Ist this from your page? - The new Safe Browsing extension for iOS
when I’m going to use the browser I became this… could somebody tell me what is this?
Safe Browsing Extension is now available on Safari for iPhone and iPad
Hello F-Secure users, We are glad to inform you that we have launched a new extension of Safari for the iOS device to provide better protection for all iPhone and iPad users. The new browsing extension can be enabled on Safari; hence, you will be protected when using Safari on your device with banking and browsing…
F-Secure issues and observation - trial on MacBook with Catalina (10.15.7)
Hello All, I am new here and have been using F-Secure (as a trial) just for a couple of days. Before I used software from another company, but decided it was time for a change. My system is a MacBook with MacOS Catalina (10.15.7). Issues I encountered with F-Secure are listed below as well as my observations. I expected to…
How to get F-Secure support, please help
I am using a trial version of F-Secure SAFE and have some problems. Listed an overview of these here on this help Forum, hoping to get advice or suggestions about the next step(s). Besides a response from a moderator and my reply to his questions, I did not receive any suggestions about what to do next. I understand, it is…
Allow SAFE UI to retain the same dimension set by user
Hello I suggest that once the FS UI has been extended it remains so (saùe dimensions) till next usen it's just a drag to have to re-extend it each time I re-open it thank u
Hello, Someone is hacking my latop ; He / she put into trash can F-secure SAFE that I installed. He/she make it too with Ccleaner and wipe (To clen my p.c) So I restore it regularly. How could I do ? Thank to you. Clairette
How to turn off F-secure?
I have to turn off my F-secure and install AVG FREE instead. This, because, it is impossible to renew my F-secure subscription through Clever bridge. The payment technology must have changed in some way, because I have renewed it before in 2020, and 2021. However, F-secure does not offer any support, so I Have to choose…
SAFE - Found a virus, what to do
This discussion was created from comments split from: Get on board. Get recognition. Get on the Leaderboard!.
F-secure på win11
Er det muligt at få f-secure på min win11?
AO3 en Blitzkrieg 3 werken niet meer
Bij het uitschakelen van F secure werken AO3 en Blitzkrieg 3 werken deze wel. Volgende melding: een ander programma knoeit met bovenstaande programma's.
register SAFE or Anti-Virus on OFFLINE gaming PC?
is it possible to install and use SAFE or Anti-Virus on the children's OFFLINE gaming PC? i tried but found no possibility
F-Secure Safe And ⦤ The YubiKey ⦥ Not Working Together
Support ... I have been using a YubiKey for a while now ... It is a great way to secure my laptop and my online accounts ... However, while my YubiKey "works for everything I do" with my laptop and my online accounts, F-Secure SAFE is not working with my YubiKey ... I have ignored this problem, as long as I can ... So,…
icloud synchronisation does not work
icloud synchronisation does not work
Request: (2FA) two-factor authentication for Protection
Hello eberybody I think I am not the only one with this request. A two-factor authentication for the ID-Protection product would certainly make sense in terms of security. The function would not have to be mandatory for everyone, but those who would like to increase security could activate it. At a later point in time, it…
Capricorn-updates ONLY HALF THE WEEK - still the same - SEEMS to be solved, for now
What's happening - or, rather... What's NOT happening??? The version-number for F-Secure, is 18.5 - and the program is valid until 21/9 2023 - and the FSAUA reset-tool has been tried to no avail. I'm having Windows 10, the latest version Should I uninstall it, and go here instead??…
Scan Button in Context Menu after upgrade to W10 missing
Upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 19 f-secure safe Windows 8.1 was supporting Virus scan on a File from the context Menu. After upgrading in place to windows 10 in the context menu the f-secure scan button is not available. What was happened? Thanks
F-Secure Sense(windows) 18.4 / Banking protection / Teamviewer.exe(service)
Is there a way to exlude this from occuring during Banking sessions(nordea.fi) ?
Mac shows 50% power consumption of the Safari addon
Hello I noticed a power consumption of 50% on the "12 hour charge", but I have never seen a realtime consumption over 2-5%. Otherwise the German spelling bug while scanning is still not solved since the version 18.0: https://community.f-secure.com/en/discussion/124585/minor-bug-in-german-spelling#latest If necessary I can…
Subscription code
Hi , I have subscription code , how can I use it ?
Compatibility problem with Storage Spaces / ReFS
Hi all, I am using F-Secure Internet Security 18.4 on a Widnows 11 Pro for Workstations system. Since updating Windows with the 22H2 update, I have got a problem with the real-time virus scanner. When the real-time scanner is on and I try to copy files from an NTFS drive to a ReFS drive backed by storage spaces, the copy…
Weird behavior
Hi community, I face a strange behavior of my PC, wondering if F-Secure SAFE might be the cause. Because of certain issues, I decided yesterday evening to re-install my current windows 11 installation, keeping only my personal data. Said and done, the procedure might have taken an hour, but before going to sleep, I wanted…
To F-Secure SAFE
Hi, Is it possible to install this antivirus on a server with a fictitious name and a fictitious IP, at first, then in a 2nd time, to rename this server with its definitive name and to give it its definitive IP, or is it that the license will be linked to the first name given and it will take a 2nd license to switch to its…
f-secure safe
Hallo Ich habe ein f-secure Safe Vollversion gekauft und möchte diese auf meinem Laptop installieren funktioniert nicht, habe die alte Version deinstaliert und die Neue Vollversion wie angeben unter www.f-secure.com/install-safe herunter geladen., geht gar nichts??? ein. Es erscheint immer die alte Version für drei Geräte…
Opnieuw opstarten vereist
Ik heb onlangs F-Secure SAFE geïnstalleerd. Maar ik krijg iedere keer nadat ik mijn PC opgestart heb de melding "Opnieuw opstarten vereist" Virus- en spywarebeveiligingsfout: uw computer is niet beveiligd." Ik heb dit meermaals gedaan maar de melding blijft verschijnen na het opstarten van F-Secure. Een snelle manuele scan…