F-Secure SAFE closes in my Huawei ELE-L29 running Android 10.0

JEGR Posts: 2 New Member
edited August 2022 in Web Browsing

Hello. In my phone F-Secure SAFE is open only for a few minutes after I reboot it or after I manually start the app. I never close manually the "F-Secure needs to show this notification to prevent Android from closing it" notification. Still, there has not been a full analysis since july 2021. What should I do?

Accepted Answer

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,793 Superuser
    Answer ✓


    I am not sure that your experience is related to known trouble, but there are some topics about Huawei devices and F-Secure SAFE solution.

    Some of them:

    However, since your description is something like "crash":

    In my phone F-Secure SAFE is open only for a few minutes after I reboot it or after I manually start the app. I never close manually the "F-Secure needs to show this notification to prevent Android from closing it" notification. Still, there has not been a full analysis since july 2021. What should I do?

    so, do you mean - that you can not even use / open F-Secure SAFE interface. Like if you launch application - some minutes of use and it closed / crashed. Or the trouble with the "scanning" try?

    Could you also try to find which version (of F-Secure SAFE) installed on your device?


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