How do i kill the constant nagging to install the browser plugin

ubronan Posts: 7 Explorer
edited July 2022 in Web Browsing

I really am sick of this insane browser plugin stuff

It does block completely safe sites and even meddles with downloads and more annoyances

The problem is this f-secure monster constant keeps trying to force install these monstrousities

I am sick of being locked out of my local nas, because it does not have https so what its my local nas.

Nobody ever comes on my nas besides myself.

I have bought many programs and alot of them are blocked as trojan and dangerous sites while i never ever had problems with the programs in the time i use them some even for 4 decades

But f-secure-safe keeps installing this crappy almost every day, i tried to kill f-secure parts but if you do it totally becomes useless as a virus scanner as well.

f-secure has to learn that people make choices AND HATE forced stuff what does not even work proper.

Anything and all is dangerous, downloading from big names also.

F-secure is full of false negatives as well.

My paid absolute safe trainers for certain games have been scanned by a friend who work for a AV company and the only thing which he found is that it does indeed alter memory in a game.

Which is the only way to make trainers, he admitted to found nothing that indicates it has any saving these changes ever. They simply do not have any commands or function in them to do that.

Hell even you can not do it, with this programs at all.

You have to use complete other tools to safe these things

Anyway i am sick to see 20 times a day at least the popup that it needs to install the browser plugin, and if you are not carefull or fast enough your screwed it installed it already without any approval.

F-Secure these are my computers which costed me a small fortune and ARE MINE ALONE not yours not M$ .... So i decide what happens on my computers not a silly company called f-secure.

Since nothing has changed for what 2 years or more, i still am refusing this very bad non functional function. So make it a choice as every other REAL good AV vendor does.

It is over the top and blocks too much stuff which is 100% safe or even kills know big brand products.

That makes it a virus itself and that is alos how i see this.

I actually killed your programs for a long time and guess what no infections, hell i had already a 11 year free of virus products untill i was stupid to let some friends on my pc to game ....

Result instant a trojan and a couple of virusses which i killed before it became an issue, since then i stay and look at their fingers to check what they are doing.

If they go to sites i do not like i kick them off the machine.

Sure especially the lads complain about privacy, but my answer is "is it your machine or mine".

Because you have to be carefull, fun fact is that major brands often spread more virusses than small brands.

I got 3 windows installer cd's in the paste which contained a trojan which never been open, the seals where untouched. So thinking it does not happen with the big ones is a fairytale.

Security is good but going overboard is not, as you have never responded to my mails about this bad product, i do a last try on this forum..

Accepted Answer

  • Cale
    Cale Posts: 294 F-Secure Product Manager
    Answer ✓


    One comment for the extension reminder pop-up; there was an issue with it in 18.0 when you used multiple browsers. This was fixed in 18.1, which was released at the end of September and you most likely got it only a few weeks ago.

    By the sound of it, you have tried to solve the issue on your own various ways that may have gotten the fixed version confused when it was installed. I'd recommend you to try uninstalling SAFE once more, make sure all the extensions are gone and then reinstall the product (and in English, if you prefer that language). Do a clean start with the latest version so to speak. You should have the "Don't remind me again" options then available for each browser.

    Btw. not having the extension does not prevent the product from blocking harmful sites. This is done on the driver level and the extensions purpose is to assists the driver to give more accurate results. So it could be that some of your issues are due to not having the extension installed!



  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser


    I am also an F-Secure user.

    Could you add a bit about your setting. What operating system / platform (Windows / Mac) do you have and what is your version of F-Secure solution?

    But as general suggestions:

    It does block completely safe sites and even meddles with downloads and more annoyances

    This software is definitely not designed for that. And, perhaps, such situations were not conceived "intentionally." But, indeed, completely safe sites or resources (like CDN) might be blocked by mistake or for some reason (sometimes no longer relevant).

    In this case (although it may not be as user-friendly and require some effort) - you can try using F-Secure SAS:

    Some reading about:

    What about "background" blocking, there are some options. One is its'own' try to find out which resource was blocked. The alternative is to use F-Secure Support Tool (to create fsdiag - How do I create an FSDIAG file? - F-Secure Community) and / or to contact their official Support Channel for further assistance. For example, web-chat: Contact support | F-Secure

    I really am sick of this insane browser plugin stuff

    However, it does not have to be surely pinned to the F-Secure Browsing Protection browser extension as such. Perhaps, even with a disabled or (removed) extension - most of websites will still be blocked if they are rated as harmful or suspicious (with the corresponding “Block it” option enabled in Settings). But not so 'clear enough' for user. And with much more potentially false positive or side effects situations.

    Another possibility of unexpected 'blocked' websites is enabled Parental control with some 'categories' in use (How do I turn on Parental Controls for my child's PC with Internet Security? - F-Secure Community). If so, and if you do not need it, you can disable this functionality. In fact, adult profiles (installation) should not be allowed to use it. When you switch installation to so called 'child' profile, then this option is arrived.

    The problem is this f-secure monster constant keeps trying to force install these monstrousities

    Can you try a suggestion from this topic: How to disable offers to install Browsing Protection by F-Secure? — F-Secure Community

    Or did you mean that even after "dismiss" the offer by "don't ask again" - the offer appears back? It is possible, maybe. My own experience was about some sort of this situation after large system or software upgrades, actually.

    Additionally, mentioned in topic limitation should be fixed in latest F-Secure SAFE release (based on this: What's New in F-Secure SAFE for PC and Internet Security - F-Secure Community). At least, this is how I understand the next one fix: ""Notifications to install the Browser extension appear at the same time for multiple browsers. If using multiple browsers, this allows you to set up the Browsing extension separately for a given browser"".

    What about the trouble with NAS - maybe need to be a little more information about. I can not check this with my own environment, but.. perhaps... it is a quite common situation and there should be a way to use it smoothly.

    I have bought many programs and alot of them are blocked as trojan and dangerous sites while i never ever had problems with the programs in the time i use them some even for 4 decades

    So, software itself (executables) or the places where you tried to download them (where they are placed)?

    But f-secure-safe keeps installing this crappy almost every day, i tried to kill f-secure parts but if you do it totally becomes useless as a virus scanner as well.

    In fact, you can just to disable almost all of functionality. Or fully temporarily. Not need to kill.

    So, for example, there are options "do not block" harmful and suspicious rated websites. If to add a certain URL to list of allowed websites is not a workaround. And so on.

    Anything and all is dangerous, downloading from big names also.

    I think it is better to speak with specific examples. To better understand the situation. Or contact their support and give them the opportunity to figure out what the problem is. Since there should be absolutely no reason for blocking if nothing suspicious there. If somehow "all" marked as dangerous - something wrong too.

    My paid absolute safe trainers for certain games have been scanned by a friend who work for a AV company and the only thing which he found is that it does indeed alter memory in a game. Which is the only way to make trainers, he admitted to found nothing that indicates it has any saving these changes ever. They simply do not have any commands or function in them to do that.

    So, what was the detection by F-Secure solution? Riskware, suspicious software (PUA/UA), generic detection by some triggers or a certain one about certain kind of malicious software (trojan or whatever)?

    Anyway i am sick to see 20 times a day at least the popup that it needs to install the browser plugin, and if you are not carefull or fast enough your screwed it installed it already without any approval.

    Well, I am not sure that it should be installed without any approval (at least, if we take into point all the things starting from the purchase and installation of the software).

    However, maybe 'added'. But you still, perhaps, need to activate it. Again, with latest releases - there is an option to "dismiss" it and check as "don't ask.."

    as you have never responded to my mails about this bad product

    Did you try to reach their Support (web-chat, for instance): Contact support | F-Secure

    On current day, there are limited ways to use 'email' channel to contact them at first. Are you sure that your letters were to a right address?


    // by the way, about 'malware' as such.

    In fact, it is very difficult to determine if it is in the system. And what it did. And what are the impacts of this. If we talk about the high quality. Or if it is a targeted one. Therefore, it is best to have as many opportunities as possible to prevent threats from even getting close to the system.

    the point of a 'proper' harmful and malicious threats is to be stealthy, healthy, good lookin'. So, not to be too noticeable. And besides, fraud is rather widespread than malware.

    Besides, the current ability to use completely "legitimate" ways for harmful things. Which for security software will look like "this is my system, I manage it and do what I want." So it won't be too vigilant. And this is what you want (and, actually, F-Secure security certainly tries to be user-friendly and, of course, with great respect towards the system administrator) -  but in a certain situation this could be a trouble. Therefore, the security solution must have some kind of integral right (received from the user) to sort out the most suspicious events.

    With the addition, there are always relatively many options (for the user) for requesting a reconsideration of a decision.

  • ubronan
    ubronan Posts: 7 Explorer

    I think i mentioned that i am using the safe version

    You question did i contact support YES Many times in most cases no answers at all

    There is no option to stop the constant trying to install the plugins, the guide you show is pretty outdated as that option really does not exist.

    Besides total disable security

    It is constant popping up the same nasty message install the plugin, there is no option to turn it off.

    Even worse is that it auto installs not even ask if you do not instant see the message.. then the fun is that you have to let it end the install and have to remove it OVER AND OVER again.

    Making rules for sites being not dangerous is not present nor help either

    Many sites which was in the hand of nasty persons for years are now used by companies which i do not think spread viruses but they are still blocked after 10 years usage

    Winutilities is never seen as fraudulent as far as i know and others selling backup programs are also considered very harmfull.

    Even local dutch shops and what about my local machines all are blocked and it constant keeps on nagging it is suspicious. It goes way too far to mention all the fails

    Yes it makes me angry that some idiot ideas are forced upon people without any need, especially local ip addresses DO NOT NEED https ever, unless you make them public.. so if one does make it public that person should make it https.

    Again the list is so long that i would need what 100 years to name all which pose a risk according to this silly thing.

    If they wanted to block a virus spreader they should block M$ as well ... many other big companies have been culpritts or have been shady but non of them are blocked.

    But reading through your lenghty answer i see not any answer which kinda solves the issue.

    Again contacting the company ended also with nothing and i never got a answer on several attempts to get that silly product fixed.

    The only thing they did was make it forced install without your consent.

    Each time i open a site it instant comes back either installed or nagging it wants to install.

    The only times i got a virus was intentional, to show others what happens if you do not take care.

    BTW i can asure you that plugin will not stop all nasty stuff as those not know still will infact your systems not matter how safe you think you are. No AV program is able to protect you 100% from harm ever.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser


    I think i mentioned that i am using the safe version

    Yes, indeed. To a large extent, I was thinking mostly about the "version" (build) and the possibility that it is a "branded thing" or perhaps provided by an ISP (or something like that). The version information is available by 'right-click' tray logo -> then "About" (Where can I find version information of the product? | SAFE | Latest | F-Secure User Guides)

    Recent releases have had some changes in terms of both the Browsing Protection design itself (so, blocking anything or why blocking something) and a number of other things (including handling notifications). What's New in F-Secure SAFE for PC and Internet Security - F-Secure Community - so there can be huge differences.

    Just to avoid the possibility of discussing different states.

    You question did i contact support YES Many times in most cases no answers at all

    Not good. But what was the way to contact them? Was it web-chat (phone call) - Contact support | F-Secure ?

    If yes. Do you mean that it was not possible to start communication (web chat, for example, was not available). Or that they could not answer while discussing in web chat? Or answers were not enough great. Or did the chat discussion turn into communication via email - and then there was silence? In some cases, if the "ticket" was closed, then our letters may not reach them, and there will be no response from them. In this case, it is better to start a new one (somehow) than to try to answer the old one.

    In my experience, they usually explain such scenarios. Sometimes they can pass it to the "responsible" people and they will simply analyze and (at best) fix. Until the ticket is closed, you can try to write (and if you don’t get a response, then contact them again via current available Support channels - so to create or re-open previous ticket).

    There is no option to stop the constant trying to install the plugins, the guide you show is pretty outdated as that option really does not exist.


    Did you mean that one discussion (How to disable offers to install Browsing Protection by F-Secure? — F-Secure Community)?

    Anyway, I just tried with my beta installation (there 'differences' with a stable version). What I actually tried:

    • delete (remove) F-Secure Browsing Protection extension from Microsoft Edge;
    • keep Internet Explorer 11 extension enabled;
    • no any other 'officially' supported browsers in system.
    • after some minutes - my F-Secure solution informed about disabled extension in Microsoft Edge.

    For (Windows 10) - it is UI 'notification' warning. If to choose this "card", there is a pretty description. Two buttons "set up" and "dismiss". Also there is a checkmark "Don't ask again".

    So, I check "don't ask again" and then "dismiss" button. Main UI no bother about anymore (while 'the task' is still hidden for further ability to enable extension if I would like).

    Probably, for a proper further conclusion - I need to use days and check if it will prompt me to install extension back.

    In any case, I meant that I think there should still be such an option. But I will check a bit later with the stable version.

    It is constant popping up the same nasty message install the plugin, there is no option to turn it off.

    Maybe could you add something like screenshot of this pop-up? However, indeed, there is no option to turn off "notifications". But, maybe, should be an option to dismiss offer to install the plugin (by mentioned above flow).

    Even worse is that it auto installs not even ask if you do not instant see the message.. you have to let it end the install and have to remove it OVER AND OVER again.

    By the way, what is your main / default browser?

    Many sites which was in the hand of nasty persons for years are now used by companies which i do not think spread viruses but they are still blocked

    So, If they are blocked due to "past merit", then a recheck must be requested somehow. In general - mentioned

    In all, when their analytics / specialists get to this particular site.

    There are quite a lot websites out there. And I think it's hard to analyze absolutely all of them manually. Considering that the situation can change every day. The only one webpage, the whole server may be compromised. Automatic ways can simplify the process, but also add "false positives".

    Therefore, things like reputation, rating and other things are often used. Equally often, data will be shared between many companies or even the industry as a whole. So, such a decision about 'malicious intend' can be based on the opinion of a "trusted" intermediary. Which is relatively often valid and sufficient. But not always, of course.

    Winutilities is never seen as fraudulent as far as i know and others selling backup programs are also considered very harmful.

    It is very important to know whether we are talking directly about the software (executables) or about the place from where they are downloaded. Besides, what was the certain wording about the "harmfulness". After all, perhaps the installer came with a bundle of some adware or such things.

    Also, compromising "good software" is a somewhat popular. Original state - safe. But if compromised - a pretty tricky one.

    Even local dutch shops ... all are blocked and it constant keeps on nagging it is suspicious. It goes way too far to mention all the fails

    I really think it would be better to contact their support (Holland: Contact opnemen met ondersteuning | F-Secure). And consider submitting specific websites to re-analyse / re-rate (Submit a sample | F-Secure).

    So, they can try to fix / improve properly.

    especially local ip addresses DO NOT NEED https ever, unless you make them public.. so if one does make it public that person should make it https.

    I probably understand what is about. But could you explain how F-Secure SAFE is related to this? I mean, F-Secure forces you to use https for this? Or with something referenced.

    But reading through your lenghty answer i see not any answer which kinda solves the issue.

    Sorry for the length, actually.

    The direct question: "How do i kill the constant nagging to install the browser plugin"

    The indirect answer: there are three discussions about. All of them with a certain instruction that should help. If not, could you feedback about.

    - "accepted answer" (pinned to top): How to disable offers to install Browsing Protection by F-Secure? — F-Secure Community

    - the latest reply: Annoying popup — F-Secure Community

    - Why have you added an extension to my Chrome Beta? — F-Secure Community

    despite the fact that extension is recommended (Checking that browser extensions are in use | SAFE | Latest | F-Secure User Guides)

    The only thing they did was make it forced install without your consent.

    Forced to doesn't always mean something terrible. In fact, there is no compulsion here. More recommendation. in addition, the capabilities and characteristics are specified in most documents even before installing the software. Of course, if the described "dismiss / don't ask again" option is applicable (as I imagine). If you do not have such an opportunity, then this is really wrong indeed. Although it is strange if you do not have such an opportunity (although it should be).

    Each time i open a site it instant comes back either installed or nagging it wants to install.

    It is really good to look at this nagging. Just to know how it looks.

    Or, at least, is it Windows 7 (or else something)?

    that plugin will not stop all nasty stuff as those not know still will infact your systems not matter... No AV program is able..

    Sure. I, in principle, also mentioned this.

    But I can add that Browsing Protection itself will be partially active without the extension. So, not need treat that plugin as a source of "blocking". It is needed to improve protection and mitigate the 'generic' approach.

    Sorry for the long reply. And sorry for my English. If you find time to read - good!


  • ubronan
    ubronan Posts: 7 Explorer

    Hey anyway thank you for doing more than support ever did,

    I call it forced as it constant all day long keeps freaking popup, and i disagree on anything forced on me by anyone, as i am prefectly capable of selecting what is dangerous or not.

    I go to sites which are called a super dangerous site for all these silly AV products and i never ever had any infection from them, not has data been stolen. While most data leaked from me was by legit or even gov sites and the likes of G$, M$ and friends.

    By their greedy behaviour to want to know even when, how and why i pee, they forgot they are being hacked often as well, hence loads of data is on the internet because of the failures of the big ones and governements not able to protect themselfs

    Yes even NASA, FBI, NSA and more well know governemental entities have been hacked or compromised from withing many times.

    I have to tell that i am dutch so the AV is set to my local language automagical i can not switch it to english either.

    The version i use is SAFE 18.1 and i am using win 10 ( i do not want silly 11 graphical update)

    I just decided to turn off the whole internet security part as it kept installing the plugin

    As for the browsers i use 3 different ones

    Chrome and Edge are used mainly for sites which i do kinda not trust, so they contain all kinda protections against data loss and of course many adblockers... as i do not want advertising in every form. By that i mean in general i go to great lenghts to try to find a way to kill them if possible.

    If i want something i will seek for a fitting solution myself, the ones with no advertising with a good name will win in my case ;)

    Anyway the third is firefox which is kinda used to access my local devices as i been able to disable the nag screens when it does not find the https nonsense, yes i know i can enable it on the nas but i see no reason for it at all.

    Except when i contact synology outside my lan then i go for https.

    I have of course turned off stopping downloads from non https sites as it blocked as metioned downloads from my nas

    Even M$ and G$ are called dangerous download sites by f-secure :D

    And i admit on those they are right, as both these giants have made enough mistakes in the paste.

    Scan options active :

    the safe browsing section:

    Virus and threaths page

    And last but not least again the nag screen instant when i opened firefox

    Gladly firefox does not allow auto install the plugins

    That is not so with chrome this simply installs the plugin without my consent with edge it shows it wants to install so still able to stop the install. But that enough to make me angry it constant keeps nagging and i can not stop this at all.

    Anyway i checked for this option you pointed at it is not present nor the other options to disable anything really besides the whole program that does work ;)

    For (Windows 10) - it is UI 'notification' warning. If to choose this "card", there is a pretty description. Two buttons "set up" and "dismiss". Also there is a checkmark "Don't ask again". <<<<< can not find this anywhere.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser

    I call it forced as it constant all day long keeps freaking popup, and i disagree on anything forced on me by anyone, as i am prefectly capable of selecting what is dangerous or not.

    Yes, this is quite logical.

    However, if they (F-Secure software) do not notify about the presence of such functionality, how should he know about it? Therefore, they make a request to activate (or install) the plugin. But keep the option to "refuse".

    I go to sites which are called a super dangerous site for all these silly AV products and i never ever had any infection from them, not has data been stolen. While most data leaked from me was by legit or even gov sites and the likes of G$, M$ and friends.

    So, very likely situations. However, real (I mean, serious and professional) leaks or threats can remain "unnamed" and "unrecognized" for years. Only after the "malicious actors" get bored or they use its full potential (or find buyers) - this data, the fact will become known. Anyway, a site or resource can be "known" as dangerous for a variety of reasons. Either they distribute malware, or create it, or be compromised, scammed, and so on. Simply put, rated as harmful or suspicious does not mean that the system will be "infected" directly. More means that according to the security solution, the site poses a risk (real or possible).

    And the impact of direct hacking of the service (or server), that is, data leakage, is not very often a reason to call a website dangerous. At least, if the hacking was not accompanied by a compromise and the addition of harmful pieces or some kind of exploits to the pages and which were not removed then. In the presence of HTTPS, it is not always possible to block a specific page of the website, but only the possibility of blocking to the domain directly remains. Since, with thoughts of confidentiality, it will not be known "which pages" on the domain were opened by the user. But it is known that this domain could contain specific URLs (like http: / / goodwebsite [.] /the_added_payload) with danger. Active or inactive.

    In addition, many scammers can customize the impact. So, a web page will only be truly harmful to users with a specific set of characteristics. Or conditions. Suppose only those who entered at one in the morning. Or with a certain screen size. Thus, many people will be able to use the service or visit the page without harm for a very long time. But for some, one visit will be enough for a harmful result. The security solution cannot know for sure whether the protected user is within the scope of the attackers.

    I have to tell that i am dutch so the AV is set to my local language automagical i can not switch it to english either.

    There is an option (before installing) - if you would like so. As described there (and explained why there is a certain chosen as default):

    Perhaps this is no longer available, but there is a workaround. If so, discussed and described there:

    Indeed need to reinstall (if installation is already in chosen language to switch it). But just so that there is no feeling that you do not have the ability to install in English (if you wish).

    Even M$ and G$ are called dangerous download sites by f-secure :D

    Which ones? Just to check with my own experience.

    And last but not least again the nag screen instant when i opened firefox

    Very thanks for screenshots!

    <<<<< can not find this anywhere.

    Well, based on your latest screnshot.

    There is a surfin' girl card. There is a ""Meer details.."".

    What you can see then? It should be 'larger' card with description about and two 'buttons" turn on / dismiss. Under the description should be checkmark "Don't ask again".

    Since your screenshot with four postponed tasks - make sure that you look at all of them. And that there is nothing to "scroll" - what if this checkmark just not visible with main focus.

    I will try to check on my own device later with Holland-localized installation and stable build.


  • ubronan
    ubronan Posts: 7 Explorer

    Well lol you go through great lenghts but i have to disapoint you

    I forgot to show that part so here is the page what shows after i scrolled all the way down of all the parts it wants me to enable again.

    When i press the instellen which is not correct translation as it should say installatie (install english) as that is what this buttons do.

    As i said from the beginning no choices to disable them

    The is absolute no way to skip the installing of the browser plugins

    If you know the virus and trojans business like i do, you should actually know that plugins in browsers do not protect at all they just collect data where you go and what you do kinda nothing else and trigger the av program when a known so called security risk site is visited by the ip address and host name list of all the AV vendors.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser


    When i press the instellen which is not correct translation as it should say installatie (install english) as that is what this buttons do. As i said from the beginning no choices to disable them

    So, yes... but these three 'tasks' more look like they are (previously) dismissed ones. So, listed as already dismissed back then. No any action is 'requested'. For this state you should dismiss them with "don't ask again" option at some point. Otherwise, it listed there with two buttons "Set up / Dismiss".

    When i press the instellen which is not correct translation as it should say installatie (install english) as that is what this buttons do.

    So, your current situation is disabled F-Secure Browsing Protection module as it visible on ""and again the nagging.JPG"". That is (was) not dismissed as such from "Meer details..". And already "dismissed" three tasks for three browsers.

    So, I will try to check with my own device about stable F-Secure SAFE and even (for sure) Holland-localized. But I am not sure when.

    At least, based on my beta installation. And replies from mentioned topics - there can be (or should be) mentioned option "don't ask again". At least, should not be outdated information about (more likely "from further days").

    What I could to suggest. Just as a try. Can you enable one of them for Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Firefox does not matter). So, it will be installed and enabled plugin. And ensure that task about this browser is no longer listed there.

    Then, disable / remove plugin from browser and wait for a notification task from F-Secure SAFE. By the way, good to enable Browsing Protection module back during this try. When you received task about this particular browser -> could you check whether it will be or not with mentioned "Don't ask again" checkbox.

    The is absolute no way to skip the installing of the browser plugins

    Well, installed plugin - but disabled is not an option for you? I mean, perhaps, indeed plugin can be (added) to browser then automatically - but it should not be enabled / activated itself. With disabled state - it is almost like "not installed".

    If this is a huge trouble for you (added plugin to browser, but disabled / inactive) - so.. need to check a bit further about.

    Another ask - by "nagging" - did you mean screen with words about disabled Browsing Protection module (from Settings). Or really you meant browser extension related nagging?

    So, as my own current feelings: there is a way to 'dismiss' offer to use BP extension in supported browsers. And keep extension / addon disabled. However, based on your experience - I have to check it with my own devices about stable build and localized version.

    If you know the virus and trojans business like i do, you should actually know that plugins in browsers do not protect at all they just collect data where you go and what you do kinda nothing else and trigger the av program when a known so called security risk site is visited by the ip address and host name list of all the AV vendors.

    So, it depends on what plugin there and what company there. What about F-Secure, there are plenty resources about subject. Including their Terms and Privacy policies.

    And the other side of this topic - I mentioned it too. Disabled browser extension should not really help you. At least, based on your description. Even if it will not nagging you to install extension and browser will be free of them - there are still protection against harmful rated-websites unless you turn off this setting (what you did).

    However, to disable Browsing Protection itself is not really necessary. Better to improve somewhat its design by your feedback.

    So, if certain websites / URLs are blocked - request re-rate them. If something 'broken' - request to fix flow and allow to use a certain service with enabled Browsing Protection.

    the main point of extension is a little described there: What is Browsing Protection? - F-Secure Community

    in general, support protection even via HTTPS - but not breaking it. As a quote from other resource: ""The extension enables F-Secure block page support for unwanted web content, rating icons and SafeSearch mode for search engines when HTTPS is used."". Quite often - not needed for experienced user.

    So, for better performance and smoothness. While your described concern is really pinned to a general Protection layer. So, webpages were blocked not because of addon/plugin. But I tried to suggest on all matters - how to deal with plugin (addon, extension), how to deal with the result of Protection, how to understand it or why it so.

    Anyway, if you will find a time to check mentioned steps about one of browsers - very nice. Alternatively, I will back when tried it on my own system.


  • ubronan
    ubronan Posts: 7 Explorer

    I do agree on many points but been busy so long to constant get the popping up nag screen which wants me to re-enable everything and even that you can not stop. So it is a flaw in design as i already mentioned i actually disabled f-secure almost completely and guess what lol it still is bugging me i atually disabled f-secure and installed a test version of bullguard to see how that behaves

    As i already said before i have been asking f-secure many times to stop being so annoying for advcanced users as for many people it is a great product, so i will not say it is not good because that would be a lie.

    It simply is super annoying for several people like me who know the browser plugins are for annoying as i have many sites which are reported bad or high risk.

    But when i explain them it is not, they stopped answering and completely ignored me.

    The same happens with many other AV product sellers they simply need many fake dangers to keep selling the products

    The more of them exist the more people buy a AV product, sadly for them the people who really need them choose stolen products from shady sites and use that.

    And trust these hacked programs to be safe and good, while they are at great risk to be turned into a botnet victim without knowing as soon as it is on the device. Not one AV program detects them anymore as they also need to please system and network admins to keep control over the remote devices, so almost all will not detect these nasty pieces of work without risking a false positive which could potentially make hundreds or much more working people suddenly not be able to work .....

    This is not a fake issue it actually happened a few times during my IT job, the result was that up to 2400 remote clients where locked out.

    As they where seen as infected entities, which took me many hours to get them back to operational.

    See when they are local clients you simply walk to the related clients but clients spread over the world makes it impossible to fix that easy.

    Anyway i have disabled f-secure from my main machine and am going to test some other brands.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser
    edited December 2021


    I can understand your point of view. But it must be borne in mind that just because of the voiced problem (well, as I was able to understand it), changing a security company (which you trust or consider good) to another is not the right step.

    Just as a discussion between users. I think there are only two or three other companies that could actually be closer to or better than F-Secure. However, F-Secure has a number of very super points that can sometimes outweigh it. Of course, many of them are subjective.

    Since you mentioned BullGuard. I had (have) a long-standing dream of using BullGuard. Ever since the days when they had a pretty cool firewall included. But I can say that almost all (or even all) systems where I tried it faced very serious problems or incompatibilities. At some point, even their firewall was a trouble (since outdated and not receiving fixes). In addition, changes there (even in the interface) did not occur so often. And the reliability canceled out some useful informativeness and some interesting options.

    Further, sometimes I try to look again once every two or three years. But without much change in opinion. The performance level disappointed me last time. A rather heavy way of using the system. Also, limited possibilities with other platforms and so on. Anyway, will be interesting how you will find it.

    It simply is super annoying for several people like me who know the browser plugins are for annoying as i have many sites which are reported bad or high risk.

    But again, the browser plugins in this case will only show you the "blockpage" and not the generic SSL problem (browser's generic screen). The webpage (rated as harmful, malicious or suspicious) will be blocked anyway, regardless of whether the plugin is there or not.

    Thus, if the most annoying point is 'blocked' websites - then need to understand which ones and why. If there is a reason - but you know it is a safe page - you can add it to list of allowed websites AND it should allow you to use website further. If this is wrong information about malicious intent of website - then to request re-rate it.

    Anyway and by the way.

    // decided to make screenshots a little bit smaller. But I think all is visible anyway.

    I tried with my system. F-Secure SAFE. Here is my experience:

    Top left corner with an option to choose language before installing. So, I decided to use Holland-base.

    Then I received task about "Microsoft Edge extension". And I decided to choose there "Meer details.."

    There checkbox "Dit niet opnieuw vragen". I check it, then dismiss offer. So far, I have not received any other prompts. The extension itself also did not manage to be added to the browser (and has not been added until now) - maybe because too small time for that (but with my beta installation - I just removed it from browser and dismiss related task - so - no difference about).

    So, at least, with my experience about stable F-Secure SAFE - there is an option. Not sure yet.. if I will receive any further tasks.

    If your original concern was about "Browsing Protection" module itself (disabled / turned off an ability to block harmful websites) - then maybe it will nagging.. but, actually, for this task.. there is also this option "don't ask again". But I do recommend to fix situation by transferring blocked URLs to F-Secure Labs. Or by allowing them "locally" via list of allowed / denied websites.


  • Jaims
    Jaims Posts: 846 Former F-Secure Employee

    Hi @ubronan

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Honestly, we have been following your post since inception and @Ukko has diligently addressed every point you raised but I'll just like to reiterate some viewpoints and of course to also let you know we're always here for you.

    We will not enforce the plugin activation on users which is why there's a disable button but we want you to be cognizant of the danger of disabling this feature, however, we understand it might not be needed sometimes as it is in your case. As @Ukko rightly pointed out, the benefits outweighs this nagging of which you have the option to simply disable it.

    I have tried to reproduce this issue on Wins 10 & 11 by turning off Browsing Protection plugin on Chrome and MS Edge browsers, upon restart, there was a notification which I eventually turned off and since then, there has not been any further nagging despite several restarts.

    The screenshots you sent are accurate and it appears you have already ticked "don't ask again" which is why you now only have the option of "Instellen" (interpret as "Set up" on my PCs). After this, there should not be any more nagging but if any, we humbly seek your cooperation to investigate this issue further. We don't mind opening a support ticket, contact you if you wish and follow up until resolution.

    Regarding the direct Dutch interpretation, let us know if "Instellen" translates to "Set up" as it is in the English version so I can ask the relevant team to look into this incase it's misleading.

    You mentioned you are currently running SAFE version 18.1, kindly update SAFE to version 18.2 by right clicking on the SAFE icon on the system tray then click on "Check for Updates" and click on "Check Now" on the next interface. We just want to ensure you are up to date!

    Perhaps I have accidentally omitted an important part, please point me to the direction. We're more than happy to follow up with you if the nagging persists after following the instructions provided.

    Thanks for your understanding and loyalty.

  • ubronan
    ubronan Posts: 7 Explorer

    As i told before it never stopped nagging and reinstall the plugins some especially chrome did install it without asking me at all

    Do not get me wrong i deleted and reinstalled f-secure several times till now and was baffled when Ukko pointed me at that page it should be able to stop it.

    With the edge ( chrome copy ) it showed as ready to install in the browser that is for me already still way too far as i had blocked if i had set it already.

    The only one which not showed it is the empty firefox where i only have one adblocker installed. but it also nags about that one.

    I keep repeating i might had set it to ignore installation of the plugings but the nagging never stopped.

    At some point i was fed up by the nagging and let it do its thing but as usual as it really is annoying when you constant have todo all kinda tricks to get paste the silly blocking of this plugins or again can not enter the update page of my paid product.

    From the moment i have this installed and tried todo everything to get rid of this for me super annoying behaviour.

    I was a IT specialist and darn well know what i am talking about, while i was writing the post it popped up twice as i was thinking about the text i was going to post. I closed it and poof there it is again.

    This time i was so fed up with it that i killed f-secure, so now its only active on my phone where it does not nag me.

    That was the weird part for me till i remembered i never use the apple browser ever i use firefox and that does not allow forced installs :D.

    I simply do not want this plugins as they do nothing usefull besides blocking sites who are not a risk at all, and after endless trying to stop it being annoying the patience of a person gets at his end.

    Anyway i have asked many times why it does not allow me to stop this nagging, so question remains why does it showed constant as it shows now and why does the program keep pushing me to do it while it actually should not do so.

    The same goes for the local ip issues i excluded them from this madness but it never stops, as kinda all browsers are now a copy of chrome besides firefox they also got this annoying behaviour.

    The plugins made it worse and made many sites which i know do not have the same dangerous owners still are in the blocklists, while we all know we run out of ip4 numbers they will be sold to new owners but all AV vendors keep them on the blocklists, some are for years owned by a small company selling backup or internet tools but nothing changes in the AV world they still are blocked.

    When i open my local ip addresses i do not need https there is simply no reason at all, non of these devices ever get contacted by me or others over the internet, so the only thing is that some of them once in 2 to 3 year or so pulling in the updates for this devices.

    Like synology and some of the network hardware, believe me these people know what they are doing as well.

    So i am sure this is good and secure stuff. I control it as well myself in most cases.

    Regarding the word instellen that is not a proper word for the installation of a plugin in proper dutch it should be "installeren"

    Instellen is more a word like tuning which does not fit for the purpose.

    Now end of the line i am not saying people without knowledge what goes on the internet should not stay safe and keep these things active.

    As they often can end up being scammed or tricked onto dangerous places.

    I kinda go to youtube myself when i see a link to look at something i do not click it on sites, when you do not check that link you might end up with a lot of trouble.

    I check the link by copy paste it onto the browser bar and make sure it really go to youtube or whatever and seek if that what i wanted goes really where i know its save.

    That is how carefull i am about these things often the link is rerouted and that can pose a huge risk, many shortlinks are for that reason dangerous.

    Besides info links form major programs like game makers or for instance steam links those i found this far as save to use.

    Anyway end of story i admit not to remember ever set it to ignore the browser plugins, but it actually is still pushing them and the nag screens kept coming for a very long time now.

  • ubronan
    ubronan Posts: 7 Explorer

    I found some failures in the register of windows and starting removing them

    Uninstalled f-secure and found some very weird register points showing up as damaged, i could not even read or look at them so i deleted these registerkeys

    Then made a restart and installed the last version and i can now indeed after my choice of browser plugin for the 3 major browsers work perfect, so till now the dreaded nagg screens no longer show these errors

    To me it seemed that the earlier versions had similar problems as i had these even in much earlier versions also.

    Most who only use one browser pointed out they did not had the same issue and others just installed the plugins, these people do not have a home network like me nor do they own a NAS in most cases.

    When these owners have a NAS i solved some of their problems by excluding these from being seen as a dangerous object.

    So it indeed showed me that i am kinda one of the few using 3 different browsers for split tasks, i have to make a choice between edge or chrome someday. Which is still difficult todo both have some weird behaviours or quirks at different tasks .

    Anyway problem solved and i am happy again.

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