📢 Important Announcement Regarding TunnelCrack VPN Leak
Hello our valued Community members, We hope you're all doing great and staying safe online. We've got an important update to share with you today that falls under the serious category. Your security is our top concern, and we want to keep you informed about the TunnelCrack VPN Leak. We are pleased to share that our…
Getting error "Could not verify integrity of the installer" on Windows 11
I am trying to install again the Fsecure Total but getting the error. Steps I followed: 1) Connected to my Fsecure account and downloaded "F-Secure-Safe-Network-Installer_X.exe". 2) Run program "FsUninstallationTool.exe" (I had previous installation of Fsecure but then I removed it and wanted to install the fresh…
F-Secure Total Firefox plugin for Password Manager
Hi, As of a few days ago, the passwprd manager plugin has stopped working for Firefox. It asks for the authetication code from the Total app password manager. If I copy the code into the Firefox plugin, which can be done, the blue authorization button below the code field does not function. I can click it, but nothing…
🌟 Join the F-Secure Quiz Challenge on June 15th, 2023. Win Exciting Prizes🏆
📣 Attention F-Secure Users. Join our exciting online quiz session starting from June 15th, 2023, at 11:00 AM EEST and stand a chance to win prizes. We're excited to announce a fun quiz event about the new F-Secure Total that will give you a chance to win fantastic prizes. Get ready for a daily dose of quiz excitement.…
Problem installing on 2nd device
I renewed my sub for Total, and 3 devices. Installs fine in first device. Install on 2nd device (laptop, windows 7) appears to work. but does not really conclude, and when I click on the f-secure icon the f-secure screen outline flashes on the screen but does not display. Tried this twice. What is up?
F-Secure Total for ARM based tablets and smartphones?
Hi, I am using F-Secure Internet security on my Windows PC and F-Secure VPN on my Android tablet and smartphone for many years. Great products, work very well! Now I thought it's time to upgrade to F-Secure Total. But the system requirements tell me: "ARM-based tablets are not supported". So I can not use F-Secure Total on…
Uninstall FREEDOME on Mac
Now I have the new F-secure TOTAL installed on my MacBook. But the prior installation of FREEDOME is also starting up independently from TOTAL. If I close this FREEDOM the VPN on TOTAL is also closing. How to uninstall FREEDOME?
Trubble Renewing subscription no useful blog help
Renewing license not straightforward for "Total". Wanted 10 licenses not 15, wanted all new software release from 14/02/23 onward. not recycled old stuff and price per license was double that advertised on site!! as renewal = times are tough value for money is essential . So I purchased off site with different E Mail…
New F-Secure Total Application Launch and Community Updates
Dear F-Secure Community, We wanted to let you know about some exciting changes we've made to the F-Secure Community page. We've updated the look and feel of the page, and we're thrilled to announce the launch of our new application, F-Secure Total! This new application provides comprehensive protection for all your…
Hittar ingen produktnyckel. Finns inte med i bekräftelsen. Har tittat även i skärpposten
Var finner jag min produktnyckel. Har betalat via mastercard idag men har inte fått någon produktnyckel i samband med bekräftelsen.
The New F-Secure Total app
Hello to all F-Secure users! We are thrilled to announce the launch of our latest product, the F-Secure Total app, on February 14, 2023. This app is designed to provide you with comprehensive, all-in-one security for all your devices. F-Secure Total is a comprehensive security suite that provides complete protection for…
nach Wekseinstellung zurücksetzen kein F-Secure mehr
hallo musste meinen PC auf Werkseinstellung zurück setzen. wie kann ich f-Secure Total wieder Installieren . habe schon alles mögliche versucht Danke vorab
I am trying to create child accounts, but i initially sent initiations for main accounts
I have been trying to install these applications for a while now, but there is no online support available.