REQUEST: UI development, Grouping of Vault objects / Sorting & Tagging

La_sol Posts: 4 Observer
edited June 2022 in Feature Requests

I have over 300 objects in my Vault. For the life of me I can't always remember what it was I was looking for and even though the search helps with finding, it's useless if I can't figure out what it was I was looking for. Grouping (folders for instance) objects, or at least being able to tag them, would be helpful in that case. Also that brings me to sorting. Even though you'd have a method for grouping objects, a long list needs also methods for sorting so please implement that while you're at it.

Also, it would be a good idea to add options for making the listing tighter or otherwise easier to glance at. Currently the view in the Windows app of ID Protection shows only 19 items on a 27" 1440p screen. With hundreds of items that's quite a lot of scrolling. Also it would be nice if you get the favicon from a site for better visual cues when a url is added into an object.

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  • Lapio
    Lapio Posts: 1 New Member

    Tagging or grouping objects in vault would be wonderful. I have only 100+ objects and it is already limiting usability of the vault. I also find available icons uninformative.