At least 4 or 5 times a day I get emails from f secure id protection saying new device login when in fact its the same device, i sometimes cannot sign back in because it's saying my subscription has ended when in fact i have well over a year left since latest update f secure has become so frustrating, I'm spending more…
How to backup the ID Protection password database ?
I am actually testing the ID Total. With my old password App Keepass2 there is a file that i can backup for desaster recovery. With ID Protection there is no information, where the passwords are saved. So if the passwords are not synchronized, the passwords are lost ?? Is there only the possibility to export the passwords…
Tilauksen uusiminen ei onnistu.
Yritin viime kuussa muuttaa loppuvaa Total tilaustani niin että vain ID Protection uusiutuu. Onnistuin silloin vahingossa jatkamaan koko Total tilausta. Olin puhelimitse yhteydessä tukeen ja he onnistuivat peruuttamaan Total tilauksen ja vaihtamaan pelkän ID Protectionin tilaukseen. Nyt kuitenkin tuo ID Protection tilaus…
ID Protect was licensed then I bought a subscription to F-Secure Total & now ID Protect has run out
ID Protect doesn't seem to recognise my F-Secure Total subscription as it was subscribed prior to purchasing Total. I don't want to lose my existing Vault contents
F-Secure Total ja ID Protection
Minulla on 5 laitteen Total tilaus joka on voimassa 24.9.2024 saakka. Miksi ihmeessä yhdessä Windows koneissani oleva ID Protection herjaa että sopimus on loppumassa jo 24.9.2022? Yritin jo poistaa ID Protectionin ja asentaa sen uudelleen, mutta sama juttu. Onko jollain ideaa miten saan tämän kuntoon?
REQUEST: UI development, Grouping of Vault objects / Sorting & Tagging
I have over 300 objects in my Vault. For the life of me I can't always remember what it was I was looking for and even though the search helps with finding, it's useless if I can't figure out what it was I was looking for. Grouping (folders for instance) objects, or at least being able to tag them, would be helpful in that…
Numerosarjojen luominen salasanageneraattorissa (Id Protection)
Androidille ladatussa applikaatiossa ei generoidu kahta ensimmäistä numeroa (0 ja 1), kun valitsen pelkästään numerot generaattorissa. Hieman huolestuttavaa. Pitäisikö se asentaa uudestaan? Mistä tämä johtuu?
Autofill code gets 'invalid'
Hi, I recently moved from Key to ID protection. As I tried to install the extension in Firefox I can't get it to work as the code I get from my ID protection (windows) app gets an 'invalid' message. How do I solve this? Thanks!
How do I connect devices?
How do I connect devices?
How to complete the vault with new entries automatically
I have imported passwords from an old list into F-Secure ID Protection, which seems to work. When I make new entries with Firefox however, they are not added to the vault. I have switched off the password manager of Firefox. What should I do?
How to import Passwords from Remembear
Hi, Remembear (a Canada based Passwordmanager) stopes its service (sad enough). I choose Remembear because it is not working under US-law, but under Canadian law. I prefer a passwordmanager under EWU (that is non-US-law (for privacy reasons). So F-=secure could be a good option (Finnish, EU-law) But! I cannot import my…
Password Manager for Browsers(FF,Chrome)
Password Manager for Browsers(extension ver 5.0.125) for FF and Chrome are VERY unstable exspecially after latest browser updates(many useless reinstallations).Can we expect more stable and usable version in the the near future?
Surkea käyttökokemus päivityksen myötä 5.4.2976.0/KEY
Päivityksen myötä F-Secure ID Protectionin käytettävyys on muuttunut todella huonoksi. Käyttöliittymä freezaa, kun syöttää Vaultissa hakukenttään tekstiä. Käyttöliittymä ei ole asynkroninen vaan UI threadi on aivan jumissa haun aikana. Kirjoitetut kirjaimet tulevat hakukenttään viiveellä, yksi kerrallaan ja tekstin…
Locked out after an update
My ID PROTECTION subsctiption has ended, but I've still continued to use the app on Windows 10. It seems ID PROTECTION did an update, and now states that I need to renew my subscríption to finish the installation. It's quite ironic, as I need the account details stored in the app to renew my subscription. Luckily the…
I want to install ID Protection but it asked me always for a Masterpassword but didn't have one
I want to install ID Protection but it asked me always for a Masterpassword but didn't have one. It is the first time I do install ID Protection, so didn't have a masterpassword. Waht shall I do?
Is there a quick way to view password by their username (email)?
I will be cancelling my email account with one supplier and would like to search for any passwords where I have used that email
REQUEST: Add the option to save Identity items and Secure notes
Bitwarden has the option to save ID Cards, Passports, Driver's licences, Permit cards, etc with information such as Name, SSN, Issue date, Expiry date, License number, Notes regarding the item AND attachments for images of the identity item. Secure notes would be super useful for saving recovery codes as text or QR-code…
What Happens to ID Guardian After the Beta Subscription Expired?
Hi. I've been an active beta tester of F-Secure Protect. Recently I decided to try out ID Guardian (so ditching Bitwarden, for now). Now that IDG is my main password manager, I'm a bit worried about what happens after my beta subscription is expired? Can I still use my master password to access all my passwords? I hope IDG…
HUOM! Uusimmat Patch Tuesday Windows päivitykset rikkoivat SAFE ja ID Protection ohjelmat!
Uusimpien Windows 11 Patch Tuesday päivitysten jälkeen SAFE ja ID Protection ohjelmat lakkasivat toimivasta, eivätkä suostu enää avautumaan. Ohjelmien poistaminen ja uudelleen asentaminen ei ratkaise ongelmaa, vaan ongelma ilmenee välittömästi asennuksen yhteydessä. Liitän alle kuvakaappaukset vikailmoittuksista, jotka…
HUOM! Uusimmat Patch Tuesday Windows päivitykset rikkoivat SAFE ja ID Protection ohjelmat!
Uusimpien Windows 11 Patch Tuesday päivitysten jälkeen SAFE ja ID Protection ohjelmat lakkasivat toimivasta, eivätkä suostu enää avautumaan. Ohjelmien poistaminen ja uudelleen asentaminen ei ratkaise ongelmaa, vaan ongelma ilmenee välittömästi asennuksen yhteydessä. Liitän alle kuvakaappaukset vikailmoittuksista, jotka…
Backup feature for ID-Protection
Add password/pin-code eg. encrypted Backup/Restore feature for vault entries
Tarkempaa tietoa "Salassa pidettävä palvelu"
Hei, Sain muutama päivä sitten ID PROTECTION -monitoroinnin kautta tietoa, että sähköpostiini liitettyjä tietoja on vuotanu: "huhtikuu 2022" VAKAVA. Tietomurron kohde on merkitty "Salassa pidettävä palvelu". Miten saan tarkempaa tietoa, mistä palvelusta on kyse? Kiitos.
need better user interface in F-Secure ID Protection password manager, folder structure to organize
Hi, I would like to request that the password manager F-Secure ID Protection would have some better UI options for PC especially. "The Long List" style of storing passwords is not very well organized for PC users, although it might be ok for the mobile and touchscreen. (and I do infact use ID Protection for both android…
FS protection mobile clients - new look and feel and features
I am glad to announce that we have new release out at PlayStore and AppStore with the following features: • Totally new modular user interface • Integrated Password Vault • Integrated ID Monitoring • Bug fixes, stability improvements Please spend some time to test it and give feedback using this survey: link. Note that you…
Why does ID Protection show up mulitple times in the dock in MacOS, unlike any other mac app?
I'm running MacOS 12.0.1. I keep ID Protection in the dock, with a bunch of other apps. The doc also has a special section that shows the three apps you've most recently used. Why does ID Protection show up there too, three times, in addition to the "pinned" icon in the main part of the doc? No other app does this. I think…
ID PROTECTION does not recognise renewed subscription
A few days ago, I renewed my F-Secure TOTAL subscription, including ID Protection that I have in 3 devices: my phone, a Windows 10 laptop and Windows 10 tabletop computer. The problem is that in the Win 10 computers, ID PROTECTION does not recognise the renewed subscription, even though SAFE and FREEDOME do. I have not…
Tuore Android 11 bugi.
Uusimman Android 11 tietoturvapäivityksen jälkeen ID Protectioniin on ilmestynyt sen käyttöä merkittävästi hidastava bugi. Joka kerta kun avaan applikaation, niin se jumittuu tähän viestiin liittämääni näkymään vähintään puoleksi minuutiksi ja pahimmillaan noin kahdeksi minuutiksi, ennen kuin voin avata sen pääsalasanalla…
When will TOTAL support (Native?) M1 Pro or Max chipset?
Specifically the MacBook Pro w/ either the M1 Pro or M1 Max chip.
ID Monitoring : number of mail adresses per people, not per subscription
Hello, I began to use Total for me, then, after a while, for my family ... and friends. I do now have 25 licences, for 9 different people... The ID Monitoring is actually limited to 10 mail adresses... For the subscription, no matter the number of licences, nor the number of people behind ! I wish to show them the utility…
Monitor addition: find breached pwd from vault
Current monitor finds breached data nicely but it wont tell what service got breached. Okay that may be unavailable but in vault the search could search passwords too so the changing would be easier. (I dont have time to check 240 services that which one has that breached randomly generated password)