iMac crashing after Freedome subscription renewal
Since subscription renewal my iMac has slowed down big time and all programs are difficult to start. Any ideas?
Järjestelmävalvojan oikeudet tarvitaan
Kun käynnistän Freedomen saan ilmoituksen: Järjestelmävalvojan oikeudet tarvitaan Olen järjestelmävalvoja ja koneen (läppäri Windows 10) ainoa käyttäjä. Painan 'Käynnistä palvelu uudelleen' ja saan ilmoituksen 'Freedome virhe' Viitenumeroni: XXXXXXXX terveisin. Miia Edit: PII removed
Freedome has started requesting administration permissions to open. I right click on the icon and select "run as administrator", but it doesn't help.
Redem code
Free redemm code
|✔︎| Trust WiFi Networks And KillSwitch Application ??
QUESTION (1): If I always want "Automatic WiFi Protection" turned on ... on my iOS device, should I have, acknowledge or define any network ( i.e., my own network or any other network for that matter ) as a "Trusted" network ?? QUESTION (2): On my MacOS device ( laptop ), what is the relationship between the "killswitch"…
Rien ne marche chez moi
Quand j'ai installer le VPN pour la première fois, pendant les moments d'essai j'arrivais à accéder aux sites ceux pourquoi j'ai installer le VPN mais une fois l'essai terminer, j'ai décider de payer via Google Play mais depuis le paiement fait je n'arrive plus à utiliser le VPN pour la raison de l'achat. Trouver une…
Selauksen suojaus estää jatkuvasti Microsoftin osoitteita haitallisina sivustoina
Hei, Nyt viikon ajan, eli 29.7. lähtien Freedomen selauksen suojaus on estänyt Microsoftin osoitteita haitallisina useita kertoja päivässä (1428 kertaa kirjoitushetkellä). Estetyt osoitteet vaikuttavat omaan silmään ihan asiallisita, käsittääkseni Windowsin päivityksiin liittyviltä osoitteilta, joten onko kyseessä ns.…
Uudelleen asennettu windows. Lisenssin siirto?
Elikkäs olen ostamani lisenssit käyttänyt. Nyt tuli windows uudelleen asennettua eli yksi lisenssi jäisi käyttämättä? Olisiko mahdollista se kuitenkin hyödyntää. En vielä löytänyt miten sen tekisi. F secure safessa sai lisenssin vapautettua sivuiltanne helpostikkin.
Freedome VPN not working
Hey , I formatted my MAC os computer. I downgraded Monterey from mojave version. While it works fine in the Monterey version, Mojave also stays on this screen and does not improve for hours. I remember making some network settings in the Monterey version, but the program prompted me. I tried many different locations.
Freedome päivitys
Päivitin Freedomen uusimpaan versioon ja ohjelma lakkasi toimimasta. Yrittää jatkuvasti yhdistää, mutta ei saa yhteyttä. Käyttöjärjestelmänä masOS Mojave 10.14.6 Ongelmaa on ollut ilmeisesti muillakin, voisiko F-Secure ystävällisesti korjata päivityksen mahdollisimman pian?
Freedome doesn't connect after update
I update as proposed, and can't get any connection Mac OS Sierra
Freedome does not connect after update
After updating Freedome on my Mac today it will no longer connect. Doesn't connect on my home network that it previously worked on, doesn't connect on my smartphone hotspot, tried different virtual locations, have reinstalled and restarted several times, nothing. For hours and hours all I see is this:
Freedome VPN
Hello, I downloaded your program, but the map does not come up
Unable to connect to Freedome
I'm trying to connect to Freedome but when I press to connect it is just loading. This is the case for many different locations. I also tried to reinstall the program and on another device but nothing seems to work. Can someone please help resolving this?
I would like to know my username and password.
I have subscribed using my iPhone. However I want to use the vpn on my other device, the Apple ID isn’t the same however and I can’t use my subscription. so I need my username and password to log in thanks
Jossain nettikaupoissa saa Freedomen avaimen sähköpostilla.
Onko tämä legitiimiä tai tavallista, että ostettu tuoteavain lähetetään sähköpostissa? Jossain suomalaisissakin kaupoissa. Halvemmallahan siinä pääsee kun ei tarvitse postikuluja maksaa mutta pisti arveluttamaan kun aikaisemmat kerrat olen ostanut boksina.
Internet-yhteytesi on estetty - ERR:NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED
Ottaessani yhteyttä oman kotiverkkoni eli kaapelimodeemiini kytkettyyn laitteeseen olen alkanut yhä useammin saada ym. ilmoituksen, ja käyttö estyy. Samoin estyy itse kaapelimodeemiin yhteys. Netti toimii kaikin kokeilemin osin. Esto on "satunnainen", uusi yritys saattaa auttaa, selaimen (Edge) uudelleenkäynnistys saattaa…
Problem with activating iOS and windows version?
Hello I have 2 problems: 1- I have bought the 3 device subscription but I do not know how to enter the code in the iOS? Unlike the Android version, there is no box or context to enter the subscription code in the iOS version 2- My subscription code is active on windows app(windows 11 x64) but does not connect to…
No internet with f-secure Freedom
Hi, When freedom is on it happens often that my internet connection is turned off. It doesn't inactivates the wi-fi, it's only the internet connection that is turned off and as soon as i set freedom to off the internet connection is back and fully working so it must have something to do with freedome being on. Any help or…
MacBook Pro with Paralles and two VM running Windows - Freedome on all three??
I have my Mac secured by Freedome. On this Mac two virtual machines is running. The VM share the Mac internet connection. Do I have to secure the VM:s by separate Freedome VPN or is the initial Mac Freedome VPN enough?
Impossible to send a link to install FSAFE or freedome on family device
Hello, I can't send a link to share FSAFE or Freedome to a member of my family, the message says: "An error has happened" (something like this as in french it's "Un problème est survenu") Can somebody help me ? Thanks in advance, Best regards, Renaud NOTE: Some information is removed due to Personally identifiable…
Can't Activate Freedome
Why can't I activate Freedome
I have bought the 3 device subscription, but my code only works on my phone, can you help.
My registration e-mail is gone, but I do have my license code
Hello! I have lost access to the mailbox that I used during registration (most likely it was hacked), but I still have my valid license code (for F-secure Freedome). Can I create a new account with a new email and link a license to it? Or what options do I have?
Freedome VPN + screen mirror + LG smart TV
Is there a way to make it possible to use Freedome VPN on a laptop (Win 10/11) and do screen mirror to LG smart TV (or I guess any smart TV that can be used as a wireless display). Screen mirroring works without issues when VPN is turned off.
Failure to update update Freedome to v.
Hello, [NOTE: This is about the update of Freedome, NOT about today's critical update of SAFE.] When starting my computer (PC, Windows10, current Freedome version 2.45.888.0) yesterday, I got a pop-up (now on every boot) telling me that an update ( is available. I clicked on the "Install" button, and that started…
Due to Freedom VPN when activated my Outlook accountsetting or not accepted
At the beginning of a day , I cannot sent mails ,they are send to Postvak OUT , I must repair my account settings ( synchronistion ,serversettings wich keeps the stetting ich never changed , and several times i read " something is missing .Inactivate VPN does not make the repair , I must restart , and inactivate VPN ,…
Why isn't your program taking my updated subscription code?
expired sub code: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx NEW CODE: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx. Can't you guys update my settings on your site to read my updated code? Or do I need to download an updated version of the program? Please inform me as to what needs to be done. I only purchased the program 3 months ago! Help? p********@xxxx.com Edit: PII removed
Miksi FREEDOME recent locations-kohdassa on maita, joita en ole itse valinnut?
Onko tietokoneeni hakkeroitu? 👀👀👀
Unable to access NRK from abroad, again🤬
Dear moderator, In 2020 there was some issues with your VPN-server In Oslo. That problem you guys fixed in a couple of days. Now it's not working again. I know that Netflix and some other big players are effectively blocking there services, but this guy is a small player, so please could you do something to fix this…