How can I turn off "trusted site" popups?

HomebrewHaven Posts: 2 Observer
edited July 1 in Device Protection

I an an online collectibles reseller using a third party site to sell. Starting today, every time I open a new page on the site to check a listing I get this popup. I list hundreds of cards every week, and now I have to see this pop up on literally every one blocking the metrics I am trying to see. I know it's a trusted site, that's why I'm on it. This is ridiculous. Please help.

I'd love to post a screencap but I "need to be around a little while longer" before I can post links apparently.

Accepted Answers

  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 1,862 Community Manager
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Karibu

    We regret any inconvenience caused. Our team is actively addressing the issue and working on a fix. Unfortunately, we don't have a specific timeline for the release, however, rest assured, we'll keep you informed once the solution is available.

    It's worth noting that the feature in question is designed for F-Secure Total and the new F-Secure Internet Security, not for the legacy F-Secure Internet Security.

    We appreciate your understanding and patience in this matter. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out. Have a great day.

    Community Manager | F-Secure Community
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  • MarkL
    MarkL Posts: 2 Observer
    Answer ✓

    Well, I think they fixed it. New client rolled out today, and the pop-ups appear to have stopped popping up!



  • HomebrewHaven
    HomebrewHaven Posts: 2 Observer

    Lets see if this works

  • apa64
    apa64 Posts: 3 Observer

    I'd like to know how to disable the popup too. Is there any other way than disable the Trusted Shopping feature? I want to know if something is dangerous, ie. not the default case.

    This guide DOES NOT help, there's no "more details" or "don't ask again" options anywhere:

  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 1,862 Community Manager

    Hello @HomebrewHaven @apa64

    Welcome to the F-Secure Community. Thank you for your post and comment.

    We are excited to introduce a new feature called "Trusted Shopping." This feature becomes particularly crucial during the festive season, as users engage in festive shopping over the next two months, as reported in this link:

    Trusted Shopping is enabled by default to enhance the security of your online shopping experience. When you visit a shopping website, a safety rating pop-up appears in the lower-right corner of the page, indicating the website's trustworthiness. If the shopping site is deemed safe, the pop-up will disappear after a brief moment and will not reappear during the shopping session. However, if the site is considered unsafe, the warning pop-up will persist on the page until you exit the site.

    If you wish to disable this feature, you can easily do so under Settings in Secure Browsing. For more detailed instructions, please refer to this link: Shopping safely online | Total | Latest | F-Secure User Guides

    Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or need assistance.

    Thank you, and have a great day.

    Community Manager | F-Secure Community
    🔐 Strengthening digital security through knowledge and collaboration
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  • Kepo
    Kepo Posts: 2 Observer

    I would like to keep the trusted shopping feature but disable the pop-up notification completely. How can that be done?

  • mcmama96
    mcmama96 Posts: 8 Explorer

    I am like you. I don't mind the popup if I accidentally go to a bad site. It is appreciated. However, How can I disable it just for trusted sites? Maybe even have a setting where you can check not to have the popup for this site?

  • Kepo
    Kepo Posts: 2 Observer

    Exactly! Beats me what they have thought implementing this annoying pop-up for no reason whatsoever. No doubt some young designer just thinks it's cool :(

  • LelleKidd
    LelleKidd Posts: 2 Observer

    Same here, I pay good money for F-Secure Total and don't want to disable parts of it because of a silly mistake by the developers.

  • mcmama96
    mcmama96 Posts: 8 Explorer

    Mine came with my business account on spectrum, which like you I pay good money monthly. Sad part. I called spectrum about the issue and long story short, they can't help and told me to call F-Secure. F-Secure won't help me and told me to call Spectrum. What is a person to do? I sure hope support sees this post.

  • LelleKidd
    LelleKidd Posts: 2 Observer

    The funny thing is that when I go to a less reliable site, no popup comes up at all...

  • veps
    veps Posts: 2 Observer

    Really annoying feature. Pop-ups here and there, everywhere. Soon people will discard those and do not pay attention when there actually is a potential risk.

    Like mentioned I do not mind if pop-up is displayed when there is a risk or unknown online store is accessed. But this kind of no no.

    I understand that target group for this are those basic users that the product is sold to keep you safe from all hazards of intenet. They probably are happy and feel safe. Advanced users on the other hand...not.

    Luckily instructions on how to remove this feature have been posted here, thanks for that.

  • mcmama96
    mcmama96 Posts: 8 Explorer

    I agree with you "VEPS". They probably do feel safe. The problem that we here have noticed, there is only a popup for great sites. We have not seen the bad site popup. So how safe are we?

    So, now we only have the option to turn it off completely. Right now it is not so bad, since it is not working. We will then never know if they fix it to work correctly. This leaves us vulnerable again!

    We can't win for losing.

    SO< how do we make sure they know of this issue?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser


    Sorry for the discussion.

    The funny thing is that when I go to a less reliable site, no popup comes up at all...

    is that website also rated as "Shopping" one? If not - no popup will be visible.

    as such, you can think about it like "if this website is not rated/categorized as Shopping - then it is not reliable enough for F-Secure database". And so - not enough reliable for you.

    by "rated as Shopping" I mean - you can see that 'category' in the top-left corner of information card in Search Engine's results. Or by opening F-Secure Browsing Protection menu (by clicking on F-Secure addon logo) while visiting website.

    A bit of about my own feelings about feature:

    • there are quite many websites (which I would trust and think it is perfectly fine ones, but they are not rated as such); and, so, it is not entirely clean how to treat smileys and how "four smileys of five" is bad. Quite many very trusted websites are rated as such.
    • also it is unknown for me - what means by Trusted Shopping rating. Company itself is not fully trusted; this particular website is not fully trusted; website is okay, but shopping there is not fully trusted.. and so on.

    I tried to discuss these points before, but never tried to discuss next ones (as such):

    • is it okay to receive this pop-up per tab instead by something else. I mean, we tried to search something in Search Engine. Then, to open multiple pages (in different tabs) from the same website. Each tab will receive this pop-up in one form or another; refreshing page will re-trigger it too.

    However, when to think about Trusted Shopping feature as follows:

    • we do receive one pop-up per 'shopping' session per opened website, then it is fine. Even it is good to inform me that this website is safe and okay.
    • notification about safe ones is temporarily. Should disappeared after a couple of seconds. Or even can be closed manually.
    • while notification about 'unsafe' ones - will be constant.

    Also, for example, I tried to reproduce original trouble from topic starter.

    I do, actually, able to open mentioned website (from screenshot). However, since my installation also with Parental Control (in use) - after trying to navigate across website or to open any further pages - most of them or ALL of them are blocked as "unrated/uncategorized". So, maybe this particular situation with a bit of random state - when some reputation/categorization are not fully in place.

    because, for example, by opening another shopping website - I open a new page on the site without extra popups after the first one.

    In addition, I feel that informing only about 'dangerous' cases is a pretty one suggestion. Or, at least, can be an option. However for unexperienced shoppers - to inform them about 'trusted' ones (temporarily per opening page) is also quite normal as for me.


  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 1,862 Community Manager

    Hello @Kepo @mcmama96 @LelleKidd @veps @Ukko

    Thank you all for providing valuable feedback. We truly appreciate the insights, as they contribute to enhancing our service and features to better protect our users.

    Currently, we are actively working on a fix to make the appearance of the popup configurable. While we don't able to advise a specific timeline at the moment, we will keep you all informed as soon as we have more information.

    Thank you once again, and have a good day.

    Community Manager | F-Secure Community
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  • mcmama96
    mcmama96 Posts: 8 Explorer

    Thank you for letting us know you saw this. Our question for you right now. Can we safely turn it off and get a notification here that you have fixed it so we can turn it back on?

  • CrispinH
    CrispinH Posts: 1 Observer

    Blocking this pop-up for safe sites can't come soon enough for me.

    It's also a bit weird that it had '' as not fully safe. We need to know what criteria are used to consider a site to be something other than safe.

  • Drakmo
    Drakmo Posts: 1 Observer

    Came here just to ensure you that there are even more users that are beyond annoyed of this so called feature.

    Good that you are on it but you literally implemented a "Nothing to see here" sign that is in front of the thing we want to see.

    Please do a retrospective with each and every Product-Owner, Designer and Developer that ever thought this could be a somehow useful feature.

    They clearly did not ask "the customer"

  • Paulus1979
    Paulus1979 Posts: 7 Explorer

    I have to open several webshop pages every minute for my work and am very very annoyed by this insane pop-up showing up every time again.

    Please stop it as soon as possible because this is a very big and annoying mistake.

  • Karibu
    Karibu Posts: 31 Contributor

    The Trusted Shopping pop-up is an epic fail because it provides a very poor user experience and it does not work as intended.

    I have Internet Security 19.2, and there are no settings anywhere within the GUI to disable Trusted Shopping notifications.

  • mcmama96
    mcmama96 Posts: 8 Explorer

    I have 19.2. Open the security suite. Click the 3 lines on the left and go to settings. On the left click Secure browsing and scroll down to trusted shopping and disable it.

    The sad part is, this disables it completely, not just for the good site. The good news, it stops the popup.

    We are all waiting for them to fix it and hopefully post here that it is fixed. But doubt they post here.

    I hope this is what you were looking for.

  • Karibu
    Karibu Posts: 31 Contributor

    No. There are no settings in 19.2 Internet Security to disable Trusted Shopping.

    I posted images of my 19.2 GUI elsewhere on this forum. Again, there are no such settings in my 19.2.

  • mcmama96
    mcmama96 Posts: 8 Explorer

    ok, Sorry. I did not see your images. Mine looks like this and I just assumed they all did if they were 19.2

  • MarkL
    MarkL Posts: 2 Observer

    The help clearly states;

    To switch off or on Trusted Shopping:

    1. Open the F-Secure app.
    2. On the main view, select Secure Browsing.
    3. On the Secure Browsing view, select Settings.
    4. Select Edit settings.
    5. Switch off or on Trusted Shopping.

    I have the latest client and "Trusted shopping" doesn't appear as an option in the Secure Browsing settings, so I can't turn this annoying pop-up off!!

  • Karibu
    Karibu Posts: 31 Contributor

    Unbeknownst to any of you is this fact which F-Secure is aware of but has not yet publicly shared with anyone (and probably never will; it will just "fix" the issue silently)...

    Trusted Shopping is a bloat feature created and intended only for the TOTAL version.

    Trusted Shopping was never meant to be pushed to INTERNET SECURITY version, but people at F-Secure dropped the ball and the pop-up code got pushed to the IS version without the Trusted Shopping settings in Secure Browsing.

    Lots of people with IS subscriptions have been reporting issues with the incredibly annoying and useless Trusted Shopping pop-ups on security forums. They are also reporting how the pop-ups appear multiple times while visiting a single vendor website.

    Not only that, Trusted Shopping gives pop-ups on websites where the user is not there to make any purchase - ever.

    Next, Trusted Shopping gives dismal ratings to niche/not well-known websites that people have done business with for a long time. Now, because of these annoying Trusted Shopping pop-ups, they are skittish and online seeking advice on how secure this or that website is.

    Trusted Shopping pop-ups = Epic Fail. And that does not even take into consideration the F-Secure screw-up on IS. These pop-ups will always create far more problems (fear, uncertainty, doubt) than they will ever solve.

    If I was a small vendor using a not-well-known website and the F-Secure Trusted Shopping pop-ups deterred people from buying on my website, rest assured I'd go after F-Secure.

  • mcmama96
    mcmama96 Posts: 8 Explorer

    yes, they did not make the instructions clear. You need to click the 3 lines on the left and go to settings, Then to secure browsing. It is a mess

  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 1,862 Community Manager

    Hello @Karibu

    Thank you for your comment and feedback. We really appreciate it.

    No. There are no settings in 19.2 Internet Security to disable Trusted Shopping.

    I posted images of my 19.2 GUI elsewhere on this forum. Again, there are no such settings in my 19.2.

    If you haven't already, we recommend uninstalling and then reinstalling the app. For a thorough removal, you can utilize our Uninstallation tool, ensuring a clean reinstallation. Find more details in this link: How do I uninstall F-Secure products using the Uninstallation Tool? - F-Secure Community

    We're actively addressing the notification issue and are currently in the testing phase of a fix that will offer improved configurability. Rest assured, we'll keep you informed once the solution is available.

    Should you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to let us know.

    Thank you, and have a great day.

    Community Manager | F-Secure Community
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  • mickeymoo
    mickeymoo Posts: 1 Observer

    uninstalling and then reinstalling the app has no effect on removing the popup banner . having tried it, its a waste of time as you simply reinstal version 19.2 . i am using win10 and find this safe shopping feature annoying . there are no options in setting to turn it off . hopefully the "fix" will be activated soon

  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 1,862 Community Manager

    Hello @mickeymoo

    Welcome to the F-Secure Community. Thank you for your comment.

    We regret for any misunderstanding. The suggestion to uninstall and reinstall the app was provided in reference to the issue concerning the missing option to turn off the "Trusted Shopping" feature.

    Regarding the pop-up banner, please be informed that we are currently in the testing phase, and updates to this feature will be communicated once available.

    If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.

    Thank you and have a good day.

    Community Manager | F-Secure Community
    🔐 Strengthening digital security through knowledge and collaboration
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  • Karibu
    Karibu Posts: 31 Contributor

    Virtually all the complaints in this thread are being made by F-Secure Internet Security subscribers - and not TOTAL subscribers which do have Trusted Shopping settings in their GUIs.

    Trusted Shopping was never created nor meant for the Internet Security version. The Trusted Shopping pop-ups appearing in Internet Security is an officially F-Secure confirmed bug and the Trusted Shopping will never appear in Internet Security. F-Secure development is going to create a fix to remove the Trusted Shopping pop-ups from Internet Security. Your own official F-Secure support has stated these facts during phone support calls across multiple Internet Security subscribers that have reached out to F-Secure support about this annoyance and confusion.

    Reach out to your own F-Secure people so that you are fully informed of what is happening with Trusted Shopping.

    Another epic fail that shows internally functional area within F-Secure does not know the facts and what other functional areas are saying/doing.

This discussion has been closed.