
To give an option to remove the main stats at the bottom of the main F-Secure Safe Window - Personally I find it somewhat pointless even irritating & maybe a little unprofessional to have an ever increasing amount of data from various logs shown whenever the main screen is viewed. There is an option to 'disable…
Policy Manager WebReporting doesnot show detailed information about scanning results and detailed in
In PMC I can see detailed information about detected malware in alerts and result of on-demand scans. Is it possible to add these informations to WebReported console?
Policy Manager new type of role: OPERATOR
I think it would be nice if PMC can add new type of user as a operator. This type of user should be able to make operation like "update now", "create FDSIAG remotely" or run on-demand scan. Other features accessed only as a read-only user. Is it possible to add this role to PMC? Thank you.
Request to SW updater to be able to update Cisco Jabber SW
I want (if it is possible) to add support of Cisco Jabber SW to software updater. This SW is quite known and install patches via SW Updater will be useful for many customer. Is it possible? Where can I ask for improvements of the SW Updater component? Thank you.
Add Current User to RDR Alert Emails
Currently the RDR alerts we receive have the following fields. Category, Risk Level, Confidence, Criticality, Affected Hosts, and Company. I recently opened a ticket with support for adding a field to this email alert to let us know what user is logged in, if any, at the time of the alert. Just leaving a suggestion as…
Grayscale menubar icon on Mac OS
As of today, the Mac OS clients for PSB and Safe add a blue menubar icon. This icon should be in grayscale to harmonize with the rest of the Mac OS UI (just like the Freedome icon already does).
Finder integration for PSB (and Safe)
It would be lovely with a Finder integration for the PSB and Safe client on Mac OS so that the user can scan selected files by right-clicking on them (just like in Windows Explorer). Competing Mac OS solutions from Bitdefender have this feature.
Exclusion/ignore list for Mobile Security
Hello there! If possible in future updates, it would be much appreciated if the mobile security also had an exclusion/ignore list for files and / or folders on our Android phones. There are some sideloaded apks that keep giving me security alerts but that I know are clean. I just wanted a way to say "OK, I know. You can…
Forum Private message block
Hi, I recently tried to help an f-Secure user on the Forum ... now I am getting private messages which I'd like to block because of their ranting content. Please can you add a block button to your Forum message service - thanks
Freedome bypass still needed for Win10
There is an increasing need for a Freedome bypass for Windows 10 users, program updates frequently are affected, service sign up, game updates and certain online services block VPN's. The only "get round" at the moment is to turn Freedome off - surely this defeats the object of having the software? There is an exceptions…
Allow SAFE browser to have a whitelist of safe URLs
The SAFE browser should have a whitelist of addresses that are always allowed. Modern houses have all sorts of web interfaces in the local 192.168.x.x network that need to be accessible - even for the children. What if the only illumination in the child's room is Philips hue, accessible only through web? The current setup…
Allow temporary increases to time limits
A frequent use case is that the child wants to have "just a little more time" on the phone. Currently I can accoplish this by increasing the daily time limits, but this increases the time limit on future days as well. I also frequently forget to reset the limits back to where they were. In other words, I would like to be…
Decouple SAFE browser and time limits on Android
The use case is to have a web browser that does not have time limits. This would be needed for example in school where the teachers expect that children can use their mobile phone browsers for information seeking. Currently it is impossible as a parent to foresee how much time the child will need for schoold use. Another…
Freedome Mac VPN exception for IP an address (bypass VPN)
I had been long wondering how can I configure certain IP addresses to bypass Freedome VPN. It seems that it was somewhat simple after all (at least in a simple scenario): Find the default gateway (destination default in netstat -r): route -n get default | grep 'gateway' | awk '{print $2}' Add a route: sudo route -v add…
Quarantine cleaning
Now it is very inconvenient and long to delete files from quarantine one at a time. In this regard, I propose developers to create the ability for the user to immediately mark all quarantined files so that it is immediately and completely clear or add the "Delete / Clear All" button in quarantine.
Automation for connecting/disconnecting VPN
I'd like to be able to connect/disconnect the macOS Freedome VPN via either a terminal utility or AppleScript. I want to automatically connect the VPN when I connect to certain Wi-Fi networks, or when I trigger a global hotkey of some kind. The methods I've tried are: 1. I looked for a terminal utility inside the…
Yubikey 5ci
Now that Yubico has released a key specifically designed for iOS mobile, F-secure will need to join up this program and allow users to capitalize on this. Otherwise F-secure key customers are likely to switch to one of the major competitors that do utilize physical keys (1password, dashlane, etc.)
DMZ addresses
I would need to let some of the apps by pass VPN connection. In order to use such app I need to set the Freedome OFF. If I am using another application at the same time that has to use Freedome I need to ping pong between the On and Off states. That is very annoying. So the solution would be a list of apps that would by…
Make Patch Management handle non-security automatic
F-Secure Patch Management in the Computer (and Server) protection can handle security updates automatic. I don't see any reason why it should be able to handle non-security updates too? Best wishes Jesper
Don't show, or show exluded updates in PSB webconsole separete
I have to exclude som updates, eg MSXML that as I have been told is an error you are working on for months now, they are still counted as important updates not installed in the overview. It makes the overview not worth looking at and even worse it makes me insecure if F-Secure Patch Management, which I pay for, actually…
How to upgrade freedome with less user action
Whenever there is and upgrade available for Freedome on a Win PC I get a notification for it from Freedome New Windows asks if I should allow that Then Freedome tells in the GUI that there is an upgrade (or somthing like that) Finally I am asked if I want to install the upgrade So four time I have to take action. Could the…
multiple entry delete
Key should have option to delete multiple entries at one time or all at once. As import cannot handle historical entries from other software exports now I have more than 950 entries in my password list. About 400 of them are old versions and I cannot know which ones. And cannot delete entries other than one by one.…
Whitelisting for Freedome
Add whitelisting feature to Freedome for website URLs or IP addresses. These websites would be connected to without Freedome. Currently Freedome interferes with things that are done locally, like camera connectivity and connections to local virtual machines, requiring to turn it off completely.
Better integration for Freedome and other F-Secure products in Safe
Activating Freedome for my family members' devices is a painful and unobvious procedure. Add an one-time activation code in Safe's control panel for each user's device's F-Secure product that could be then used to activate the subscription in the corresponding devices. The basic idea would be similar to the one used in Key…
Prevent Freedome from getting removed from a phone
Like SAFE, Freedome should only be removed from a phone by a superuser when family rules apply. For some reason I see Freedome missing from our kid's phone almost every time I check the phone, and despite I've always installed it again. We don't have a definite answer on how this happens. Freedome is at least as important…
Trusted Networks Feature
When will the Trusted Networks Faeture finally reach IOS?
Call Blocker
BRING BACK THE CALL BLOCKER IN SAFE (Caps intentional; I AM SHOUTING) Been with Fsecure for 15 years and have never been so dissapointed. Perhaps I should look elsewhere for my security.
Report false positives from within Policy Manager
It would be helpful if I could report false positives (virus, DNS request) directly via the Policy Manager by using the context menu. Current situation: - See false positives in PM - Copy that information - Open website for reporting false positives - Enter personal details, choose from drop downs, paste copied information…