What to do if my VPN breaks down every now and then

my VPN breaks down without any signal. Resulting in no access to the internet.
What can I do to get rid of these interuptions.
I have a Mac/iPad/iPhone and the cut off happens with Safari, Chrome, Firefox etc.
Thanks for a suggestion.
Accepted Answer
We are pleased to inform you that the issue with TLS 1.3 Kyber has been resolved.
To take advantage of this fix, we recommend enabling TLS 1.3 in your browser settings. Depending on your browser, you may need to set the TLS 1.3 option to "Default," "Enable," or "True."
For more detailed instructions, please refer to the following link: [Windows/MacOS] I cannot connect to the internet using Edge, Chrome or Firefox while the F-Secure VPN is turned ON
Thank you, and have a wonderful day.
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Hello @JoGeHa
Thank you for your post.
If the VPN issue you mention is slow opening of pages in browsers, then this may indicate a problem with TLS 1.3 hybridized Kyber support.
The article we published on our forum will be helpful in this situation: [Windows/MacOS] I cannot connect to the internet using Edge, Chrome or Firefox while the F-Secure VPN is turned ON
If necessary, it is also worth checking which VPN protocol settings you use on your devices. Changing the settings between IKEv1 and IKEv2 may help solve the problem.
Please also check if the VPN problem occurs on different locations.
Let us know if the situation has improved.
Best regards.
Thanks @PawełP for your reply to my question.
Some more information: I work with Safari - I do not know wether this effects the problem.
My problem is not 'opening slow', but 'cutting off'.: every now and them (both at home as outside) my WiFi connections abrake down due to the switching off of the F-secure VPN. both in the F-Secure app as in setting the VPN is off. It switches on (more or less by itself) when I open F-Secure or Settings to check the VPN connection.
Could it be a Safari problem? An do you have suggestuions to tackle this variety.
Thanks for your reaction!
Kind regards
Johan Hahn
I suspect that the problem is with F-Secure's servers in Espoo, Finland.
When I change the location to Denmark Copenhagen or Austria Vienna, the vpn works great and the connection is fast. The disadvantage is that the google search gives answers in the language/location of that country, Denmark etc :(
I have Lounea (finnish operator) optical fiber, which is routed through Salo, Finland. I have Mac and iOS devices with F-Secure Total. There is a constant problem with the VPN service.
The problems I have experienced have been the following:
- VPN does not want to connect to Espoo's servers. It's clearly trying, but it's like banging your head against a wall. Connecting to Espoo usually takes minutes, while connecting to Copenhagen only takes seconds.
- When you finally connect, at first the www pages may load normally, but at some point it freezes. Annoying.
- When the VPN service is turned off, the pages load immediately.
- I enabled the Chome browser and disabled the TLS 1.3 configuration. It seemed to help.
- Safari browser cannot be disabled by tls 1.3, at least not easily. However, Safari is the most natural browser for Mac /iOS users due to authentication. That's big problem.
- the problems described above are only when using the Espoo server, other servers works well for me.
I am Danish for now. And not very happy.
I have been experiencing problem with Finland endpoint also: my devices (mac, iPad, iPhone, Windows) are all having issues on connecting to that end-point. E.g. Netherlands works ok. Device just dont connect (iPhone, iPad), or connection takes time and breaks (Mac, Windows) so that e.g. downloading software updates fails at the middle of download.
I have reinstalled VPN profiles on mobile devices, and tried different protocol, no help. Very frustrating.
Is the issue that your end-point under DoS, or just broken? Also, it seems that banking services are not reachable through your VPN (not even through local FI end point), I guess thats due to abuse of VPN. But, again, very frustrating for paying customer.
Any information from F-Secure regarding whats going on, and can we expect things to turn amy better at some point (when, would be the next question)?
Edit: using VPN as a part of Total suite.
Hello @JoGeHa
Thank you for the clarification.
Unfortunately, we have been experiencing problems with the VPN connection to the Finladia location lately.
Our technicians are working hard to resolve the problem. In this situation, changing your location may help. At the same time, we recommend that you try changing the protocol in the VPN settings on your device.
Let us know if these changes resulted in an improvement in your case.Best regards.
I have changed from the VPN location Amsterdam (NL) to the VPN location Falkenstein (D), to see wether that helps to stabilise my VPN connection. If not I’ll try some other locations.
For your information: I had the problems both with the locations Oslo and Amsterdam. I never connected to the location Finland.
As to your suggestion for changing the VPN settings: I have no technical experience and as such I have no idea how I can do that on an iPad the device I use most, giving the regular VPN breakdown. If I check the breakdown in the IPad settings it has switched itself off and I can switch it on. If I check in F-Secure it is off, but the moment I open the VPN settings in F-Secure it is connecting again … Strange …
Thanks so far. I’ll keep you informed on the new developments.
Greeting from Utrecht, Netherlands