New banking protection feature

123anx Posts: 1 New Member
edited August 2022 in Feature Requests

I would like to have a possibility to create a list of websites (online purchases, etc) that I could add under banking protection, so when I enter the website I am automatically protected (similar to Kaspersky Safe Money tool). Thanks

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In Progress · Last Updated


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,799 Superuser


    Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).

    Just as discussion between F-Secure Community users: current Banking Protection feature (F-Secure SAFE) with specific design. When banking session (protection) is triggered - then all connections under stricter control and protection.

    So, you could use workaround like: to open browser with two tabs:

    • any trusted banking website or any other resource which would trigger banking protection session;
    • second website is your 'any' website.

    However, perhaps your request is about something else (based on provided example). What is 'protection' feature there? Is it something special or advanced?


  • Cale
    Cale Posts: 294 F-Secure Product Manager


    Closing as duplicate (already requested).


This discussion has been closed.

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