Activation key for F-Secure Booster not working

You'll need to Contact Support - we can't help with licensing issues on the forum for security and privacy reasons.
@DesM, you can also review the following articles related to your problem.
ctivation-issue-F-Secure/ta-p/68556 -
The serial number would indeed by the activation key you received for the product. Simon instructions for Private Messaging are correct.
Please review the above articles to make sure that your Internet connexion allows you to validate your activation key.
Could you also provide a screenshot of the error you received when you attempted to validate your key(remember to edit out the activation key itself from the picture before posting it in our community)?
Hello DesM,
Thank you for your message. The key you provided seems to still have one free installation. So the problem reside most likely on the access from this computer to the validation servers.
Could you there fore check follow this :
- Enable the TLS protocols:
- Go to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Internet Options.
- Click the Advanced tab and scroll down the list to Security until you find settings TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2.
- Make sure all these settings are enabled and click Apply and OK.
- Check that your Internet connection is not down.
- Check that the security software you are using is not blocking your access to the Internet.
- Check if you need to reset the Internet settings for Internet Explorer, despite running other browser(
- If you are running Windows XP, make sure that it has been updated to Service Pack 3.
- Make sure that the time and date in your system are set correctly as this can cause some problems.
Let us the results at each stage so that we can assist you better.
Which Operating System are you running?
Sorry but thought I had replied to your last post but can't see it and so far no reply from you so I may not have sent properly.
The internet is working, Time and date fine, TLS 1.0 was/is ticked - I don't appear to have the others on the main PC or the other PCs that accepted the activation code. I am running F-Secure Safe on all the machines. I am running Windows Vista 6.0 (32) SP2 on both my PCs and it worked on the other one.
I am a little concerned about resetting the windows settings as it says you should only do this if browser is in an unsuable sate - which is not the case. All my other programs are working fine. What are the implications if I did reset the windows settings - do I loose things?
What do you suggest?
Sorry to possibly go over old ground, but are you copying and pasting the code or entering it manually? It's only that sometimes copying and pasting can add an extra space which throws out the code. I had that one when activating SAFE, but it seemed to work OK when manually inputting the code. Can't think of anything else to suggest, other than what Ben has already suggested, but to be honest, if it were me, I'd be reluctant to start resetting stuff without knowing what the effects might be.
Hi Simon
I have been entering the code manually - both lower and upper case - and still no joy.
Misread Ben's post as he advised resetting windows explorer settings not windows settings, but like you not keen to do without knowing the consequences. Not sure where to go from here. If I can't get it to work soon will have to ask for a refund
Hello DesM,
The reset is usually the quickest way to resolve the type of problem you face. We have multiple account of users for which it helped.
See this thread.
This article describes better what are the riskd and what is the scope of this reset.
I've recently upgraded to f-secure booster and installed it fine on my laptop using the activation key.
However my laptop has been in for repair and has required a new hard drive. I've re-installed the upgrade but dont have access to my activation key. How do I resolved this?
I have been trying to activate my key for a couple of months on my spare time without any luck. The simple solutions offered are quit amateurish. The problem seems to be of technical nature in the design of the verification. This is not the first time I try to get a response to my problem but I have still not got any answer. Please do not advice me to check the spelling or similar selfevident solutions. I need a response from a competent technical person. I have been using the products of f-secure over the years and have always been in contact with very friendly and competent people when it was called for. With f-secure booster I hate to say that I am very disappointed. So, make a serious effort to solve the problem instead of having the users do the de-bugging for you.