Ability to sort new ideas cronologically,latest first

Ability to sort new ideas cronologically,latest first,all products
Sorry for my reply.
Did you mean that current ability to sort it by "date" is not an option?
For example,
-> scroll to place after the 'tags' and choose "Hot Ideas" and switch it to "New Ideas"?
-> then should be possible to check all recent ideas or jump to latest (current) page and check it with such order (by pages back). https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Feature-Requests/idb-p/Idea_Exchange/tab/most-recent/page/19
OR request is about option to use "sorting in descending order and ascending"? For more user-friendly design (as example)?
"OR request is about option to use "sorting in descending order and ascending"? For more user-friendly design (as example)?"
Yes,sorting just by "new ideas" brings first issues dated eg. year 2011,which by no means are very "new" according my opinion,the more user-friendly design would be more recommendable..
With my experience:
(as sorting just by "new ideas") is about first ideas as your one (yesterday) current feature request as most recent idea.
While last page is about your noted date. So, sort by "new ideas" with result like "all recent ideas" from top to bottom. and multiple pages.
But if you want to check 'outdated' ideas - need to open last page (and visit previous pages with such order). Not possible to sort (?) them when outdated ideas will be with first page.