Discussion List
- I use Remote Desktop a lot. But F-Secure becomes a serious problem for me if it kicks in and blocks my access. This happens if, while an F-secure session is in operation, I leave things idle long enou…
- i believe lot of f-secure home users use linux as their primary/secondary OS. linux is not immune anymore, please make a new security product for linux platform with home user oriented. your product d…
- Ability to sort new ideas cronologically,latest first,all products
- Have you thought about reorganizing and cleaning up of the whole community(obsolete threads and issues etc)...
- Safety an Privacy Tool for Android and Ios devices(SPT): All Safety and privacy settings easily manageable by one tool,with so-called safety levels: high,medium,low...
- Hello, guys ! Nowadays windows firewall is sufficent to protects the home user, but it lacks the protection for the outbond connection. So, would you like to add this feature please? So, novice users …
- Today lot of places need to use SSH keys to access. I'd like to save also those in KEY.
- Can you please consider enabling an 'Ignore Facillity' for future scans within Android. It would be nice to have a reverse Facillity as well. If not already available the same for a Windows platform a…
- Hi, I would like more user depended options in F Secure. Settings and in general behavior. I want to decide when something is found what to do in real time scanning and for example in Email Protection…
- I could be very nice if i was able to see who is logged in or what is going on to my home network(F-SENSE) while i am on the go.
- Please fix the problem withthe time display not displaying the correct time (sometimes). Even though it is permanently connected to mains and internet. Seth (on live chat) seems to think this is a tim…
- Hi, i'm trying the new F-secure SAFE and i have some suggestions and feature request Feature request 1-Add "shutdown when scan is finished" to "Complete computer scan" screen. There are people with 3T…
- I have been told to renew by a pop up, and it will keep on happening for 28 days. There is no disable option.
- Hello, I would like an option that would make Freedome prevent any data connection if it is not connected. So if this option is enabled, I am 100% sure I am protected because there won't be any data t…
Freedome for Android: Allow VPN for subscribing even if the current subscription has expired so ther
Hello, I use Freedome as my VPN provider to connect to untrusted wifi hotspots when I travel. So before my trip I subscribe to "1 month (fixed term)" or "1-day pass" depending on the duration of my tr…- Suggestions for Anti-Virus improvements: 1. Add password protection for changing the settings. 2. Enable import and export of settings. 3. Allow adding of multiple file objects to exclude at a time, i…
- Option to promote secondary user to parent and edit kids family settings what are added under main account.
- Hi guys I have an Amazon fire hd but I can't use my app on here to keep it safe. Is there a possible chance one could be developed? Best regards Billy
- Proposal would be to have a checkbox or another hint expressing that this entry has an additional 2 Factor Authentication. Details about the 2FA used e.g. Hardware Token, Authenticator app or SMS... v…
- It's important to change ones passwords, can we get F-Secure key to mark passwords as obsolete or due after say 60 days?
- Missing an Auto-On Feature: As soon as connecting to a public wifi (Café, Airport,Train station, etc.) Freedome turns on automatically and secures my connection. If Freedome can't connect and secure m…
- I have a bit under 300 sites/passwords stored in Key, and it's getting quite clumsy to use, especially in mobile. Many of those websites/-services are ones that I'm not using anymore, but they don't a…
- Enable web searching through the Freedome app on IOS/Android devices, as is possible on the desktop VPN suite.
- On several occasions, i had trouble because Freedome was interfering with the communication infrastructure. Examples: - cannot connect to a wifi hotspot when fredome vpn is active. I can go Freedome O…
- Hello F-Secure I think your products are really great and very good, but I still miss an important feature. In online banking you are very well protected by the banking protection but when shopping yo…
- It should be possible to disable some application usage from the kid's phone totally. Now with these family rules its not possible to prevent usage from e.g. google store. Which means that child is fi…
- I recently used the trial version of F-Secure's SAFE for Windows, and I don't like the fact that F-Secure SAFE is devoid of some very basic yet vital aspects of protection that users should not be wit…
- I would like to use KEY in private browsing of Firefox. LastPass works in private mode and also some other add-ons I use (e.g. Pushbullet). Also, KEY works in incognito mode on Chrome.
- Would be nice to have a built in Adblocker in Freedome like for example Cyberghost VPN has.
- In the UK we are now able to access and modify information relating to Tax, Tax Codes and other very sensitive information. This needs to be every bit as secure as online banking and, relating to iden…