separate VPN function from F-secure
You need to be able to close this application from the taskbar and disable from startup.
Short Cut for New f-secure VPN
If F-secure is going to change the VPN from Freedom to something new then there should be an available icon for the desk top like the icon for Freedom. A short cut to the VPN that can be opened to turn the VPN on if it is off. To have an icon for the VPN on the task bar is very reassuring that the VPN is on and working to…
instruction in Finnish from the article
Instructions in the community's second language (Finnish) from the article: At least my oriental language skills are not as good as they used to be
Compile your software to 64-bit world, please!
Would be awesome if you could compile your software to run in 64-bit mode. The current practice is against Apple recommendations (see: https://developer.apple.com/) and the F-Secure is one of the last few to use 32-bit executables in OS X along with Dropbox desktop client. Why would we do this, you might ask? Here is why:…
64-bit version
Hi, It would be amazing, if in F-Secure 2014 you'll make native 64-bit version. Is this possible? Best Regards.
Provide online transactions for warning reasons and operation selection button
Convey user improvement suggestions, (Use Google to translate Chinese to English, please forgive me) The following instructions provide an error response screen, It is recommended to analyze the reasons for the immediate blocking, and to provide a protection warning and then directly display the button to choose whether to…
Make opting out of web traffic scanning in the settings actually work
F-Secure Internet Security and F-Secure Total (I tried both) still monitor Internet traffic even with web traffic scanning, browsing protection, and banking protection turned off and I never installed F-Secure's browser extension. Even with all of that turned off the "websites checked" counter on the "Secure Browsing &…
Please !!! add browser extension support for Vivaldi Browser (also other chromium based browsers)
Since there are still plenty of users that in the world are using various chromium-based browser not just microsoft edge. For myself personally I'm a Vivaldi user and also a F-secure SAFE user. I know that without the browser extension, the internet security function from the f-secure safe will be extremely less effective,…
awesome app but absolutely hate all the intrusive ads everywhere can you guys make Fsecure Safe ad free please and thanks :) :)
Fix Button
Despite having a simple and easy user inteface f-secure home products don't have a fix button that can resume component protection which has been turned off accidentally by the user. It's a big troublo search back the settings and re enable them. A fix button on the dashboard would be handy. Hope the developers cosider my…
Banking Protection BAR
1. update in next patch or update version. f-secure internally protection will active when banking site open and give small indicator ( re positionable or moviable) instead of annoying large banner at top of google chrome. It must be automatically disappear when banking site will be close. 2. auto usb pendrive scan…
Riskware? Stop patronizing!
F-Secure Internet Security insists in wnting to decide which application you should use, and which not. What they call "riskware" is blocked without asking, such as some of the nice tools of Nirsoft, which can be helpful in certain cases. Tis "knowbetterism" of F-Secure is going too far! First the user should be given a…
fs protection - Add import export function to browsing protection exception
Dear FS team, Thanks for the great job in developing fs. In earlier days I use Privoxy to block ads system-wide but this didn't work well in Windows 8 so I dropped it and found some other solutions. Fast foward to now I've upgraded to Windows 10 and Edge lacks ad blocking functionality. Being extremely annoyed by the Flash…
Pause button in manual scan
In the "Virus scan Wizard" there is no option to pause a ongoing scan. There is only stop button. It would be of great convenience if there is pause functionality during virus scanning. Suppose there are thousands of files to scan. If the manual scan is ongoing and we need to do something else then in that case we would…
How to keep your device safe
Everyone uses the internet, and they want to save their data from hacking and getting a virus on your device to do so we keep lots of things in our mind, we secure our password check internet security, means overall security, as cybercrime is getting higher, no one wants to be a victim of it, for this you try to keep your…
ad blocker for desktop
its bit weird to have muh better ad blocker on phone :)
"Schedule scan" UI that should be reported proactively.
As many people have suggested here, the scheduled scan UI is expected to provide additional convenience. In my opinion, for users who have migrated to F-Secure from other security software, a scheduled scan that only declares it to start seems unfriendly. At least, I found it confusing. Also, if you turn off your PC during…
Browsing through detections in MS365 Protection
As a user of the MS365 Protection backend, I would like to be able to easily manage the detections: browsing through new detections should be easier by clicking a "Next" or "Previous" button instead of going back to the list and choosing the next entry to be worked on changing the status should instantly save the change I…
Minimising Float Bar to Task Bar
The original F Secure allowed you to minimise the Banking Protection bar to the task bar. Now.. it floats away but comes down if the mouse is moved near the top. I need to have my spreadsheet open when I do banking and I keep clicking on END by mistake as the float bar comes down where the Excel minimise icon is.. This…
Ability to monitor and stop scheduled scan
For now scheduled scan is done in background. There is no window to see what is being scanned. Also there is no option to stop scheduled scan. It can go forever if I have very huge number of files. So there is a need to have window or tab in f-secure to monitor and stop scheduled scan.
Add Changelog, Known and Fixed Issues and Bug-Reporting (Button) to Website or Forum
Hi developers, would love to see some kind of Changelog page, a list of known- and fixed-issues as well as some kind of a Bug-Reporting Site or Button on your site or forum. * Inform customers about changes, fixes or new features. * Tell customers which bugs or issues you already know about, so we can be sure, that's on…
Allow SAFE UI to retain the same dimension set by user
Hello I suggest that once the FS UI has been extended it remains so (saùe dimensions) till next usen it's just a drag to have to re-extend it each time I re-open it thank u
SAFE to safari on iPhone
Since apple allowed the use of extensions on safari on iPhone. It would be more practical to have a safari extension than a separate safe browsing app.
A better gaming mode feature.
This has been said to death, but you guys should have the option to turn on gaming mode when an application is launched fullscreen then automatically turn it off after it is not full screen or have the option to set a profile for when gaming mode is to be launched and then turn off after the application in the profile…
To have a possibility to change a database update frequency.
Dear Sir, Madame. It would be very useful to have a possibility to change a database update frequency. Hourly update service takes a lot of resources of computer. Computer does not work during these hourly updates (~15-20 min). There is no sense to use compure at all if it does not work properly. Why not to update database…
Support AMSI and AM-PPL Feature on Windows 10
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn889587(v=vs.85).aspx https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn313124(v=vs.85).aspx AM processes can run critical user-mode service components as AM-PPL which is at a higher level than an Admin thus can help shield itself from admin level malware.…
SAFE content filtering should not set YouTube restricted mode to ON
If any content filtering is active with F-Secure SAFE, then in Chrome you go to YouTube, the restricted mode is set to ON and many completely harmless videos are disabled, as are all comments for all videos This doesn't occur with other browsers and is a bad idea and should be removed.
Better control for parental control
Our kid travelled to her grandmom alone today, and we learned on the train platform, 4 minutes to the time of departure, that the parental rules prevent the train ticket to be opened in her phone. We had only the e-ticket, paper tickets are long gone here. The website that was blocked by Safe is isms.fi, a common service…
Ransomware protection
Hello! I've been searching on malware protection and didn't find any article from 2018. Now that Windows 10 has released its own "folder protection" I was wondering if something similar would appear on F-Secure. When I check the Safety Center in Ransomware Protection it says this cannot be activated since I'm using…
FSECURE SAFE: Add Streaming as a content filter category to catch Youtube and other such sites
Content filtering needs a "Streaming" category to block youtube and other sites such as Vimeo.