Using FSecure Total VPN solves my issue with Apple Devices app (Win 11).
Bought new iPhone 16. Opens it, it demands update, connects to Win 11 PC with Apple Devices app and tries to update iPhone 16 with it. Update gets stuck and fails. After 12 hours of intense work solving the issue the Apple Devices app is NOT working I bump into a post the suggests to try put VPN on. Opens FSecure, puts VPN…
F-Secure Total VPN yhteyden ongelmat
Omassa sekä puolison Iphonessa (molemmissa IOS 17.6) on käytössä F-Secure sovellus (versio 24.7.302912). Molemmissa puhelimissa VPN jumiutuu ja katkaisee tällöin yhteyden verkkoon (sama tapahtuu WiFi sekä mobiiliverkossa). Ongelman ilmentyessä pikaviestisovellusten viestit eivät tule läpi eikä nettisivut lataudu. VPN jää…
F-Secure Total ja akun kulutus
Hei, kuluttaako F-securen suoja yhtä hirmusti puhelimen akkua, vaikka VPN ei olisikaan käytössä? Ostin näet 4 vuoden Total-lisenssin kun oli hyvä tarjous, mutta en ole lunastanut sitä vielä, kun onneksi ilmaisena kokeilukuukautena sain tietää, ettei iOS:ssa ja MacOS:ssa voi käyttää VPN:ää lainkaan. Mietin nyt, että…
VPN problems on iPhone
Iv'e FSecure on my iPhone. And very often it looses connection with the networks due the VPN. I've to reconnect very oftenly. Any idea what can be done?
VPN Sijaintiin Suomi ei yhdisty
Mikä on vialla, kun VPN sijaintia Suomi ei yhdistä, mutta muihin, kuten Ruotsi ja Yhdysvallat, saa yhteyden? Käyttö iPhonella ja iOS 18 versiolla.
iOS - Issues with Website Security and Feature Suggestions for FS Protection
Dear F-Secure team, I hope this message finds you well. While browsing websites using the internal secure browser of FS Protection, I noticed that it opens a new window in Safari, causing the page to load outside the secure environment. I’m currently using iOS 18.1 beta 7 and do not experience this issue with the public…
Miten hyvitätte, kun Total ei toimi IOS:ssa?
Ensinnäkin on käsittämätöntä, että Totalin IOS-vikaa ei ole vieläkään korjattu! Ja te vastaatte laitteideni tietoturvasta ja veloitatte siitä kalliisti! Milloin vika korjaantuu?!? Mitn hyvitätte tämän ajan, kun tietoturva ei toimi? Vastaatteko sen aiheuttamista vahingoista?
HTML code is visible in polish translation on iOS
I would like to report that there is a mistake in Safari extension plugin settings. Part of HTML hyperlink is visible. Version 23.0.301700 on iOS - polish translation You can see this mistake below.
iOS päivitykset ja total
Hei Miksi totalin käyttö on niin pirun vaikeaa? Pitää olla ohjelmistoinsinööri ymmärtääkseen kehittäjän ajatukset. Miksi Total kirjasi ulos päivityksen yhteydessä? Samassa meni kaksi käyttöoikeutta kun kirjautui uudestaan. Nyt iPadilla VPN ei saa päälle lainkaan. Missä vika?
Connect devices greyed out in ID PROTECTION
When I want to synchronize the new F-Secure-app with the ID PROTECTION-app on my iPhone I can't get a sync-code, because the option 'Connect devices' in the ID PROTECTION-app unfortunately is greyed out. It's also impossible to export the passwords, because the option for exporting is missing. I found out that the…
Ei voida aktivoida Safari-selainlaajennusta iOS 17.4.1:ssä.
Hei F-Secure-yhteisö, Olemme saaneet hiljattain raportin ongelmasta Safari-selainlaajennuksen aktivoinnissa iOS 17.4.1:ssä. Asiakas on ilmoittanut, että napsautettuaan "asetusten asettaminen" F-Secure-sovelluksessa ja seurattuaan näytön ohjeita, he eivät pääse etenemään kohtaan, jossa heidän pitäisi "Napauttaa Safe…
Unable to Activate Safari Browser Extension on iOS 17.4.1
Hello F-Secure Community, We've recently received a report regarding an issue with activating the Safari Browser extension on iOS 17.4.1. A customer has reported that after clicking on "set up" in the F-Secure app and following the on-screen instructions, they are unable to proceed past the point where they need to "Tap…
Reminder operating system support has been updated to at least mac12,iOS16,Android10 or later
Learned today that F-Secure’s operating system support has been updated to at least macOS 12 (Monterey), iOS 16, and Android 10 or later 芬安全軟體更新作業系統支援至少要 Windows 8.1、Windows 10 版本 21H2 或更高版本、Windows 11、macOS 12 (Monterey) 或更高版本、iOS 16 或更高版本以及 Android 10 或更高版本。不支援基於 ARM 的平板電腦。 The community article (…
Adblocker on the iphone
Hello everyone, I have f-secure total subscription for 2 devices, my laptop and Apple iPhone. I know the computer version has an adblocker when you download the extension, but does the mobile version have any kind of Adblocker features? I’ve seen that it has had an adblocker in the past, but has it now been removed?
No option to login on iPhone
I have just renewed my Freedome sub & installed it with no problems on my Windows PC & Android tablet but when I install it on my iPhone I get no option to login to my F-Secure account, it only says on the app that my sub has expired & gives me an option to buy a new sub I have tried downloading the app straight from the…
Freedome asennus iPhoneen
Olen ostanut lisenssin kolmelle laitteelle. Puhelimessani on ollut aikaisemmin jo Freedome sovellus. Nyt kun piti luoda tili että saa tilauksen sen koodin sijasta niin päivitys puhelimeen ei toimi enää. Kirjaudun F-secure tilille puhelimen selaimella Lisää uusi laite (kahden olemassa olevan lisäksi) Valitse puhelin /…
Vpn vanhasta puhelimesta uuteen?
Hei ostin juuri uuden puhelimen. Yritin saada vanhan tilaukseni jatkumaan uudessa puhelimessa. Tehty f-secure tunnukset ja kaikki. Ongelmana on se ettei uuden puhelimen app:issä ole paikkaa mihin pistää koodia. Nyt kokeiluversio käytössä.
Safari Extension iOS - Set up
Simply not working, it can be activated but doesn’t do anything The license is active and valid on the device „Not logged in Log in to F-Secure SAFE to protect yourself while surfing.“
Ist this from your page? - The new Safe Browsing extension for iOS
when I’m going to use the browser I became this… could somebody tell me what is this?
Safe Browsing Extension is now available on Safari for iPhone and iPad
Hello F-Secure users, We are glad to inform you that we have launched a new extension of Safari for the iOS device to provide better protection for all iPhone and iPad users. The new browsing extension can be enabled on Safari; hence, you will be protected when using Safari on your device with banking and browsing…
Does F-Secure SAFE run under Parallels Desktop on an M1 Mac?
I cannot install F-Secure SAFE on a Windows11 System running under Parallels Desktop on an M1 Mac. What's the problem? The error message tells me that the Processor ist not supported. But on that W11 System even age old Windows98 programs with deep hardware access are running. Why not f-Secure Safe? I think that’s not a…
Multiple devices.
Hi, I have just renewed my subscription to freedome on the app. I have been told if I want to protect another two devices I should have gone to the website instead. Is this correct? Can I change my subscription to more devices? Thank you
How cancel duplicated subscription
hello 👋 I used VPN Freedom in my iPhone under trail subscription, some where it’s renewed and ordered annual plan ,I deleted App and purchased multi devices subscription and used it between my PC & devices when I tried to login with this new subscription in my iPhone I re install App of F-secure VPN Freedom but I find it…
can't register existing subscription from within iOS app
I used to be able to just paste-in a code to activate the IOS app. With the switch to the F-Secure log-in account based activation system, I can't activate my existing subscription within the iOS app. I successfully log in within the subscription settings pane, and then a pop-up even confirms that my subscription is…
Free space
I think you have a problem with iOS 16.2, because when I have the VPN on what is being shown on free space on my 14 Pro 512 is less than half of what It should be. How do I know this when I have the VPN on it shows free space of 186 GB free when I turn off the VPN it comes back to 368 GB free so I think you need to update…
AirDrop and Canon printer not working when Freedom is connected
I see that this has been an issue already in 2018, but why is it still an issue in 2022? I cannot Airdrop between my own devices (MacBook Pro, iPhone 11 or ipad pro) when Freedom is connected. I have to turn it off both on the sending and receiving device. Nor can my MacBook Pro connect to my Canon printer while Freedom is…
|✔︎| Trust WiFi Networks And KillSwitch Application ??
QUESTION (1): If I always want "Automatic WiFi Protection" turned on ... on my iOS device, should I have, acknowledge or define any network ( i.e., my own network or any other network for that matter ) as a "Trusted" network ?? QUESTION (2): On my MacOS device ( laptop ), what is the relationship between the "killswitch"…
F-Secure to safari on iPhone?
I was wondering since in iOS 15 apple allowed safari extensions on mobile. Will F-secure make their “F-secure safe” as an safari extension on iPhone? In my opinion this would be better than having a separate app for your save browsing.
I would like to know my username and password.
I have subscribed using my iPhone. However I want to use the vpn on my other device, the Apple ID isn’t the same however and I can’t use my subscription. so I need my username and password to log in thanks