Multiple platforms (Windows, iOS, Android) & SAFE subscription
Hello, I have purchased the F-Secure SAFE product on my Windows OS. I installed SAFE to an iPhone, logged in with my account and got the device protected, but the app does not show anything other than the SAFE browser protection. I can't see the virus scanning I see on my Android/Windows products. Is this normal? I was…
Adding an adult account to a protected tablet
Hi, Today I installed F-Secure SAFE on my daughter's Android tablet. So far so good. But I want my wife to be able to log in with her own account as well. SAFE prevents me from adding a user account to the tablet, citing family rules. But as the family rules administrator I can't find a setting to allow me to create a…
Why my system app is gone?
Hi, When I go to the Apps & notifications settings to see all the apps in my phone, I discovered that one of my system apps (Files) is not there. Does anyone know what could have caused this? I have used my F-Secure SAFE to scan my phone and there's no detection of a problem. I have attached a screenshot that shows the…
Tietojen vuoto useita vuosia sitten
Otin ID Protection käyttöön. Laitoin seurantaan 5 sähköpostiosoitetta ja muutamista paljastui vuoto. Vanhin on 6 vuoden takaa palvelusta, jota en vuosiin ole käyttänyt. Isoissa massavuodoissa on sähköposti ja salasana (ilmeisesti sama vuoto useaan kerran). Missään ao. sähköposti ja salasana yhdistelmää en myöskään käytä…
No option to activate subscription in Android app
I just purchased a new subscription for Freedome VPN off the website and I have an activation code. When I open the app and click subscription, there is no option to add the activation number.
ID Protection - Virheilmoitus Android-tabletissa
Otin käyttööni ID Protection -ohjelmiston muutama viikko sitten iMac/iPhone/Android-tabletti -kombossa. Kaikki tuntuu toimivan ok ja joka laitteen holvi sykronoituu moitteetta. Kuitenkin Android-tabletissa käynnistettäessä ID Protection saan lähes aina näytön alalaitaan mustan palkin tekstillä "Paikalliset tiedot…
United Nations site is blocked by Freedome. "403 ERROR". How do I unblock?
Yesterday I noticed the United Nations site un.org was blocked on my Android 11 phone and on my Windows 10 laptop. Still blocked today. I can access by turning off Freedome. How can this be avoided? (I have been using Freedome for some years and not had problems.) Thank you. This is the message I keep getting when Freedome…
location of the phone
Hi, how can I lock my phone remotely? Or find the location of the phone? I have a SAFE license. There is no such option anywhere. Thank you. Martin
Safe for android?
It sucks...Big Time! No back or forward buttons and if you hit the home button to do anything else while you're browsing it closes your page and any other tab you might have had open. Even the f-secure site won't load properly so that I can see the cookies warnings at the bottom of the page. If you can't accept cookies,…
SAFE esto tietylle nettisivulle androidissa
Voinko estää F-secure SAFElla tietylle sivulle pääsyn lapseni androidissa ? Jos laitan kaikki suodattimet päälle, niin puhelimella pääsee silti osoitteeseen ylilauta.org, jonka haluaisin estää.
First login on mobile always fails with "Page expired"
Hello, I am currently trialing F-Secure TOTAL. On the PC all is OK. Now I installed SAFE on my Android mobile phone, too, but when trying to log in from there (from within the F-Secure SAFE app), I only get a "Page expired etc." message. I have tried multiple times to close and restart the app, and have also cleared the…
F-Secure SAFE closes in my Huawei ELE-L29 running Android 10.0
Hello. In my phone F-Secure SAFE is open only for a few minutes after I reboot it or after I manually start the app. I never close manually the "F-Secure needs to show this notification to prevent Android from closing it" notification. Still, there has not been a full analysis since july 2021. What should I do?
Autofillin avaaminen Android 11 chromessa
Ilmeisesti chromesta pitäisi saada avattua lukittu id protection painamalla "avaa napauttamalla"? Se ei jostain syystä toimi. Itse salasanojen täyttö toimii hyvin, kunhan on erikseen käynyt avaamassa id protectionin etukäteen App drawerin kautta. Olisiko jotain neuvoja antaa että ei tarvitsisi aina erikseen käydä avaamassa…
A feature request for ID protection: add a feature to selectively stop showing security breaches
In the Android -version of ID protection, you allways start with the security breaches (monitoring) window, unless you specifically set the keys (vault) -window as the first one. First, it takes a good while of running untill you can get back from that to the keys. Can get a bit frustrating. So enabling an immediate change…
I cannot connect my subscription to the F-Secure Freedome VPN app on android
Having installed the app and successfully added my subscription, the app would not connect to any VPN servers and prevented my Internet access. I decided to uninstall and re install the app. Having done this I can no longer turn on the VPN and my subscription page says no subscription but doesn't offer me a way to add the…
Biometrinen tunnistautuminen tietokoneella
Eli androidissa minulla on tuo biometrinen tunnistautuminen, mutta pystynkö läppärillä vaihtamaan pääsalasanani niin että kirjautuisin esimerkiksi sormenjäljellä? Jos, niin miten tämä tapahtuu? Ja sanotaan nyt vielä varmuuden vuoksi että läppärissäni siis on tuo sormenjälkilukija. EDIT @Lucaseuropa - removed PII
Can't active F-Secure Mobile Security
I have 7 Licenses of F-Secure TOTAL. But why I can't active it in F-Secure Mobile Security? Also, F-Secure Mobile Security has more functions than SAFE Internet Security & Mobile Antivirus.
"Laitteesi ei ole yhteensopiva..."
Päivitin tabletin uudenpaan (Android-versio pysyi samana 5.0.2), Galaxy Tab 4 -> Galaxy Tab A. Minulla on 1 lisenssi vapaana F-Secure SAFEssa, mutta Play kauppa toteaa vain, että "Laitteesi ei ole yhteensopiva" tämän version kanssa. Versio on asennuspostista tulleen painikkeen takana. Miten saan suojauksen tablettiin?😤