Beta Renewals

I think that maybe it is an ability to check this kind of functionality.
But, based on this knowledgebase article:
reminder should be before one week (not two weeks).
So, maybe it is a bug;
OR, otherwise, specific configuration for beta. More smooth ability to check functionality with enough time.
Thanks! -
I am getting messages that my subscription license is expiring in a few days. On my FS Protection there is a Renew link but when I click it, it says that I cannot renew it since it is a beta version. I would like to continue in the beta program. But I'm getting nervous about the license being renewed, Does anyone happen to know if the beta license will be renewed? Thank you very much!
Thank you Simon! I appreciate the info. I tried checking for updates & it says it was last updated yesterday. But I clicked "check for updates" any way. But nothing happened. & it still says license expiring in a few days. I might try rebooting my computer & see if that does anything. It says I only have a few days left. I'll keep checking. Thank you!
Thank you again Simon! I sent a quick message to Ville.
Thank you Cale! I'm not sure if you were replying to Ferfrog or both of us. I sent a quick message to Ville, just to be sure. But if you sent my message to him too, Thank you! I really hope the license will be renewed by Monday, since I believe that's my last day for my license to be renewed. I'm getting a little nervous. Thank you again!