Ability to monitor and stop scheduled scan
For now scheduled scan is done in background. There is no window to see what is being scanned. Also there is no option to stop scheduled scan. It can go forever if I have very huge number of files. So there is a need to have window or tab in f-secure to monitor and stop scheduled scan.
Add Changelog, Known and Fixed Issues and Bug-Reporting (Button) to Website or Forum
Hi developers, would love to see some kind of Changelog page, a list of known- and fixed-issues as well as some kind of a Bug-Reporting Site or Button on your site or forum. * Inform customers about changes, fixes or new features. * Tell customers which bugs or issues you already know about, so we can be sure, that's on…
Relaunch a scheduled scan if the system has been shut down before
Hi all, Please add the option for F-Secure SAFE to start a scheduled scan as soon as possible after the previously powered off system is booted and running again. Example: The next scheduled scan is Sunday at 11 am. The system will not be up and running until 1 pm that day. Expected behavior: The automatic scan will start…
Adding multiple security level
SAFE product to add a new setting using overall security level such as Low, Medium, High(Strict) for easier setting, which means users wont need to customize each setting one by one like current setting.
Inbuilt sample/file submission option F-secure.
There should be inbuilt file submission option in f secure for submitting file/sample to fsecure lab for analysis. Presently you have to submit file using online submission platform which is little tiresome.
Start a scheduled scan when one has been missed
Sometimes my machine is switched off or hibernating when a scheduled scan is due. This appears to lose the scan entirely. This brings two suggestions: 1) If a scan is lost because the machine is switched off, to start a scan next time it is restarted. 2) If the machine is hibernating or asleep when a scan is due, wake the…
FS Protection PC 19.0 releases
FS Protection PC 19.0 releases will be posted under this thread.
Miten laitemäärän saa pienemmäksi?
Uusin tilaukseni, mutta en mitenkään saanut vaihdettua 7 laitteen tilalle 5. Nyt minulla on kalliimpi tilaus kuin olisin tarvinut. Miten tuon laitemäärän olisi saanut viideksi?
Tilauksen uusiminen epäonnistuu - käskee ottamaan yhteyttä asiakaspalveluun?
Tilauksen uusiminen epäonnistuu - käskee ottamaan yhteyttä asiakaspalveluun?
Is there any way to migrate from KEY to ID protection?
Now that I have a new phone I decided it would be good to upgrade to ID protection and get premium. I tried to follow the instructions at "How do I move from KEY to ID PROTECTION on mobile devices?" but have been dismayed to find that no sync code is generated in the KEY client. Searching through old forum threads leads me…
Important Announcement: F-Secure Internet Security and Anti-Virus Products Reaching End of Sales
Dear F-Secure Community Members, We have an important announcement to share with you regarding F-Secure Internet Security and F-Secure Anti-Virus. After careful consideration, we have decided to discontinue the sales of these products. As of the announcement date, these products will no longer be available for purchase.…
The New F-Secure Total app
Hello to all F-Secure users! We are thrilled to announce the launch of our latest product, the F-Secure Total app, on February 14, 2023. This app is designed to provide you with comprehensive, all-in-one security for all your devices. F-Secure Total is a comprehensive security suite that provides complete protection for…
Re purchased F Secure last night, changed password and logged into account, my Freedome won’t click to on, still says it’s off. States my account has been activated. But yet when I try to turn on Freedome, it brings me to renew page. And I just did that.
Freedomen jatkaminen
Ostin tarjouksesta Freedome lisenssin, tänään 13.2 liitin sen olemassa olevaan tiliini jonka jakso olisi päättynyt 5.3.2023. Uusi tilaus ei näköjään mennytkään edellisen perään jatkoksi vaan loppuu 4.3.2024, eli hävisin 19 päivää.
freedome vpn not working with disney plus
as said i cannot make freedome work with disney plus, it just stay on login indefinitely
extension for Brave browser
F-Secure says there is no extension avalable for the Brave browser, if so, can anyone explain why the F-secure extention is working on my Windows 11 latop with Brave and is not working on my Windows 10 desktop with Brave. And the Edge store says the F-Secure extension is compatible with my browser, but i can not download…
Alennuskoodi ei toimi
Hei, Minulla on kouluni kautta opiskelija-alennus F-securen tuotteisiin, mutta lunastamani alennuskoodi ei toimi. Kun yritän syöttää koodia kenttään, saan ilmoituksen "koodi ei kelpaa". Toisinaan taas ilmoituksessa lukee, ettei kyseiselle koodille löydy kuponkia. Olen lukenut ohjeet tilauksen uusimisesta ja myös uusinut…
Envoi asentaa Windous 10 F-Secure xxxxxxxxx Safe 3 laiteele 1 vuosi hinta 59.90 eur ei tue win 10 rahat meni hukaan puhelimeen onnistui tietokoneele ei Reijo A J Ylönen Edit: PII removed
Bought 5 licenses for Freedome from a third party retailer - not able to enter the code
Hi, I had freedome on my Windows laptop, on my Android phone and on another Android device. Once I tried to prolong the subscription I only noticed that I need a f-secure account. OK, I created one, but my third party reseller is not listed and hence I end up in square one. Same happens on the laptop. My account shows that…
Security Suite 18.5 auto start popup window disable
How do I disable this stupid bug? Auto restart is already off, using Windows 11 22H2.
Why I am unable use the freedome, if I am already user of f secure, I am unable to l
I am unable to login the freedome app.
More devices for fs protection
Hello, would it be possible to increase the license for the beta program to 10 devices? I would like to use this for VMs and devices that I hardly operate to also test for bugs etc. myself.
How to renew FS protection license?
My license expired at 2/1, thanks.
FSCNKE error
In may 2020 you wrote: "Yes, you are correct. FSCNKE is a component used by F-Secure products. However, it's not used in SAFE currently. This message does not mean anything critical and does not affect compatibility of SAFE. SAFE is fully compatible with macOS Catalina. Please be advised that this error message will be…
F-secure Safe asennuksen korjaaminen?
Minulla on F-secure Total omassa koneessa ja se on voimassa loppuvuoteen asti. Se on asennettuna myös toiseen koneeseen. Ovat samassa modeemissa, mutta runsas kuukausi sitten se toinen (Matin kone) irrotettiin modeemista siksi aikaa kun laite siirrettiin eri huoneeseen. Sen jälkeen siinä toisessa oli herjaus, että tilaus…
Mistä löytyy aktivointikoodi f-secure total tilaukselle?
Onko tilausvahvistuksessa oleva viitenumero aktivointikoodi? Aktivointi ei onnistu ko. viitteellä. Mistä löydän aktivointikoodin? Olen saanut s.postiin tilausvahvistuksen ja maksetun kuitin, siinä näkyy viitenumero ja laskun numero. Tällä hetkellä laitteeseen on ladattu ilmainen kuukauden f-secure safe ohjelma. Pitääkö se…
Miulla on 7 lisenssiä Total, joista muka osa on vanhentunut.
Minulla on 7 Total-lisenssiä ja niiden pitää olla voimassa 2024 vuden puolelle. Nyt tuntuu tulevan uusimistarpeita kummallisesti ja F-secure väittää joidenkin osien vanhentuneen. Kattia kanssa. Mikään tilauksen osa ei ole vanhentunut mistään 7 lisenssistä. Mitähän minun pitää tehdä? Saanko rahat takaisin toimimattomuuden…
Miten voin muuttaa "7 laitetta 2 vuotta" -tilaukseen "3 laitetta 1 vuosi".
Uusi tilaus ei anna vaihtoehtoja muulle kuin olemassa olevalle laite ja vuosi määrälle.
Tilauskoodi Total
Tilaus on uusittu Total paketille kahdeksi vuodeksi mutta tilauskoodia ei saa mistään? Miksi tilausvahvistuksessa ei ole tilauskoodia? Voitteko aktivoida kiireellisesti?
Sähköpostiosoite: Tämä sähköpostiosoite on jo käytössä.
Piti uusia Freedome tilaus mutt nyt töytyy luoda tili mut saan vastaus että sähkoposti on jo käytössa..maksu meni ja viitenumero tuli.. Mitä teen? xxxxxxxx@xxxxx