no deepguard update since 25days?

yaslaw Posts: 28 Observer



My FIS 2012 updates his database daily, but deepguard and mail filter shows that it hasn't updated since more thant 20days. It's normal or it's only problem with my installation (win 7 x32)


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 432 Superuser

    There was an update for DG today, but are the other channels up to date?



  • yaslaw
    yaslaw Posts: 28 Observer

    av database (viruses and spywares) updates daily. 

    Deepguard module shows that is 29 days old, mail filter is 35 days old.

  • Hexo
    Hexo Posts: 240 Active Engager

    Same on my pc. Last update of the deepguard modul was at the 11.11.2011 but i think, that DP doesn´t need daily update. The Deepguard don´t work on signatures more on cloud and so on.

  • yaslaw
    yaslaw Posts: 28 Observer

    Deepguard module is update frequently as I see on my work where we have client security 9 installed. 

    As I know deepguard update add more rules (not definitions) to catch some uknown malware on execution 

  • Thanks MJ, for clarifying this for us, as I noticed what yaslaw's thread brought up, was something I was wondering about too.  It looks like Hexo was on the right track.  Smiley Happy

  • yaslaw
    yaslaw Posts: 28 Observer

    I don't feel that this problem was solved. I understand that deepguard is not updated on daily basis but right now it's shows that is 30days old. I suppose that is not normal behavior especialy that as I said before, client security module at my works is updated almost 2-3 days. 

    My logs are attached here


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