Can we get ride of this ‘safe mode’?

SkyeF16 Posts: 2 New Member

I understand why Youtube has implemented this Safe Mode onto their platform, however if you ask me - a daily user of Youtube - i’d say that this is completely absurd.

I’m 17, nearly an adult, yet I’m being restricted from all these videos (that shouldn’t even be restricted in the first place, it’s not even in appropriate) and being recommended short skits from 3 years ago instead of the actual content I enjoy. No matter how many times I turn restrictions off, it turns itself back on the moment I leave settings.

It’s safe for me to say that I was happier and more content to watch videos on Youtube’s platform before today when I woke up and I couldn’t watch anything. Safe mode was on youtube prior to today, but until now I’ve had the choice to have it on or off but now I don’t even have that. If it stays on Youtube the way it is then I can guarantee you that me and many others will no longer want to use the Youtube Platform and will go elsewhere for enjoyable content.

Don’t get rid of it as a whole, just fix it so that I can turn it off fully and enjoy the content I had before today. I came to YouTube for 14 minute videos that I can enjoy, not short 6 second videos from 3 years ago of a bird singing.



  • SkyeF16
    SkyeF16 Posts: 2 New Member

    Apologies is there are any spelling errors, Im dyslexic.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser


    Is there any connection with F-Secure solution? Or it is a complain to YouTube (Google service)?

    F-Secure Total app (and some other solutions) has a feature for Parental Control, which will auto-enable Safe Search option in Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo and YouTube. So, it will be not possible to 'turn off' SafeSearch in YouTube or Search engine - because it will be re-enabled (as you described). Maybe Safe Mode is related to this.

    Described there: Editing content filtering settings | Total | Latest | F-Secure User Guides (step five).

    And if your F-Secure installation is configured by parents (and as for kid's profile) - maybe they do forget (or did not notice) this option and "Safe Search" remains enabled. It is possible to switch it off in My F-Secure portal ( Thus, there will be no further forcing about.

    However, if you are not an F-Secure user. And your concern is a general one. Then, maybe, need to check your Google Account settings. Maybe something related to mentioned 'forcing Safe Search' (or Safe Mode) is applied there. Of course, if your experience is about logged-state.

    If you cannot use or switch off SafeSearch or Safe Mode in YouTube, even if you are not logged in Google Account - then can you describe the trouble a bit more. Because:

     Safe mode was on youtube prior to today, but until now I’ve had the choice to have it on or off but now I don’t even have that

    Sounds as a rough trouble. Good to know: what is your device (mobile or desktop) and which browser. I did not notice anything (yet) for my devices.

    So, maybe your set up is somehow pinned to some restrictions (age) and Safe Mode is forced by it (or by security application).

    Don’t get rid of it as a whole, just fix it so that I can turn it off fully and enjoy the content I had before today. I came to YouTube for 14 minute videos that I can enjoy, not short 6 second videos from 3 years ago of a bird singing

    Perhaps, only YouTube developers can to fix or rid of it.

    In the F-Secure Community: I can to suggest that, probably, even YouTube channels (or owners of video, content) will flag or make it as 'safe' or not. Thus, maybe some videos are not available by its intention of content owner.

    Probably, your experience or situation is pinned to the fact that your Google Account is controlled (protected) by your family. I mean, Google/YouTube has different options and functionality to restrict content for kids (even adult ones) or introduce a supervised account. If this is the case - maybe you can ask your parents about this inconvenient design and share your opinion about availability of YouTube videos (with examples).
