Parent Control management

- I have installed the parent control settings to Android and iPhone. Android works. Even I read that app control is not supported for the iPhone it is not working at all. Time restrictions is simply not working, no time is counted, the phone can be used after bed time as well. That must be changed otherwise I won't be a customer for long. It doesn't serve a family need.
- What a parent control when I can't on the mobile phone quickly change the settings. Meaning to give a child an extra 15 min just for the one day. Block or unblock it. There are only those weekday settings and each app individual settings. But as said, I can't even do those settings on the phone, only via the web page and that you can forget on the mobile phone.
Note Google starts to offer this for free and with iOS it should also come for free. Why paying for something? Because it would be one tool only for parents and it should top the free stuff.
I can simply say I regret my investment and will disable F-Secure on my kids devices.
iOS has delivered in the first deployment with the last release all standard functionality, reporting, total time control, individual app control, request for installation control was already existing beforehand.If I do not get soon a notification of a up-coming release that contains more features I am a lost customer.
And as usually in this business, at least give a feedback otherwise the customer considers as not been valuated.